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To Import Several Media Files into Windows Movie Maker at the Same Time

This option specifies an XML file that lists media files to be imported into Windows Movie Maker.


moviemk importfilelist.xml



Specifies the path of an XML file that lists the video, image, and audio files to import into Windows Movie Maker. The structure of the XML file is specified in Remarks.


Note   The file name extension of the XML file can be .xml or .tmp.

The XML file you specify on the command line must be structured as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?> 
    <ContentFile Filename="C:\Users\johnevans\Pictures\cake.jpg" />
    <ContentFile Filename="C:\Users\johnevans\Videos\crowdcheer.wmv" /> 
    <ContentFile Filename="C:\Users\johnevans\Pictures\mom_and_dad.jpg" /> 
    <ContentFile Filename="C:\Users\johnevans\Music\Happy60th.wma" /> 
  <AutoEdit Style="FadeReveal" />

The AutoEdit element and the DeleteOnClose element are optional.

The AutoEdit element, when present, instructs Windows Movie Maker to run the AutoEdit feature on the files after they are imported. Valid styles for the AutoEdit element are "FadeReveal", "FlipAndSlide", "Highlights", "MusicVideo", "OldMovie", and "SportsHighlights".

The DeleteOnClose element, when present, indicates that the XML file will be deleted when Windows Movie Maker is closed.


moviemk C:\Users\johnevans\bdayfiles.xml
moviemk C:\Users\johnevans\bdayfiles.tmp


Client: Windows Vista

See Also