Dimension Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The Dimension type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Annotations Gets the collection object of all annotations to current object. (Inherited from MajorObject.)
Public property AttributeAllMemberName Gets or sets the AllMember attribute value of the dimension.
Public property AttributeAllMemberTranslations Gets the translations collection for the AllMember attribute.
Public property Attributes Gets the attributes collection of the dimension.
Public property Collation Gets or sets the collation for the members of the dimension.
Public property Container (Inherited from Component.)
Public property CreatedTimestamp Gets or sets the date and time of the creation of the object. (Inherited from MajorObject.)
Public property CurrentStorageMode Gets or sets the current storage mode of the dimension.
Public property CurrentStringStoresCompatibilityLevel Gets or sets the compatibility level of the current string stores.
Public property DataSource Gets the data source object used in the current dimension.
Public property DataSourceView Gets the DataSourceView object associated with a Dimension.
Public property DependsOnDimension Gets the dimension object of a dimension that the current dimension either depends on, or is highly correlated with.
Public property DependsOnDimensionID Gets or sets the dimension internal identifier of a dimension that the current dimension depends on. See DependsOnDimension.
Public property Description Gets or sets a description string of current object. (Inherited from MajorObject.)
Public property DimensionPermissions Gets the permissions collection for the dimension.
Public property ErrorConfiguration Get or sets the error configuration object for the current dimension.
Protected property FriendlyName Returns a user-friendly name. (Inherited from NamedComponent.)
Public property Hierarchies Gets the Hierarchy collection for the current dimension.
Public property ID Gets or sets the identifier of the component. (Inherited from NamedComponent.)
Public property IsLinked Gets a value indicating whether the current dimension is linked.
Public property IsLoaded Infrastructure. Gets a value that indicates whether MajorObject have been loaded. (Inherited from MajorObject.)
Public property IsParentChild Gets a true value if current dimension is of ParentChild type.
Public property KeyAttribute Gets the lowest level attribute for the current dimension.
Protected property KeyForCollection Returns the key used in collections. (Inherited from NamedComponent.)
Public property Language Gets or sets the value that specifies the default language for a Dimension object.
Public property LastProcessed Gets or sets the DateTime on which the object was last processed. (Inherited from ProcessableMajorObject.)
Public property LastSchemaUpdate Gets or sets the date and time when current object schema was last updated. (Inherited from MajorObject.)
Public property MdxMissingMemberMode Gets or sets the MDX missing member mode associated with a Dimension object.
Public property MiningModel Gets the details of an individual mining model associated with a Dimension object.
Public property MiningModelID Gets or sets the mining model identifier associated with a Dimension object.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the component. (Inherited from NamedComponent.)
Public property OwningCollection Gets or sets the collection that contains the ModelComponent. (Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public property Parent Gets the parent Database of the Dimension object.
Public property ParentServer Gets the parent Server of the Dimension object.
Public property ProactiveCaching Gets or sets the proactive caching properties associated with a Dimension object.
Public property ProcessingGroup Gets or sets the processing group associated with a Dimension object.
Public property ProcessingMode Gets or sets the processing mode associated with a Dimension object.
Public property ProcessingPriority Gets or sets the processing priority of a Dimension object.
Public property ProcessingRecommendation Gets or sets the processing recommendation associated with a Dimension object.
Public property ProcessingState Gets or sets the processing state of the dimension.
Public property Relationships Gets the collection of dimension relationships.
Public property Site Infrastructure. Gets or sets the site of the component. (Inherited from NamedComponent.)
Public property SiteID Infrastructure. Gets or sets the identifier for the site associated with the component. (Inherited from NamedComponent.)
Public property Source Gets or sets the source attribute to which binding is made for a Dimension object.
Public property State Gets or sets the AnalysisState of this current instance. (Inherited from ProcessableMajorObject.)
Public property StorageMode Gets or sets the storage mode associated with a Dimension object.
Public property StringStoresCompatibilityLevel Gets or sets the compatibility level of the string stores.
Public property Translations Gets the collection of translations that are associated with a Dimension object.
Public property Type Gets or sets the type of Dimension object.
Public property UnknownMember Gets or sets the unknown member behavior for a Dimension object.
Public property UnknownMemberName Gets or sets the caption to be used for Unknown Members in the default language for a Dimension object.
Public property UnknownMemberTranslations A collection of translations that provide a caption for an Unknown Member associated with a Dimension object.
Public property WriteEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value for the write-enable property that is associated with a Dimension object.


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IHostableComponent.Host Gets or sets the IServiceProvider that is the host of the ModelComponent. (Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IMajorObject.BaseType Gets the base type implementation of the Dimension.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IMajorObject.ObjectReference Gets the object reference implementation of the Dimension.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IMajorObject.ParentDatabase Gets the parent database referred by the Dimension.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IMajorObject.ParentServer Gets the parent server referred by the Dimension.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IMajorObject.Path Gets the path implementation of the Dimension.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IModelComponent.FriendlyPath Gets a friendly path for the ModelComponent. (Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IModelComponent.OwningCollection Gets or sets the collection that owns the current object. (Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IProcessable.LastProcessed Gets or sets the DateTime on which the object was last processed. (Inherited from ProcessableMajorObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IProcessable.State Gets or sets the AnalysisState of this current instance. (Inherited from ProcessableMajorObject.)


See Also


Dimension Class

Microsoft.AnalysisServices Namespace