
שתף באמצעות

DirListBox.DrawMode Property


Gets or sets the drawing mode for a ListBox.

 virtual property System::Windows::Forms::DrawMode DrawMode { System::Windows::Forms::DrawMode get(); void set(System::Windows::Forms::DrawMode value); };
public override System.Windows.Forms.DrawMode DrawMode { get; set; }
member this.DrawMode : System.Windows.Forms.DrawMode with get, set
Public Overrides Property DrawMode As DrawMode

Property Value

One of the DrawMode values that represent the mode for drawing the items of the control. The default is Normal.



This property should not be set for the DirListBox control; it is provided only because the DirListBox control inherits from ListBox.


Functions and objects in the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6 namespace are provided for use by the tools for upgrading from Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic. In most cases, these functions and objects duplicate functionality that you can find in other namespaces in the .NET Framework. They are necessary only when the Visual Basic 6.0 code model differs significantly from the .NET Framework implementation.

Applies to

See also