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Starting with SQL Server 2022 Cumulative Update 17 (CU17), you can use managed identities with SQL Server credentials to back up to and restore SQL Server on Azure VM databases from Azure Blob storage. Managed identities provide an identity for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Microsoft Entra authentication.
Using managed identities in the credentials for the BACKUP TO URL and RESTORE FROM URL T-SQL operations is only supported by SQL Server on Azure VMs. Using managed identities with SQL Server on-premises to BACKUP TO URL and RESTORE FROM URL isn't supported.
The SQL Server instance that is backing up to, or restoring from, URL must be configured with Microsoft Entra authentication, whether or not it's the instance registered with the extension.
Valid network access to the Azure Blob storage and Windows Firewall permissions on the host to allow the outbound connection, and valid storage account service endpoints.
The primary managed identity for the SQL Server on Azure VM needs:
To have the Storage Blob Data Contributor role for the primary managed identity assigned to the storage account.
Create a server credential using managed identities
In order to use the T-SQL commands BACKUP DATABASE <database name> TO URL and RESTORE <database name> FROM URL with managed identities, you need to create a server credential that uses the managed identity. The credential name represents the Azure storage URL and indicates where the database backup will be stored.
The following example shows how to create a credential for a managed identity:
The WITH IDENTITY = 'Managed Identity' clause requires a primary managed identity assigned to the SQL Server on Azure VM.
For more information on error messages that can occur if the primary managed identity isn't assigned or given proper permissions, see the Error messages section.
BACKUP to URL with a managed identity
After you create the credential, you can use it to back up and restore databases to Azure Blob storage. Make sure that the primary managed identity for the SQL Server on Azure VM has the Storage Blob Data Contributor role assigned to the storage account.
The following example shows how to back up a database to Azure Blob storage using the managed identity credential:
Trace flag 4675 can be used to check credentials created with a managed identity. If the CREATE CREDENTIAL statement was executed without trace flag 4675 enabled, no error message is issued if the primary managed identity isn't set for the server. To troubleshoot this scenario, the credential must be deleted and recreated again once the trace flag is enabled.
No primary managed identity assigned
If a primary managed identity isn't assigned to the SQL Server on Azure VM, the backup and restore operations will fail with an error message indicating that the managed identity isn't selected.
Msg 37563, Level 16, State 2, Line 14
The primary managed identity is not selected for this server. Enable the primary managed identity for Microsoft Entra authentication for this server. For more information see (https://aka.ms/sql-server-managed-identity-doc).`
No Storage Blob Data Contributor role assigned
If the primary managed identity for the SQL Server on Azure VM isn't given the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the storage account, the BACKUP operation will fail with an error message indicating that access is denied.
Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 31
Cannot open backup device 'https://<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/<container-name>/AdventureWorks.bak'. Operating systemerror5(Accessis denied.).
Msg 3013, Level16, State 1, Line 31BACKUPDATABASEis terminating abnormally.
If the managed identity for the SQL Server on Azure VM isn't given the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the storage account, the RESTORE operation will fail with an error message indicating that access is denied.
Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 31
Cannot open backup device 'https://<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/<container-name>/AdventureWorks.bak'. Operating systemerror5(Accessis denied.).
Msg 3013, Level16, State 1, Line 31RESTOREDATABASEis terminating abnormally.
Duplicate database name
When the original database with the same name exists in the storage, the backup of a new database to the same storage path will fail with the following error:
Msg 1834, Level 16, State 1, Line 35
fromURL = 'https://<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/<container-name>/AdventureWorks.bak'
Msg 1834, Level16, State 1, Line 35
The file'C:\Server\sqlservr\data\AdventureWorks.mdf' cannot be overwritten. It is being used by the database'AdventureWorks'.
Msg 3156, Level16, State 4, Line 35File'AdventureWorks' cannot be restored to'C:\Server\sqlservr\data\AdventureWorks.mdf'. UseWITHMOVEto identify a valid location for the file.
To resolve this issue, drop the original database or move the used files to a different location before restoring the database. For more information, see Restore a database to a new location (SQL Server).
Server-level managed identity is only supported for SQL Server on Azure VM, and not on SQL Server on-premises. Server-level managed identity isn't supported for Linux.
BACKUP TO URL or RESTORE FROM URL with a managed identity is only supported for SQL Server on Azure VM. BACKUP TO URL or RESTORE FROM URL isn't supported by SQL Server on-premises.
Managed identities aren't supported with failover cluster instance (FCI).
BACKUP TO URL can only be executed with the same managed identity used for the SQL Server on Azure VM, whether the server has one or many instances of SQL Server on the VM.
Administre una infraestructura de base de datos de SQL Server para bases de datos relacionales locales e híbridas en la nube mediante las ofertas de bases de datos relacionales PaaS de Microsoft.