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Membres IDTSBuffer100

Represents an in-memory, two-dimensional storage object that contains rows and columns.

Le type IDTSBuffer100 expose les membres suivants.


  Nom Description
Méthode publique AddBLOBData Appends byte data to a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique AddRow Adds a new row to an IDTSBuffer100 object.
Méthode publique Clone Creates a private copy of an IDTSBuffer100 object.
Méthode publique DirectErrorRow Sends a row in an IDTSBuffer100 object to an IDTSOutput100 whose IsErrorOut property is true.
Méthode publique DirectRow Sends a row in an IDTSBuffer100 to an IDTSOutput100.
Méthode publique GetBLOBData Retrieves an array of bytes from a binary large object (BLOB) stored in a column of a IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetBLOBLength Gets the number of bytes contained in a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetBLOBObject Gets an IDTSBLOBObject100 that is used to read and write the bytes in a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetBLOBStream Gets an IStream interface used to access the binary large object (BLOB) stored in a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetBoundaryInfo Gets the number of columns and the maximum number of rows that an IDTSBuffer100 can hold.
Méthode publique GetColumnCount Gets the number of columns in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetColumnInfo Gets the DTP_BUFFCOL structure for the specified column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetData Retrieves the data stored in a specified row and column of a IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetDataByRef (Feature deprecated, see Remarks.) Gets a pointer to the data stored in a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetFlatMemory Gets a pointer to the bytes stored by an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetID Retrieves the ID of a buffer.
Méthode publique GetManager Gets a buffer manager.
Méthode publique GetRowCount Gets the number of rows stored in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetRowDataBytes (Feature deprecated, see Remarks.) Gets a pointer to the start of a row in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetRowStarts (Feature deprecated, see Remarks.) Use the GetData or GetBLOBData method instead of the GetRowStarts method.
Méthode publique GetStatus Retrieves the status information of a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique GetType Gets the handle of a buffer type.
Méthode publique IsEndOfRowset Specifies whether an IDTSBuffer100 has reached the end of its collection of rows.
Méthode publique IsNull Checks whether a specified column is null.
Méthode publique LockData Locks the data in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique MoveRow Moves a row in an IDTSBuffer100 to a new location.
Méthode publique PrepareDataStatusForInsert Sets the status value of the columns in a range of rows.
Méthode publique RemoveRow Deletes a row from an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique ResetBLOBData Deletes the bytes stored in a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique SetBLOBFromObject Assigns the data contained in an IDTSBLOBObject100 to a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique SetBLOBFromStream Assigns data to a binary large object (BLOB) column from a sequential stream.
Méthode publique SetData Assigns data to a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique SetEndOfRowset Notifies an IDTSBufferManager100 that the component has finished adding rows to an output IDTSBuffer100 object.
Méthode publique SetErrorInfo Sets the error information for a row.
Méthode publique SetStatus Sets the status information of a column in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique SwapRows Swaps the location of two rows in an IDTSBuffer100.
Méthode publique UnlockData Unlocks the data in an IDTSBuffer100 object.

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