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Enable resource governor

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Resource governor is turned off by default. You can enable resource governor using either SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.

Enabling resource governor has the following results:

  • The classifier function is executed for new connections so that workloads can be assigned to workload groups.
  • The resource limits that are specified in resource governor configuration are honored and enforced.


You can't use the ALTER RESOURCE GOVERNOR statement as part of a user transaction.


Enabling resource governor requires the CONTROL SERVER permission.

Enable resource governor using Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio

To enable resource governor using Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio:

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer and expand the Management node down to Resource Governor.
  2. From the Resource Governor context menu, select Enable.

Enable resource governor using resource governor properties

To enable resource governor by using the resource governor properties page:

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer and expand the Management node down to Resource Governor.
  2. From the Resource Governor context menu, select Properties.
  3. Select the Enable Resource Governor check box and select OK.

Enable resource governor using Transact-SQL

To enable resource governor using Transact-SQL, execute the ALTER RESOURCE GOVERNOR RECONFIGURE statement.


The following example enables resource governor and makes all prior resource governor configuration changes effective.