JoinOptions Enum


Options for joining a computer to a domain

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum JoinOptions


Name Value Description
AccountCreate 2

Create account on the domain

Win9XUpgrade 16

Join operation is part of an upgrade

UnsecuredJoin 64

Perform an unsecure join

PasswordPass 128

Indicate that the password passed to the join operation is the local machine account password, not a user password. It's valid only for unsecure join

DeferSPNSet 256

Writing SPN and DNSHostName attributes on the computer object should be deferred until the rename operation that follows the join operation

JoinWithNewName 1024

Join the target machine with a new name queried from the registry. This options is used if the rename has been called prior to rebooting the machine

JoinReadOnly 2048

Use a readonly domain controller

InstallInvoke 262144

Invoke during insatll

Applies to

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Windows PowerShell