PredefinedSelectionTransformations Enum


Defines a set of actions that are predefined for manipulating selections within a view. For custom manipulations see the usage of ISelectionTransformer. These transformations can be passed in to PerformActionOnAllSelections(PredefinedSelectionTransformations), TryPerformActionOnSelection(Selection, PredefinedSelectionTransformations, Selection), and PerformAction(PredefinedSelectionTransformations).

public enum class PredefinedSelectionTransformations


Name Value Description
ClearSelection 0

Resets the active and anchor points to be at the insertion point.

MoveToNextCaretPosition 1

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead one position in the view.

SelectToNextCaretPosition 2

Moves the active and insertion points ahead one position in the view, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToPreviousCaretPosition 3

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back one position in the view.

SelectToPreviousCaretPosition 4

Moves the active and insertion points back one position in the view, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToNextWord 5

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead to the beginning of the next word.

SelectToNextWord 6

Moves the active and insertion points ahead to the beginning of the next word, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToPreviousWord 7

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back to the end of the previous word.

SelectToPreviousWord 8

Moves the active and insertion points back to the end of the previous word, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToBeginningOfLine 9

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back to the beginning of the current line.

SelectToBeginningOfLine 10

Moves the active and insertion points back to the beginning of the current line, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToHome 11

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points alternately between the beginning of the line, and the first non-whitespace character.

SelectToHome 12

Moves the active and insertion points alternately between the beginning of the line, and the first non-whitespace character, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToEndOfLine 13

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead to the end of the current line.

SelectToEndOfLine 14

Moves the active and insertion points ahead to the end of the current line, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToNextLine 15

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead to next line, staying as close to the user's preferred x-coordinate in the view as possible.

SelectToNextLine 16

Moves the active and insertion points ahead to next line, staying as close to the user's preferred x-coordinate in the view as possible, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToPreviousLine 17

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back to the previous line, staying as close to the user's preferred x-coordinate in the view as possible.

SelectToPreviousLine 18

Moves the active and insertion points back to the previous line, staying as close to the user's preferred x-coordinate in the view as possible, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MovePageUp 19

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back one viewport height, staying as close to the user's preferred x and y coordinates in the view as possible.

SelectPageUp 20

Moves the active and insertion points back one viewport height, staying as close to the user's preferred x and y coordinates in the view as possible, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MovePageDown 21

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead one viewport height, staying as close to the user's preferred x and y coordinates in the view as possible.

SelectPageDown 22

Moves the active and insertion points ahead one viewport height, staying as close to the user's preferred x and y coordinates in the view as possible, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToStartOfDocument 23

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back to the beginning of the document.

SelectToStartOfDocument 24

Moves the active and insertion points back to the beginning of the document, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToEndOfDocument 25

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead to the end of the document.

SelectToEndOfDocument 26

Moves the active and insertion points ahead to the end of the document, keeping the anchor point where it is.

SelectCurrentWord 27

Moves the anchor point to the beginning of the current word. Moves the active and insertion points to the end of the current word.

MoveToNextSubWord 28

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points ahead to the beginning of the next subword.

SelectToNextSubWord 29

Moves the active and insertion points ahead to the beginning of the next subword, keeping the anchor point where it is.

MoveToPreviousSubWord 30

Moves the active, anchor, and insertion points back to the end of the previous word.

SelectToPreviousSubWord 31

Moves the active and insertion points back to the end of the previous subword, keeping the anchor point where it is.

ExpandSelectionToEntireLine 32

Expand selections to entire line(s). Method works for both single and multicaret selection scenario. Moves the AnchorPoint to the start of line, and moves the caret, InsertionPoint, and ActivePoint to the end of line.

If AnchorPoint and InsertionPoint are on different lines: When AnchorPoint is the above of the InsertionPoint: moves the AnchorPoint to the start of the line where AnchorPoint locates, and moves the Caret, InsertionPoint, and ActivePoint to the end of line where InsertionPoint locates.

When InsertionPoint is above of the AnchorPoint: moves the AnchorPoint to the start of the line where InsertionPoint locates, and moves the Caret, InsertionPoint, and ActivePoint to the end of line where AnchorPoint locates.

Applies to

Táirge Leaganacha
Visual Studio SDK 2017, 2019, 2022