For quick and reliable answers to product or technical questions you might have about Azure Communication Services, engage with us on Microsoft Q&A. You can get answers from:
Microsoft engineers
Azure Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs)
Our community
If you can't find an answer to your problem by searching, you can submit a new question to Microsoft Q&A. When you create a question, make sure to use the Azure Communication Services tag.
Post a question on Stack Overflow
You can also try asking your question on Stack Overflow, which has a large developer community and ecosystem. Azure Communication Services has a dedicated tag there too.
Post a question on Tech Community
Microsoft Tech Community is another place where you can ask product or technical questions. The Azure Communication Services team regularly posts blogs and hosts "Ask Me Anything" events on this forum.
Provide feedback through Azure Feedback
You can post and upvote ideas, feature requests, and feedback that others in the community share via our Azure Feedback channel.
Provide feedback through the Azure portal
To provide feedback on specific functionalities that Azure Communication Services provides on the Azure portal, submit your feedback via buttons or links that have this icon:
Here are some examples:
To give feedback about phone numbers, on the Phone Numbers pane, select Give feedback.
To give feedback about the connection experience to a notification hub, select the following link:
We appreciate your feedback and energy to help us improve our services. Let us know if you're satisfied with Azure Communication Services through this survey.
Improve business processes for customer service functions, such as automatic case creation and queue management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service.