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Report Picture Dialog Box

Makes it possible for you to include pictures or contents of General fields in your report or label.

This dialog box appears when you choose Picture/OLE Bound Control from the Report Controls toolbar and place the control on a report or label. For more information, see How to: Add Pictures to Reports and How to: Add General Fields to Reports.


Depending on the setting of the _REPORTBUILDER system variable, this dialog may be replaced by an alternative user interface. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

Specifies an expression controlling the suppression or display of an image.

  • Print When
    Displays the Print When dialog box so you can control when to print picture or the General field. For more information, see Print When Dialog Box.

Picture from

Specifies the source as an image file or a General field.

If picture and frame are different sizes

Specifies how to display an image file or a General field when resizing it or when the size of the image or General field differs from the frame that contains it.

  • Clip picture (Default)
    The rendered output of the control source always appears anchored at the upper left corner of the control frame.

    If the control source is larger than the frame, only the upper left region of the control source that fits inside the dimensions on the control is displayed.

    If the control source is smaller than the control outline, the control will resize to fit, or remain transparent in the area not covered by the rendered control source.

  • Scale picture, retain shape
    The rendered output of the control is displayed reduced in size so that the largest dimension fits inside the constraints of the frame of the control. The rendered output retains its relative proportions.


    This option protects the picture or General field from vertical or horizontal distortion.

  • Scale picture, fill the frame
    The rendered output of the control is scaled to completely fill the dimesions of the control frame, stretching it vertically or horizontally as necessary.


    This option can cause vertical or horizontal distortion.

Object Position

Specifies position settings for the report control.

  • Float
    Specifies that the control moves down the page when a control that appears above it expands downward.

  • Fixed relative to top of band
    Specifies that the control remain in position relative to the top of the band that contains it.

  • Fixed relative to bottom of band
    Specifies that the control remain in position relative to the bottom of the band that contains it.

  • Center picture
    Centers a General field when it is smaller than the frame that contains it. Otherwise, the General field displays in the upper-left corner of the frame.

  • Comment
    Specifies comment text for the control as reference only. They are saved with the layout file but do not appear in the report or label.

See Also

Other Resources

Adding Report Controls

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)