Azure.ResourceManager.Monitor.Models Namespace
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Action |
Describes a receiver that should be resubscribed. |
Action |
An action group object for the body of patch operations. |
Activity |
A pointer to an Azure Action Group. |
Activity |
An Activity Log Alert rule condition that is met when all its member conditions are met. Each condition can be of one of the following types: Important: Each type has its unique subset of properties. Properties from different types CANNOT exist in one condition.
Activity |
An Activity Log Alert rule object for the body of patch operations. |
Alert |
The action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. Please note AlertRuleAction is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include RuleEmailAction and RuleWebhookAction. |
Alert |
The condition that results in the alert rule being activated. Please note AlertRuleCondition is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include LocationThresholdRuleCondition, ManagementEventRuleCondition and ThresholdRuleCondition. |
Alert |
An Activity Log Alert rule condition that is met by comparing the field and value of an Activity Log event. This condition must contain 'field' and either 'equals' or 'containsAny'. |
Alert |
The alert rule object for patch operations. |
Arm |
Model factory for models. |
Arm |
The ArmResourceGetMonitorMetricBaselinesOptions. |
Arm |
The ArmResourceGetMonitorMetricsOptions. |
Autoscale |
Autoscale notification. |
Autoscale |
Autoscale profile. |
Autoscale |
A rule that provide the triggers and parameters for the scaling action. |
Autoscale |
Specifies an auto scale rule metric dimension. |
Autoscale |
The autoscale setting object for patch operations. |
Autoscale |
The response to a metrics query. |
Batch |
Batch processor. |
Condition |
The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. Relevant only for rules of the kind LogAlert. |
Data |
Failover configuration on this endpoint. This property is READ-ONLY. |
Data |
Metadata for the resource. This property is READ-ONLY. |
Data |
Metadata about the resource. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleBcdrFailoverConfigurationSpec. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleBcdrLocationSpec. |
Data |
The specification of data sources. This property is optional and can be omitted if the rule is meant to be used via direct calls to the provisioned endpoint. |
Data |
The specification of destinations. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleEventHubDataSource. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleEventHubDestination. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleEventHubDirectDestination. |
Data |
Metadata about the resource. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRulePrivateLinkScopedResourceInfo. |
Data |
Metadata about the resource. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleStorageBlobDestination. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleStorageTableDestination. |
Data |
Definition of custom data column. |
Data |
Information about a container with data for a given resource. |
Data |
Information about a Log Analytics Workspace. |
Data |
Definition of which streams are sent to which destinations. |
Data |
Definition of Event Hub configuration. |
Data |
Specification of data sources that will be collected. |
Data |
Declaration of a custom stream. |
Destinations |
Specification of destinations that can be used in data flows. |
Dynamic |
Criterion for dynamic threshold. |
Dynamic |
The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. |
Email |
Email notification of an autoscale event. |
Event |
The Http request info. |
Event |
The Azure event log entries are of type EventData. |
Extension |
Definition of which data will be collected from a separate VM extension that integrates with the Azure Monitor Agent. Collected from either Windows and Linux machines, depending on which extension is defined. |
Iis |
Enables IIS logs to be collected by this data collection rule. |
Incident |
An Incident receiver. |
Incident |
The connection info for Incident Receiver. |
Location |
A rule condition based on a certain number of locations failing. |
Log |
Log Analytics destination. |
Log |
Definition of which custom log files will be collected by this data collection rule. |
Log |
The log profile resource for patch operations. |
Log |
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings. Specifies the settings for a particular log. |
Management |
How the data that is collected should be combined over time. |
Management |
A management event rule condition. |
Metric |
An alert action. |
Metric |
The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule. Please note MetricAlertCriteria is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MetricAlertMultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria and WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria. |
Metric |
Specifies the metric alert criteria for multiple resource that has multiple metric criteria. |
Metric |
The metric alert resource for patch operations. |
Metric |
Specifies the metric alert criteria for a single resource that has multiple metric criteria. |
Metric |
An alert status. |
Metric |
An alert status properties. |
Metric |
Criterion to filter metrics. |
Metric |
Specifies a metric dimension. |
Metric |
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings. Specifies the settings for a particular metric. |
Metric |
The trigger that results in a scaling action. |
Monitor |
An arm role receiver. |
Monitor |
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver. |
Monitor |
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver. |
Monitor |
An azure function receiver. |
Monitor |
Represents a baseline metadata value. |
Monitor |
Dimension splitting and filtering definition. |
Monitor |
An email receiver. |
Monitor |
An Event hub receiver. |
Monitor |
An alert incident indicates the activation status of an alert rule. |
Monitoring |
Monitoring account destination. |
Monitor |
An Itsm receiver. |
Monitor |
The localizable string class. |
Monitor |
A logic app receiver. |
Monitor |
Represents a metric metadata value. |
Monitor |
The result data of a query. |
Monitor |
Metric availability specifies the time grain (aggregation interval or frequency) and the retention period for that time grain. |
Monitor |
Metric definition class specifies the metadata for a metric. |
Monitor |
Metric namespace class specifies the metadata for a metric namespace. |
Monitor |
The metric dimension name and value. |
Monitor |
Represents a metric value. |
Monitor |
Properties that define the scope private link mode settings. |
Monitor |
Properties that define the scope private link mode settings exclusion item. This setting applies to a specific private endpoint connection and overrides the default settings for that private endpoint connection. |
Monitor |
The status of operation. |
Monitor |
A container holding only the Tags for a resource, allowing the user to update the tags on a PrivateLinkScope instance. |
Monitor |
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. |
Monitor |
The repeating times at which this profile begins. This element is not used if the FixedDate element is used. |
Monitor |
The parameters for the scaling action. |
Monitor |
The number of instances that can be used during this profile. |
Monitor |
The baseline values for a single sensitivity value. |
Monitor |
The baseline results of a single metric. |
Monitor |
An SMS receiver. |
Monitor |
The baseline values for a single time series. |
Monitor |
A time series result type. The discriminator value is always TimeSeries in this case. |
Monitor |
A specific date-time for the profile. |
Monitor |
A voice receiver. |
Monitor |
A webhook receiver. |
Monitor |
The Data Collection Rule and Endpoint used for ingestion by default. |
Monitor |
Settings for data ingestion. |
Monitor |
Azure Monitor Workspace Logs Api configurations. |
Monitor |
Azure Monitor Workspace Logs specific configurations. |
Monitor |
Cache configurations. |
Monitor |
Concurrent publishing configuration. |
Monitor |
Record map for schema in azure monitor. |
Monitor |
Resource map for schema in azure monitor. |
Monitor |
Schema map for azure monitor for logs. |
Monitor |
Scope map for schema in azure monitor. |
Monitor |
Information about metrics for the workspace. |
Monitor |
Properties related to the metrics container in the Azure Monitor Workspace. |
Monitor |
The private endpoint connection resource. |
Monitor |
The type used for update operations of the AzureMonitorWorkspace. |
Multi |
The types of conditions for a multi resource alert. Please note MultiMetricCriteria is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include DynamicMetricCriteria and MetricCriteria. |
Notification |
The action detail. |
Notification |
The request body which contain contact detail metadata. |
Notification |
The context info. |
Notification |
The details of the test notification results. |
Perf |
Definition of which performance counters will be collected and how they will be collected by this data collection rule. Collected from both Windows and Linux machines where the counter is present. |
Pipeline |
Exporter Info. |
Pipeline |
Networking configuration for the pipeline group instance. |
Pipeline |
Networking route configuration. |
Pipeline |
The type used for update operations of the PipelineGroup. |
Pipeline |
Processor Info. |
Pipeline |
Receiver Info. |
Pipeline |
Service Info. |
Pipeline |
Pipeline Info. |
Platform |
Definition of platform telemetry data source configuration. |
Predictive |
The parameters for enabling predictive autoscale. |
Predictive |
Represents a predictive metric value in the given bucket. |
Prometheus |
Definition of Prometheus metrics forwarding configuration. |
Recurrent |
The scheduling constraints for when the profile begins. |
Resource |
Definition of ARM tracked top level resource properties for update operation. |
Retention |
Specifies the retention policy for the log. |
Rule |
The resource from which the rule collects its data. Please note RuleDataSource is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include RuleManagementEventDataSource and RuleMetricDataSource. |
Rule |
Specifies the action to send email when the rule condition is evaluated. The discriminator is always RuleEmailAction in this case. |
Rule |
A rule management event data source. The discriminator fields is always RuleManagementEventDataSource in this case. |
Rule |
A rule metric data source. The discriminator value is always RuleMetricDataSource in this case. |
Rule |
Specifies the action to post to service when the rule condition is evaluated. The discriminator is always RuleWebhookAction in this case. |
Scheduled |
Actions to invoke when the alert fires. |
Scheduled |
A condition of the scheduled query rule. |
Scheduled |
The scheduled query rule resource for patch operations. |
Sender |
the authorization used by the user who has performed the operation that led to this event. This captures the RBAC properties of the event. These usually include the 'action', 'role' and the 'scope'. |
Subscription |
The result data of a query. |
Subscription |
The SubscriptionResourceGetMonitorMetricsOptions. |
Subscription |
Query parameters can also be specified in the body, specifying the same parameter in both the body and query parameters will result in an error. |
Subscription |
The SubscriptionResourceGetMonitorMetricsWithPostOptions. |
Syslog |
Definition of which syslog data will be collected and how it will be collected. Only collected from Linux machines. |
Syslog |
Base receiver using TCP as transport protocol. |
Threshold |
A rule condition based on a metric crossing a threshold. |
Udp |
Receiver using UDP as transport protocol. |
Webhook |
Webhook notification of an autoscale event. |
Webtest |
Specifies the metric alert rule criteria for a web test resource. |
Windows |
Definition of which Windows Event Log events will be collected and how they will be collected. Only collected from Windows machines. |
Windows |
Enables Firewall logs to be collected by this data collection rule. |
Alert |
Severity of the alert. Should be an integer between [0-4]. Value of 0 is severest. Relevant and required only for rules of the kind LogAlert. |
Data |
The resource provisioning state. This property is READ-ONLY. |
Data |
The kind of the resource. |
Data |
The resource provisioning state. |
Data |
The resource provisioning state in this location. |
Data |
The DataCollectionRuleKnownPrometheusForwarderDataSourceStream. |
Data |
The resource provisioning state. |
Data |
The kind of the resource. |
Data |
The type of the column data. |
Data |
The DataFlowStream. |
Data |
The status of VM Insights data from the resource. When reported as |
Dynamic |
The operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold. |
Dynamic |
The extent of deviation required to trigger an alert. This will affect how tight the threshold is to the metric series pattern. |
Extension |
The ExtensionDataSourceStream. |
Incident |
The incident management service type. |
Log |
The data format of the log files. |
Log |
One of the supported timestamp formats. |
Metric |
the criteria operator. |
Metric |
the criteria time aggregation types. |
Monitor |
the sensitivity of the baseline. |
Monitor |
The type of the diagnostic settings category. |
Monitor |
The MonitorDayOfWeek. |
Monitor |
Operator for dimension values. |
Monitor |
The class of the metric. |
Monitor |
Reduces the set of data collected. The syntax allowed depends on the operation. See the operation's description for details. |
Monitor |
The unit of the metric. |
Monitor |
Kind of namespace. |
Monitor |
the operation associated with the notification and its value must be "scale". |
Monitor |
The current provisioning state. |
Monitor |
The private endpoint connection status. |
Monitor |
Access mode types. |
Monitor |
The provisioning state of a resource. |
Monitor |
The configuration to set whether network access from public internet to the endpoints are allowed. |
Monitor |
State of the public network access. |
Onboarding |
The onboarding status for the resource. Note that, a higher level scope, e.g., resource group or subscription, is considered onboarded if at least one resource under it is onboarded. |
Perf |
The PerfCounterDataSourceStream. |
Pipeline |
The exporter type. |
Pipeline |
The mode of the external networking. |
Pipeline |
The processor type. |
Pipeline |
The receiver type. |
Pipeline |
The pipeline type. |
Scale |
the dimension operator. Only 'Equals' and 'NotEquals' are supported. 'Equals' being equal to any of the values. 'NotEquals' being not equal to all of the values. |
Scheduled |
Indicates the type of scheduled query rule. The default is LogAlert. |
Scheduled |
Aggregation type. Relevant and required only for rules of the kind LogAlert. |
Stream |
The encoding of the stream being received. |
Syslog |
The SyslogDataSourceFacilityName. |
Syslog |
The SyslogDataSourceLogLevel. |
Syslog |
The SyslogDataSourceStream. |
Syslog |
Protocol to parse syslog messages. Default rfc3164. |
Windows |
The WindowsEventLogDataSourceStream. |
Metric |
the metric statistic type. How the metrics from multiple instances are combined. |
Metric |
the operator that is used to compare the metric data and the threshold. |
Metric |
time aggregation type. How the data that is collected should be combined over time. The default value is Average. |
Monitor |
the aggregation type of the metric. |
Monitor |
Operators allowed in the rule condition. |
Monitor |
the event level. |
Monitor |
Indicates the status of the receiver. Receivers that are not Enabled will not receive any communications. |
Monitor |
The MonitorResultType. |
Monitor |
the scale direction. Whether the scaling action increases or decreases the number of instances. |
Monitor |
the type of action that should occur when the scale rule fires. |
Predictive |
the predictive autoscale mode. |
Recurrence |
the recurrence frequency. How often the schedule profile should take effect. This value must be Week, meaning each week will have the same set of profiles. For example, to set a daily schedule, set schedule to every day of the week. The frequency property specifies that the schedule is repeated weekly. |
Threshold |
Aggregation operators allowed in a rule. |
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