IGameStatistics Interface
The IGameStatistics interface provides methods to manipulate user statistics through the preview pane in Windows Games Explorer.
This interface is supported on Windows platforms beginning with the Windows 7 release.
The following methods are supported by the IGameStatistics interface:
Method | Description |
GetCategoryTitle | Retrieves the title for the indexed statistics category. |
GetLastPlayedCategory | Retrieves the category last set using SetLastPlayedCategory |
GetMaxCategories | Retrieves the maximum number of categories supported by the system. |
GetMaxCategoryLength | Retrieves the maximum number of characters in a category name. |
GetMaxNameLength | Retrieves the maximum number of characters in a statistic name. |
GetMaxStatsPerCategory | Retrieves thee maximum number of statistics per category supported by the system. |
GetMaxValueLength | Retrieves the maximum number of characters in a statistic value. |
GetStatistic | Retrieves the value of the statistic value, if it is set. |
Save | Saves all changes made since the interface was created. |
SetCategoryTitle | Retrieves the category title name for the indexed statistics category. |
SetLastPlayedCategory | Sets the category in Windows Games Explorer which is display the next time the user views their statistics. |
SetStatistic | Sets the name and value of the indexed statistic. |
interface class IGameStatistics
Header: Declared in GameUX.h.
Windows Games Explorer Interfaces for Windows 7