Léigh i mBéarla Cuir in eagar

Comhroinn trí

catalog.set_execution_parameter_value (SSISDB Database)

Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

Applies to: SQL Server

Sets the value of a parameter for an instance of execution in the Integration Services catalog.

A parameter value cannot be changed after an instance of execution has started.


catalog.set_execution_parameter_value [ @execution_id = execution_id  
    , [ @object_type = ] object_type  
    , [ @parameter_name = ] parameter_name  
    , [ @parameter_value = ] parameter_value  


[ @execution_id = ] execution_id
The unique identifier for the instance of execution. The execution_id is bigint.

[ @object_type = ] object_type
The type of parameter.

For the following parameters, set object_type to 50








Use the value 20 to indicate a project parameter or the value 30 to indicate a package parameter.

The object_type is smallint.

[ @parameter_name = ] parameter_name
The name of the parameter. The parameter_name is nvarchar(128).

[ @parameter_value = ] parameter_value
The value of the parameter. The parameter_value is sql_variant.


To find out the parameter values that were used for a given execution, query the catalog.execution_parameter_values view.

To specify the scope of information that is logged during a package execution, set parameter_name to LOGGING_LEVEL and set parameter_value to one of the following values.

Set the object_type parameter to 50.

Value Description
0 None

Logging is turned off. Only the package execution status is logged.
1 Basic

All events are logged, except custom and diagnostic events. This is the default value.
2 Performance

Only performance statistics, and OnError and OnWarning events, are logged.
3 Verbose

All events are logged, including custom and diagnostic events.
Custom events include those events that are logged by Integration Services tasks. For more information, see Custom Messages for Logging
4 Runtime lineage

Collects the data required to track lineage in the data flow.
100 Custom logging level

Specify the settings in the CUSTOMIZED_LOGGING_LEVEL parameter. For more info about the values that you can specify, see catalog.create_customized_logging_level.

For more info about customized logging levels, see Enable Logging for Package Execution on the SSIS Server.

To specify that the Integration Services server generates dump files when any error occurs during a package execution, set the following parameter values for an execution instance that hasn't run.

Parameter Value
execution_id The unique identifier for the instance of execution
object_type 50
parameter_name 'DUMP_ON_ERROR
parameter_value 1

To specify that the Integration Services server generates dump files when events occur during a package execution, set the following parameter values for an execution instance that hasn't run.

Parameter Value
execution_id The unique identifier for the instance of execution
object_type 50
parameter_name 'DUMP_ON_EVENT
parameter_value 1

To specify the events during package execution that cause the Integration Services server to generate dump files, set the following parameter values for an execution instance that hasn't run. Separate multiple event codes using a semi-colon.

Parameter Value
execution_id The unique identifier for the instance of execution
object_type 50
parameter_name DUMP_EVENT_CODE
parameter_value One or more event codes


A. Generate dump files for errors

The following example specifies that the Integration Services server generates dump files when any error occurs during a package execution.

exec catalog.create_execution  'TR2','Recurring ETL', 'Dim_DCVendor.dtsx',NULL, 0,@execution_id out  
exec catalog.set_execution_parameter_value  @execution_id, 50, 'DUMP_ON_ERROR',1  

B. Generate dump files for events

The following example specifies that the Integration Services server generates dump files when events occur during a package execution, and specifies the event that causes the server to generate the files.

exec catalog.create_execution  'TR2','Recurring ETL', 'Dim_DCVendor.dtsx',NULL, 0,@execution_id out  
exec catalog.set_execution_parameter_value  @execution_id, 50, 'DUMP_ON_EVENT',1  
declare @event_code nvarchar(50)  
set @event_code = '0xC020801C'  
exec catalog.set_execution_parameter_value  @execution_id, 50, 'DUMP_EVENT_CODE', @event_code  

Return Code Value

0 (success)

Result Sets



This stored procedure requires one of the following permissions:

  • READ and MODIFY permissions on the instance of execution

  • Membership to the ssis_admin database role

  • Membership to the sysadmin server role

Errors and Warnings

The following list describes some conditions that may raise an error or warning:

  • The user does not have the appropriate permissions

  • The execution identifier is not valid

  • The parameter name is not valid

  • The data type of the parameter value does not match the data type of the parameter

See Also

catalog.execution_parameter_values (SSISDB Database)
Generating Dump Files for Package Execution