The FieldURI element identifies frequently referenced properties by URI.
<FieldURI FieldURI="" />
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Attribute | Description |
FieldURI |
Identifies the URI of the property. |
Value | Description |
folder:FolderId |
Identifies the FolderId property. |
folder:ParentFolderId |
Identifies the ParentFolderId property. |
folder:DisplayName |
Identifies the DisplayName property. |
folder:UnreadCount |
Identifies the UnreadCount property. |
folder:TotalCount |
Identifies the TotalCount property. |
folder:ChildFolderCount |
Identifies the ChildFolderCount property. |
folder:FolderClass |
Identifies the FolderClass property. |
folder:SearchParameters |
Identifies the SearchParameters property. |
folder:ManagedFolderInformation |
Identifies the ManagedFolderInformation property. |
folder:PermissionSet |
Identifies the PermissionSet property. |
folder:EffectiveRights |
Identifies the EffectiveRights property. |
folder:SharingEffectiveRights |
Identifies the SharingEffectiveRights property. |
item:ItemId |
Identifies the ItemId property. |
item:ParentFolderId |
Identifies the ParentFolderId property. |
item:ItemClass |
Identifies the ItemClass property. |
item:MimeContent |
Identifies the MimeContent property. |
item:Attachments |
Identifies the Attachments property. |
item:Subject |
Identifies the Subject property. |
item:DateTimeReceived |
Identifies the DateTimeReceived property. |
item:Size |
Identifies the Size property. |
item:Categories |
Identifies the Categories property. |
item:HasAttachments |
Identifies the HasAttachments property. |
item:Importance |
Identifies the Importance property. |
item:InReplyTo |
Identifies the InReplyTo property. |
item:InternetMessageHeaders |
Identifies the InternetMessageHeaders property. |
item:IsAssociated |
Identifies the IsAssociated property. |
item:IsDraft |
Identifies the IsDraft property. |
item:IsFromMe |
Identifies the IsFromMe property. |
item:IsResend |
Identifies the IsResend property. |
item:IsSubmitted |
Identifies the IsSubmitted property. |
item:IsUnmodified |
Identifies the IsUnmodified property. |
item:DateTimeSent |
Identifies the DateTimeSent property. |
item:DateTimeCreated |
Identifies the DateTimeCreated property. |
item:Body |
Identifies the Body property. |
item:ResponseObjects |
Identifies the ResponseObjects property. |
item:Sensitivity |
Identifies the Sensitivity property. |
item:ReminderDueBy |
Identifies the ReminderDueBy property. |
item:ReminderIsSet |
Identifies the ReminderIsSet property. |
item:ReminderNextTime |
Identifies the ReminderNextTime property. |
item:ReminderMinutesBeforeStart |
Identifies the ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property. |
item:DisplayTo |
Identifies the DisplayTo property. |
item:DisplayCc |
Identifies the DisplayCc property. |
item:Culture |
Identifies the Culture property. |
item:EffectiveRights |
Identifies the EffectiveRights property. |
item:LastModifiedName |
Identifies the LastModifiedName property. |
item:LastModifiedTime |
Identifies the LastModifiedTime property. |
item:ConversationId |
Identifies the ConversationId property. |
item:UniqueBody |
Identifies the UniqueBody property. |
item:Flag |
Identifies the Flag property. |
item:StoreEntryId |
Identifies the StoreEntryId property. |
item:InstanceKey |
Identifies the InstanceKey property. |
item:NormalizedBody |
Identifies the NormalizedBody property. |
item:EntityExtractionResult |
Identifies the EntityExtractionResult property. |
itemPolicyTag |
Idnentifies the PolicyTag property. |
item:ArchiveTag |
Identifies the ArchiveTag property. |
item:RetentionDate |
Identifies the RetentionDate property. |
item:Preview |
Identifies the Preview property. |
item:NextPredictedAction |
Identifies the NextPredictedAction property. |
item:GroupingAction |
Identifies the GroupingAction property. |
item:PredictedActionReasons |
Identifies the PredictedActionReasons property |
item:IsClutter |
Intended for internal use only. |
item:RightsManagementLicenseData |
Identifies the RightsManagementLicenseData property. |
item:BlockStatus |
Identifies the BlockStatus property. |
item:HasBlockedImages |
Identifies the HasBlockedImages property. |
item:WebClientReadFormQueryString |
Identifies the WebClientReadFormQueryString property. |
item:WebClientEditFormQueryString |
Identifies the WebClientEditFormQueryString property. |
item:TextBody |
Identifies the TextBody property. |
item:IconIndex |
Identifies the IconIndex property. |
item:MimeContentUTF8 |
Identifies the MimeContentUTF8 property. |
message:ConversationIndex |
Identifies the ConversationIndex property. |
message:ConversationTopic |
Identifies the ConversationTopic property. |
message:InternetMessageId |
Identifies the InternetMessageId property. |
message:IsRead |
Identifies the IsRead property. |
message:IsResponseRequested |
Identifies the IsResponseRequested property. |
message:IsReadReceiptRequested |
Identifies the IsReadReceiptRequested property. |
message:IsDeliveryReceiptRequested |
Identifies the IsDeliveryReceiptRequested property. |
message:ReceivedBy |
Identifies the ReceivedBy property. |
message:ReceivedRepresenting |
Identifies the ReceivedRepresenting property. |
message:References |
Identifies the References property. |
message:ReplyTo |
Identifies the ReplyTo property. |
message:From |
Identifies the From property. |
message:Sender |
Identifies the Sender property. |
message:ToRecipients |
Identifies the ToRecipients property. |
message:CcRecipients |
Identifies the CcRecipients property. |
message:BccRecipients |
Identifies the BccRecipients property. |
message:ApprovalRequestData |
Identifies the ApprovalRequestData property. |
message:VotingInformation |
Identifies the VotingInformation property. |
message:ReminderMessageData |
Identifies the ReminderMessageData property. |
meeting:AssociatedCalendarItemId |
Identifies the AssociatedCalendarItemId property. |
meeting:IsDelegated |
Identifies the IsDelegated property. |
meeting:IsOutOfDate |
Identifies the IsOutOfDate property. |
meeting:HasBeenProcessed |
Identifies the HasBeenProcessed property. |
meeting:ResponseType |
Identifies the ResponseType property. |
meeting:ProposedStart |
Identifies the ProposedStart property. |
meeting:ProposedEnd |
Identifies the ProposedEnd property. |
meetingRequest:MeetingRequestType |
Identifies the MeetingRequestType property. |
meetingRequest:IntendedFreeBusyStatus |
Identifies the IntendedFreeBusyStatus property. |
meetingRequest:ChangeHighlights |
Identifies the ChangeHighlights property. |
calendar:Start |
Identifies the Start property. |
calendar:End |
Identifies the End property. |
calendar:OriginalStart |
Identifies the OriginalStart property. |
calendar:StartWallClock |
Identifies the StartWallClock property. |
calendar:EndWallClock |
Identifies the EndWallClock property. |
calendar:StartTimeZoneId |
Identifies the StartTimeZoneId property. |
calendar:EndTimeZoneId |
Identifies the EndTimeZoneId property. |
calendar:IsAllDayEvent |
Identifies the IsAllDayEvent property. |
calendar:LegacyFreeBusyStatus |
Identifies the LegacyFreeBusyStatus property. |
calendar:Location |
Identifies the Location property. |
calendar:When |
Identifies the When property. |
calendar:IsMeeting |
Identifies the IsMeeting property. |
calendar:IsCancelled |
Identifies the IsCancelled property. |
calendar:IsRecurring |
Identifies the IsRecurring property. |
calendar:MeetingRequestWasSent |
Identifies the MeetingRequestWasSent property. |
calendar:IsResponseRequested |
Identifies the IsResponseRequested property. |
calendar:CalendarItemType |
Identifies the CalendarItemType property. |
calendar:MyResponseType |
Identifies the MyResponseType property. |
calendar:Organizer |
Identifies the Organizer property. |
calendar:RequiredAttendees |
Identifies the RequiredAttendees property. |
calendar:OptionalAttendees |
Identifies the OptionalAttendees property. |
calendar:Resources |
Identifies the Resources property. |
calendar:ConflictingMeetingCount |
Identifies the ConflictingMeetingCount property. |
calendar:AdjacentMeetingCount |
Identifies the AdjacentMeetingCount property. |
calendar:ConflictingMeetings |
Identifies the ConflictingMeetings property. |
calendar:AdjacentMeetings |
Identifies the AdjacentMeetings property. |
calendar:Duration |
Identifies the Duration property. |
calendar:TimeZone |
Identifies the TimeZone property. |
calendar:AppointmentReplyTime |
Identifies the AppointmentReplyTime property. |
calendar:AppointmentSequenceNumber |
Identifies the AppointmentSequenceNumber property. |
calendar:AppointmentState |
Identifies the AppointmentState property. |
calendar:Recurrence |
Identifies the Recurrence property. |
calendar:FirstOccurrence |
Identifies the FirstOccurrence property. |
calendar:LastOccurrence |
Identifies the LastOccurrence property. |
calendar:ModifiedOccurrences |
Identifies the ModifiedOccurrences property. |
calendar:DeletedOccurrences |
Identifies the DeletedOccurrences property. |
calendar:MeetingTimeZone |
Identifies the MeetingTimeZone property. |
calendar:ConferenceType |
Identifies the ConferenceType property. |
calendar:AllowNewTimeProposal |
Identifies the AllowNewTimeProposal property. |
calendar:IsOnlineMeeting |
Identifies the IsOnlineMeeting property. |
calendar:MeetingWorkspaceUrl |
Identifies the MeetingWorkspaceUrl property. |
calendar:NetShowUrl |
Identifies the NetShowUrl property. |
calendar:UID |
Identifies the UID property. |
calendar:RecurrenceId |
Identifies the RecurrenceId property. |
calendar:DateTimeStamp |
Identifies the DateTimeStamp property. |
calendar:StartTimeZone |
Identifies the StartTimeZone property. |
calendar:EndTimeZone |
Identifies the EndTimeZone property. |
calendar:JoinOnlineMeetingUrl |
Identifies the JoinOnlineMeetingUrl property. |
calendar:OnlineMeetingSettings |
Identifies the OnlineMeetingSettings property. |
calendar:IsOrganizer |
Identifies the IsOrganizer property. |
task:ActualWork |
Identifies the ActualWork property. |
task:AssignedTime |
Identifies the AssignedTime property. |
task:BillingInformation |
Identifies the BillingInformation property. |
task:ChangeCount |
Identifies the ChangeCount property. |
task:Companies |
Identifies the Companies property. |
task:CompleteDate |
Identifies the CompleteDate property. |
task:Contacts |
Identifies the Contacts property. |
task:DelegationState |
Identifies the DelegationState property. |
task:Delegator |
Identifies the Delegator property. |
task:DueDate |
Identifies the DueDate property. |
task:IsAssignmentEditable |
Identifies the IsAssignmentEditable property. |
task:IsComplete |
Identifies the IsComplete property. |
task:IsRecurring |
Identifies the IsRecurring property. |
task:IsTeamTask |
Identifies the IsTeamTask property. |
task:Mileage |
Identifies the Mileage property. |
task:Owner |
Identifies the Owner property. |
task:PercentComplete |
Identifies the PercentComplete property. |
task:Recurrence |
Identifies the Recurrence property. |
task:StartDate |
Identifies the StartDate property. |
task:Status |
Identifies the Status property. |
task:StatusDescription |
Identifies the StatusDescription property. |
task:TotalWork |
Identifies the TotalWork property. |
contacts:Alias |
Identifies the Alias property. This property was introduced in Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2). |
contacts:AssistantName |
Identifies the AssistantName property. |
contacts:Birthday |
Identifies the Birthday property. |
contacts:BusinessHomePage |
Identifies the BusinessHomePage property. |
contacts:Children |
Identifies the Children property. |
contacts:Companies |
Identifies the Companies property. |
contacts:CompanyName |
Identifies the CompanyName property. |
contacts:CompleteName |
Identifies the CompleteName property. |
contacts:ContactSource |
Identifies the ContactSource property. |
contacts:Culture |
Identifies the Culture property. |
contacts:Department |
Identifies the Department property. |
contacts:DisplayName |
Identifies the DisplayName property. |
contacts:DirectoryId |
Identifies the DirectoryId property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:DirectReports |
Identifies the DirectReports property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:EmailAddresses |
Identifies the EmailAddresses property. |
contacts:FileAs |
Identifies the FileAs property. |
contacts:FileAsMapping |
Identifies the FileAsMapping property. |
contacts:Generation |
Identifies the Generation property. |
contacts:GivenName |
Identifies the GivenName property. |
contacts:ImAddresses |
Identifies the ImAddresses property. |
contacts:Initials |
Identifies the Initials property. |
contacts:JobTitle |
Identifies the JobTitle property. |
contacts:Manager |
Identifies the Manager property. |
contacts:ManagerMailbox |
Identifies the ManagerMailbox property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:MiddleName |
Identifies the MiddleName property. |
contacts:Mileage |
Identifies the Mileage property. |
contacts:MSExchangeCertificate |
Identifies the MSExchangeCertificate property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:Nickname |
Identifies the Nickname property. |
contacts:Notes |
Identifies the Notes property. This property was introduced with in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:OfficeLocation |
Identifies the OfficeLocation property. |
contacts:PhoneNumbers |
Identifies the PhoneNumbers property. |
contacts:PhoneticFullName |
Identifies the PhoneticFullName property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:PhoneticFirstName |
Identifies the PhoneticFirstName property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:PhoneticLastName |
Identifies the PhoneticLastName property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:Photo |
Identifies the Photo property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:PhysicalAddresses |
Identifies the PhysicalAddresses property. |
contacts:PostalAddressIndex |
Identifies the PostalAddressIndex property. |
contacts:Profession |
Identifies the Profession property. |
contacts:SpouseName |
Identifies the SpouseName property. |
contacts:Surname |
Identifies the Surname property. |
contacts:WeddingAnniversary |
Identifies the WeddingAnniversary property. |
contacts:UserSMIMECertificate |
Identifies the UserSMIMECertificate property. This property was introduced in Exchange 2010 SP2. |
contacts:HasPicture |
Identifies the HasPicture property. |
distributionlist:Members |
Identifies the Members property. |
postitem:PostedTime |
Identifies the PostedTime property. |
conversation:ConversationId |
Identifies the ConversationId property. |
conversation:ConversationTopic |
Identifies the ConversationTopic property. |
conversation:UniqueRecipients |
Identifies the UniqueRecipients property. |
conversation:GlobalUniqueRecipients |
Identifies the GlobalUniqueRecipients property. |
conversation:UniqueUnreadSenders |
Identifies the UniqueUnreadSenders property. |
conversation:GlobalUniqueUnreadSenders |
Identifies the GlobalUniqueUnreadSenders property. |
conversation:UniqueSenders |
Identifies the UniqueSenders property. |
conversation:GlobalUniqueSenders |
Identifies the GlobalUniqueSenders property. |
conversation:LastDeliveryTime |
Identifies the LastDeliveryTime property. |
conversation:GlobalLastDeliveryTime |
Identifies the GlobalLastDeliveryTime property. |
conversation:Categories |
Identifies the Categories property. |
conversation:GlobalCategories |
Identifies the GlobalCategories property. |
conversation:FlagStatus |
Identifies the FlagStatus property. |
conversation:GlobalFlagStatus |
Identifies the GlobalFlagStatus property. |
conversation:HasAttachments |
Identifies the HasAttachments property. |
conversation:GlobalHasAttachments |
Identifies the GlobalHasAttachments property. |
conversation:HasIrm |
Identifies the HasIrm property. |
conversation:GlobalHasIrm |
Identifies the GlobalHasIrm property. |
conversation:MessageCount |
Identifies the MessageCount property. |
conversation:GlobalMessageCount |
Identifies the GlobalMessageCount property. |
conversation:UnreadCount |
Identifies the UnreadCount property. |
conversation:GlobalUnreadCount |
Identifies the GlobalUnreadCount property. |
conversation:Size |
Identifies the Size property. |
conversation:GlobalSize |
Identifies the GlobalSize property. |
conversation:ItemClasses |
Identifies the ItemClasses property. |
conversation:GlobalItemClasses |
Identifies the GlobalItemClasses property. |
conversation:Importance |
Identifies the Importance property. |
conversation:GlobalImportance |
Identifies the GlobalImportance property. |
conversation:ItemIds |
Identifies the ItemIds property. |
conversation:GlobalItemIds |
Identifies the GlobalItemIds property. |
conversation:LastModifiedTime |
Identifies the LastModifiedTime property. |
conversation:InstanceKey |
Identifies the InstanceKey property. |
conversation:Preview |
Identifies the Preview property. |
conversation:GlobalParentFolderId |
Identifies the GlobalParentFolderId property. |
conversation:NextPredictedAction |
Identifies the NextPredictedAction property. |
conversation:GroupingAction |
Identifies the GroupingAction property. |
conversation:IconIndex |
Identifies the IconIndex property. |
conversation:GlobalIconIndex |
Identifies the GlobalIconIndex property. |
conversation:DraftItemIds |
Identifies the DraftItemIds property. |
conversation:HasClutter |
Intended for internal use only. |
persona:PersonaId |
Identifies the PersonaId property. |
persona:PersonaType |
Identifies the PersonaType property. |
persona:GivenName |
Identifies the GivenName property. |
persona:CompanyName |
Identifies the CompanyName property. |
persona:Surname |
Identifies the Surname property. |
persona:DisplayName |
Identifies the DisplayName property. |
persona:EmailAddress |
Identifies the EmailAddress property. |
persona:FileAs |
Identifies the FileAs property. |
persona:HomeCity |
Identifies the HomeCity property. |
persona:CreationTime |
Identifies the CreationTime property. |
persona:RelevanceScore |
Identifies the RelevanceScore property. |
persona:WorkCity |
Identifies the WorkCity property. |
persona:PersonaObjectStatus |
Identifies the PersonaObjectStatus property. |
persona:FileAsId |
Identifies the FileAsId property. |
persona:DisplayNamePrefix |
Identifies the DisplayNamePrefix property. |
persona:YomiCompanyName |
Identifies the YomiCompanyName property. |
persona:YomiFirstName |
Identifies the YomiFirstName property. |
persona:YomiLastName |
Identifies the YomiLastName property. |
persona:Title |
Identifies the Title property. |
persona:EmailAddresses |
Identifies the EmailAddresses property. |
persona:PhoneNumber |
Identifies the PhoneNumber property. |
persona:ImAddress |
Identifies the ImAddress property. |
persona:ImAddresses |
Identifies the ImAddresses property. |
persona:ImAddresses2 |
Identifies the ImAddresses2 property. |
persona:ImAddresses3 |
Identifies the ImAddresses3 property. |
persona:FolderIds |
Identifies the FolderIds property. |
persona:Attributions |
Identifies the Attributions property. |
persona:DisplayNames |
Identifies the DisplayNames property. |
persona:Initials |
Identifies the Initials property. |
persona:FileAses |
Identifies the FileAses property. |
persona:FileAsIds |
Identifies the FileAsIds property. |
persona:DisplayNamePrefixes |
Identifies the DisplayNamePrefixes property. |
persona:GivenNames |
Identifies the GivenNames property. |
persona:MiddleNames |
Identifies the MiddleNames property. |
persona:Surnames |
Identifies the Surnames property. |
persona:Generations |
Identifies the Generations property. |
persona:Nicknames |
Identifies the Nicknames property. |
persona:YomiCompanyNames |
Identifies the YomiCompanyNames property. |
persona:YomiFirstNames |
Identifies the YomiFirstNames property. |
persona:YomiLastNames |
Identifies the YomiLastNames property. |
persona:BusinessPhoneNumbers |
Identifies the BusinessPhoneNumbers property. |
persona:BusinessPhoneNumbers2 |
Identifies the BusinessPhoneNumbers2 property. |
persona:HomePhones |
Identifies the HomePhones property. |
persona:HomePhones2 |
Identifies the HomePhones2 property. |
persona:MobilePhones |
Identifies the MobilePhones property. |
persona:MobilePhones2 |
Identifies the MobilePhones2 property. |
persona:AssistantPhoneNumbers |
Identifies the AssistantPhoneNumbers property. |
persona:CallbackPhones |
Identifies the CallbackPhones property. |
persona:CarPhones |
Identifies the CarPhones property. |
persona:HomeFaxes |
Identifies the HomeFaxes property. |
persona:OrganizationMainPhones |
Identifies the OrganizationMainPhones property. |
persona:OtherFaxes |
Identifies the OtherFaxes property. |
persona:OtherTelephones |
Identifies the OtherTelephones property. |
persona:OtherPhones2 |
Identifies the OtherPhones2 property. |
persona:Pagers |
Identifies the Pagers property. |
persona:RadioPhones |
Identifies the RadioPhones property. |
persona:TelexNumbers |
Identifies the TelexNumbers property. |
persona:WorkFaxes |
Identifies the WorkFaxes property. |
persona:Emails1 |
Identifies the Emails1 property. |
persona:Emails2 |
Identifies the Emails2 property. |
persona:Emails3 |
Identifies the Emails3 property. |
persona:BusinessHomePages |
Identifies the BusinessHomePages property. |
persona:School |
Identifies the School property. |
persona:PersonalHomePages |
Identifies the PersonalHomePages property. |
persona:OfficeLocations |
Identifies the OfficeLocations property. |
persona:BusinessAddresses |
Identifies the BusinessAddresses property. |
persona:HomeAddresses |
Identifies the HomeAddresses property. |
persona:OtherAddresses |
Identifies the OtherAddresses property. |
persona:Titles |
Identifies the Titles property. |
persona:Departments |
Identifies the Departments property. |
persona:CompanyNames |
Identifies the CompanyNames property. |
persona:Managers |
Identifies the Managers property. |
persona:AssistantNames |
Identifies the AssistantNames property. |
persona:Professions |
Identifies the Professions property. |
persona:SpouseNames |
Identifies the SpouseNames property. |
persona:Hobbies |
Identifies the Hobbies property. |
persona:WeddingAnniversaries |
Identifies the WeddingAnniversaries property. |
persona:Birthdays |
Identifies the Birthdays property. |
persona:Children |
Identifies the Children property. |
persona:Locations |
Identifies the Locations property. |
persona:ExtendedProperties |
Identifies the ExtendedProperties property. |
persona:PostalAddress |
Identifies the PostalAddress property. |
persona:Bodies |
Identifies the Bodies property. |
Element | Description |
AdditionalProperties |
Identifies additional properties to get, set, or create. The following are the XPath expressions to this element: /FindFolder/FolderShape/AdditionalProperties /GetFolder/FolderShape/AdditionalProperties /SyncFolderHierarchy/FolderShape/AdditionalProperties /GetItem/ItemShape/AdditionalProperties /FindItem/ItemShape/AdditionalProperties /SyncFolderItems/ItemShape/AdditionalProperties /GetAttachment/AttachmentShape/AdditionalProperties |
AggregateOn |
Represents the property that is used to determine the order of grouped items for a grouped FindItem result set. |
GroupBy |
Specifies an arbitrary grouping for FindItem queries. |
SetItemField |
Represents an update to a single property of an item in an UpdateItem operation. |
SetFolderField |
Represents an update to a single property on a folder in an UpdateFolder operation. |
DeleteItemField |
Represents a delete operation for deleting a given property from an item during an UpdateItem call. |
DeleteFolderField |
Represents a delete operation for deleting a given property from a folder during an UpdateFolder call. |
AppendToItemField |
Identifies data to append to a single property of an item during an UpdateItem operation. |
AppendToFolderField |
Specifies data to append to a folder property during an UpdateFolder operation. |
Exists |
Represents a search expression that returns true if the supplied property exists on an item. |
FieldURIOrConstant |
Represents either a property or a constant value to be used when comparing with another property. |
IsEqualTo |
Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and evaluates to true if they are equal. |
IsGreaterThan |
Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is greater. |
IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo |
Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is greater than or equal to the second. |
IsLessThan |
Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is less than the second. |
IsLessThanOrEqualTo |
Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is less than the second. |
IsNotEqualTo |
Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the values are not the same. |
Excludes |
Performs a bitwise mask of the properties. |
Contains |
Represents a search expression that determines whether a given property contains the supplied constant string value. |
FieldOrder |
Represents a single field by which to sort results and indicates the direction for the sort. |
This element is part of the Path substitution group.
The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.
Only a subset of the persona attributes are supported for the FindPeople operation:
The following example shows how to use the FieldURI element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<GetItem xmlns=""
<t:FieldURI FieldURI="item:Subject"/>
<t:ItemId Id="ASkAS="/>
Element | Example |
Namespace | |
Schema Name |
Types schema |
Validation File |
Types.xsd |
Can be Empty |
False |