GetString function
This function is obsolete and need not be implemented by custom application recognizers.
Retrieves the recognized character string.
HRESULT GetString(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE *pRecoRange, __inout ULONG* pcSize, __out_ecount_opt(*pcSize) WCHAR* szString);
- *hrcalt* [In]
- Obsolete.
- *recoRange* [Out]
- Obsolete.
- *size* [In, Out]
- Obsolete.
- *recoString* [In, Out]
- Obsolete.
The implementation must return S_OK.
Return code | Description |
S_OK | Success. |
Minimum supported client | Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | None supported |
Header | Recapis.h |
DLL | inkobjcore.dll mshwgst.dll |