לקריאה באנגלית ערוך

שתף באמצעות

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.PersistentChat.Management Namespace



Describes the change history of an object in the group chat database. Objects that have change histories include ChatRoomInformation, PersistentChatPrincipal, PersistentChatRoleDescriptor, and ChatRoom.


Information needed for updating a chat room via BeginUpdateChatRoom(ChatRoomInformation, AsyncCallback, Object) or BeginUpdateChatRoom(ChatRoomInformation, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, ICollection<PersistentChatPrincipalSummary>, AsyncCallback, Object)


A collection of methods which can be used to manage chat rooms. An instance of this class may be obtained from the ChatRoomManagementServices property of PersistentChatServices


Describes a user or user group which is provisioned for persistent chat, and has specific roles and permissions assigned to it in the persistent chat system.


Basic information about a user or user group. All concrete subclasses of PersistentChatPrincipal support implicit conversion to a PersistentChatPrincipalSummary.


Represents the assignment of a ChatRoomRole to a user or user group.


An object which describes a persistent chat user, and the permissions which have been granted or assigned to the user. For more information, see PersistentChatUserServices.


An object which describes a persistent chat user group, and the permissions which have been granted or assigned to the group. For more information, see PersistentChatUserServices.


A collection of methods which can be used to manage persistent chat users and user groups. An instance of this class may be obtained from the UserServices property of PersistentChatServices