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ContentFormatter Constructor

Initializes a ContentFormatter object with a notification class and name.

Espace de noms: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll)


Public Sub New ( _
    ncParent As NotificationClass, _
    name As String _
public ContentFormatter (
    NotificationClass ncParent,
    string name
ContentFormatter (
    NotificationClass^ ncParent, 
    String^ name
public ContentFormatter (
    NotificationClass ncParent, 
    String name
public function ContentFormatter (
    ncParent : NotificationClass, 
    name : String


  • name
    A String that specifies the logical name of the content formatter.

    You cannot change the name. You must instead remove the content formatter and then add a content formatter with the new name.


The following examples show how to create and define a content formatter object for the built-in XSLT content formatter:

// Add the XSLT content formatter to the notification class
ContentFormatter contentFormatter = 
    new ContentFormatter(flightNotifications, "XsltFormatter");

// Define content formatter arguments
ContentFormatterArgument contentFormatterArgument1 = 
    new ContentFormatterArgument(
    contentFormatter, "XsltBaseDirectoryPath");
contentFormatterArgument1.Value = @"C:\NS\Full\XSLFiles";
ContentFormatterArgument contentFormatterArgument2 = 
    new ContentFormatterArgument(contentFormatter, "XsltFileName");
contentFormatterArgument2.Value = "NoOp.xslt";

// Add arguments to content formatter

// Assign the content formatter to the notification class
flightNotifications.ContentFormatter = contentFormatter;
' Add the XSLT content formatter to the notification class
Dim contentFormatter As ContentFormatter = _
    New ContentFormatter(flightNotifications, "XsltFormatter")

' Define content formatter arguments
Dim contentFormatterArgument1 As ContentFormatterArgument = _
    New ContentFormatterArgument(contentFormatter, _
contentFormatterArgument1.Value = "C:\NS\Full\XSLFiles"
Dim contentFormatterArgument2 As ContentFormatterArgument = _
    New ContentFormatterArgument(contentFormatter, _
contentFormatterArgument2.Value = "NoOp.xslt"

' Add arguments to content formatter
contentFormatter.ContentFormatterArguments.Add( _
contentFormatter.ContentFormatterArguments.Add( _

' Assign the content formatter to the notification class
flightNotifications.ContentFormatter = contentFormatter


Plateformes de développement

Pour obtenir la liste des plateformes prises en charge, consultez Configuration matérielle et logicielle requise pour l'installation de SQL Server 2005.

Plateformes cibles

Pour obtenir la liste des plateformes prises en charge, consultez Configuration matérielle et logicielle requise pour l'installation de SQL Server 2005.

Voir aussi


ContentFormatter Class
ContentFormatter Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo Namespace

Autres ressources

Configuration des modules de formatage de contenu
ContentFormatter Element (ADF)