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PropertyBaseExtensions Class


Extension methods for IReadOnlyPropertyBase.

public static class PropertyBaseExtensions


Format(IEnumerable<IReadOnlyPropertyBase>, Boolean)

Creates a formatted string representation of the given properties such as is useful when throwing exceptions about keys, indexes, etc. that use the properties.


Gets a IComparer<T> for comparing values in tracked IUpdateEntry entries.


Gets the name of the backing field for this property, or null if the backing field is not known.


Gets a IClrPropertyGetter for reading the value of this property.

Note that it is an error to call this method for a shadow property (IsShadowProperty(IPropertyBase)) since such a property has no associated MemberInfo.


Gets the property index for this property.

GetMemberInfo(IPropertyBase, Boolean, Boolean)

Gets the PropertyInfo or FieldInfo that should be used to get or set a value for the given property.

Note that it is an error to call this method for a shadow property (IsShadowProperty(IPropertyBase)) since such a property has no associated MemberInfo.


Gets the PropertyAccessMode being used for this property. null indicates that the default property access mode is being used.


Gets a value indicating whether this is an indexer property. An indexer property is one that is accessed through an indexer on the entity class.


Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in the ChangeTracker rather than being stored in instances of the entity class.

Applies to

Táirge Leaganacha
Entity Framework Core 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0