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AuthorityPageCollection.Create, méthode (Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration)

Creates an authoritative page.

Espace de noms : Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration
Assembly : Microsoft.Office.Server.Search (dans


Public Function Create ( _
    url As Uri, _
    level As Single _
) As AuthorityPage
Dim instance As AuthorityPageCollection
Dim url As Uri
Dim level As Single
Dim returnValue As AuthorityPage

returnValue = instance.Create(url, level)
public AuthorityPage Create (
    Uri url,
    float level


  • url
    A System.Uri object representing the URL of the authoritative page.
  • level
    A floating-point number specifying the level value for the authoritative page. Must be 0, 1, or 2.

Valeur de retour

An AuthorityPage object.


Authoritative pages, designated by the Shared Services Provider administrator, are pages that link to the most relevant information. For more information, see Amélioration de la pertinence and Présentation de l'architecture de pertinence de la recherche de contenu d'entreprise.

Because there can be several authoritative pages for a Shared Services Provider, you can specify how valuable the page is when creating the authoritative page with the level parameter. For the most valuable pages, specify 0 (zero) for the level parameter.

Voir aussi


AuthorityPageCollection, classe
Membres AuthorityPageCollection
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration, espace de noms