ChatRoomManagementServices Class


A collection of methods which can be used to manage chat rooms. An instance of this class may be obtained from the ChatRoomManagementServices property of PersistentChatServices

public class ChatRoomManagementServices



Gets the endpoint that this service object is tied to.


Gets the Root Category URI. The Root Category is the single category which has no parent category, and from which all other chat rooms and chat room categories are inherited. Use this category as a starting point to explore the entire hierarchy of chat rooms and chat room categories.


BeginAddUsersOrGroupsToRole(ChatRoomRole, Uri, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)

Adds the specified collection of users or user groups to the role on the chat room.

BeginChangeParentCategory(ChatRoom, Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Move a chat room to a new parent category. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndChangeParentCategory(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginCreateChatRoom(ChatRoomSettings, AsyncCallback, Object)

Create a new chat room with the given settings. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndCreateChatRoom(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginCreateChatRoom(String, Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Create a new chat room with the given name and parent category Uri. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndCreateChatRoom(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginFindCategoriesWithCreateRights(AsyncCallback, Object)

Finds all categories for which the currently logged in user has rights to create new chat rooms.

BeginFindChatRoomsByParentCategory(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Finds all chat rooms in the parent category referenced by the specified category Uri. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndFindChatRoomsByParentCategory(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginFindChatRoomsUsingAddIn(PersistentChatAddIn, AsyncCallback, Object)

Finds all chat rooms currently using the specified add-in. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndFindChatRoomsUsingAddIn(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginFindUsersOrGroupsForRole(ChatRoomRole, Uri, String, AsyncCallback, Object)

Finds users or user groups who are eligible for the given role on the specified chat room.

BeginGetAllAddIns(AsyncCallback, Object)

Retrieves the complete list of AddIns that have been registered with the server. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndGetAllAddIns(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginGetCategoryUsers(Uri, String, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Finds users or user groups who are eligible for the Creator role on the specified category.

BeginGetChatRoom(String, AsyncCallback, Object)

Retrieves the ChatRoom with the given name. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndGetChatRoom(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginGetChatRoom(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Retrieves the ChatRoom for the given URI. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndGetChatRoom(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginGetChatRoomPermissions(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Returns the permissions that the signed in user has on the specified room.

BeginGetManagers(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Gets the managers of the specified chat room. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndGetManagers(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginGetMembers(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Gets the members of the specified chat room. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndGetMembers(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginGetPresenters(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)

Gets the presenters of the specified chat room. Presenters are the members of a chat room who may post new messages when the type of the chat room is set to IsAuditorium This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndGetManagers(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginRemoveUsersOrGroupsFromRole(ChatRoomRole, Uri, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)

Removes the specified collection of users or user groups from the role on the chat room. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndRemoveUsersOrGroupsFromRole(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginUpdateChatRoom(ChatRoomInformation, AsyncCallback, Object)

Update the chat room properties with the given ChatRoomInformation. This request will be processed asynchronously. See EndUpdateChatRoom(IAsyncResult) to complete this asynchronous operation.

BeginUpdateChatRoom(ChatRoomInformation, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)

Update chat room settings, member list, manager list and presenter list with one API call.


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginAddUsersOrGroupsToRole(ChatRoomRole, Uri, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginChangeParentCategory(ChatRoom, Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginCreateChatRoom(ChatRoomSettings, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginFindCategoriesWithCreateRights(AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginFindChatRoomsByParentCategory(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginFindChatRoomsUsingAddIn(PersistentChatAddIn, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginFindUsersOrGroupsForRole(ChatRoomRole, Uri, String, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetAllAddIns(AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetCategoryUsers(Uri, String, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object).


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetChatRoom(String, AsyncCallback, Object) or BeginGetChatRoom(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetChatRoomPermissions(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object).


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetManagers(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetMembers(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetPresenters(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginRemoveUsersOrGroupsFromRole(ChatRoomRole, Uri, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)


Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginUpdateChatRoom(ChatRoomInformation, AsyncCallback, Object) or BeginUpdateChatRoom(ChatRoomInformation, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)

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מוצר גירסאות
Lync persistent chat latest