DML_BUFFER_BINDING structure (directml.h)
Specifies a resource binding described by a range of bytes in a Direct3D 12 buffer, represented by an offset and size into an ID3D12Resource.
ID3D12Resource *Buffer;
UINT64 Offset;
UINT64 SizeInBytes;
Type: ID3D12Resource*
An optional pointer to an ID3D12Resource interface representing a buffer. The resource must have dimension D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER, and the range described by this struct must lie within the bounds of the buffer. You may supply nullptr for this member to indicate 'no binding'.
Type: UINT64
The offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer where the range begins. This offset must be aligned to a multiple of DML_MINIMUM_BUFFER_TENSOR_ALIGNMENT or the GuaranteedBaseOffsetAlignment supplied as part of the DML_BUFFER_TENSOR_DESC.
Type: UINT64
The size of the range, in bytes.
Requirement | Value |
Header | directml.h |