Retrieving the Path Where Windows Movie Maker and Windows DVD Maker are Installed
You can retrieve the path where Windows Movie Maker and Windows DVD Maker are installed on Windows Vista by querying the InprocServer32 registry entry under the following subkey:
The InprocServer32 registry entry has the form shown in the following table.
Name | Type | Data |
(Default) | REG_EXPAND_SZ | A string that specifies the path to the location of WMM2FILT.dll. |
ThreadingModel | REG_SZ | A string value. (for example, "Both") |
A typical value for this key is "%ProgramFiles%\Movie Maker\WMM2FILT.dll", indicating that "%ProgramFiles%\Movie Maker\" is the path to the location where both Windows Movie Maker and Windows DVD Maker are installed.
See Also