לקריאה באנגלית

שתף באמצעות

Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Behaviors Namespace



The CharactersValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to validate text input depending on specified parameters.For example, an Entry control can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid text value is provided. This behavior includes built-in checks such as checking for a certain number of digits or alphanumeric characters. Additional properties handling validation are inherited from ValidationBehavior.


The EmailValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows users to determine whether or not text input is a valid e-mail address. For example, an Entry control can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid e-mail address is provided. The validation is achieved through a regular expression that is used to verify whether or not the text input is a valid e-mail address. It can be overridden to customize the validation through the properties it inherits from ValidationBehavior.


The EventToCommandBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to invoke a System.Windows.Input.ICommand through an event. It is designed to associate Commands to events exposed by controls that were not designed to support Commands. It allows you to map any arbitrary event on a control to a Command.


This EventToCommandBehavior cast the sender object to a specific type defined by the user.


The ImpliedOrderGridBehavior enables you to automatically assign a Grid row and column to a view based on the order the view is added to the Grid. You only need to setup the row and column definitions and then add children to the Grid. You may still assign RowSpan and ColumnSpan to views and their values will be taken into account when assigning a row and column to a view. If a view has a user defined row or column value it will be honored.


The MaskedBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to define an input mask for data entry. Adding this behavior to an InputView (i.e. Entry) control will force the user to only input values matching a given mask. Examples of its usage include input of a credit card number or a phone number.


The MaxLengthReachedBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to trigger an action when a user has reached the maximum length allowed on an InputView. It can either trigger a System.Windows.Input.ICommand or an event depending on the user's preferred scenario.


Container object for the event arguments that are provided when the MaxLengthReached event is triggered.


The MultiValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to combine multiple validators to validate text input depending on specified parameters. For example, an Entry control can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid text input is provided. By allowing the user to chain multiple existing validators together, it offers a high degree of customizability when it comes to validation. Additional properties handling validation are inherited from ValidationBehavior.


The NumericValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to determine if text input is a valid numeric value. For example, an Entry control can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid numeric input is provided. Additional properties handling validation are inherited from ValidationBehavior.


The RequiredStringValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to determine if text input is equal to specific text. For example, an Entry control can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid text input is provided. Additional properties handling validation are inherited from ValidationBehavior.


The SetFocusOnEntryCompletedBehavior is an attached property for entries that allows the user to specify what VisualElement should gain focus after the user completes that entry.


The TextValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to validate a given text depending on specified parameters. By adding this behavior to an InputView inherited control (i.e. Entry) it can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid text value is provided. It offers various built-in checks such as checking for a certain length or whether or not the input value matches a specific regular expression. Additional properties handling validation are inherited from ValidationBehavior.


The UriValidationBehavior is a behavior that allows users to determine whether or not text input is a valid URI. For example, an Entry control can be styled differently depending on whether a valid or an invalid URI is provided. Additional properties handling validation are inherited from ValidationBehavior.


The UserStoppedTypingBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to trigger an action when a user has stopped data input any InputView derivate like Entry or SearchBar. Examples of its usage include triggering a search when a user has stopped entering their search query.



The allowed character types used to determine if a value is valid in the CharactersValidationBehavior. Since this is a flag, multiple flags cane be combined.


Flags to indicate what treatment Value should receive prior to validation with ValidationBehavior or subclasses. This can be used to trim or ignore whitespace for instance. This value might be ignored by a behavior if Value isn't of type System.String.
