XP: 900

Enhance teaching and learning with Microsoft Copilot

K-12 Educator
Higher Education Educator
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Copilot

Explore using Microsoft Copilot in education by learning basic concepts, modes, and features and then applying that knowledge to design effective prompts and analyze results.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Summarize the basics of Microsoft Copilot and how it can help educators
  • Use Copilot and use the basic functionality provided in all its features
  • Design prompts that support teaching and learning
  • Judge the responses produced by Copilot for overall quality and credibility

ISTE Standards for Educators:

  • Educator - Designer

  • Educator - Learner

UNESCO Standards for Educators:

  • Application of Digital skills

  • Organization and Administration

  • Understanding ICT in Education

UNESCO AI Competency Framework:

  • A human-centered mindset

  • Ethics of AI

  • AI foundations and applications

  • AI pedagogy

  • AI for professional development


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