Prior to August 2022, Microsoft Entra B2B supported self-service sign-up for email-verified users. With this feature, users create Microsoft Entra accounts, when they verify email ownership. These accounts were created in unmanaged (or viral) tenants: users created accounts with an organization domain, not under IT team management. Access persists after users leave the organization.
Unmanaged Microsoft Entra accounts via Microsoft Entra B2B were deprecated. As of August 2022, new B2B invitations can't be redeemed. However, invitations prior to August 2022 were redeemable with unmanaged Microsoft Entra accounts.
Remove unmanaged Microsoft Entra accounts
Use the following guidance to remove unmanaged Microsoft Entra accounts from Microsoft Entra tenants. Tool features help identify viral users in the Microsoft Entra tenant. You can reset the user redemption status.
After you run a tool, users with unmanaged Microsoft Entra accounts access the tenant, and re-redeem their invitations. However, Microsoft Entra ID prevents users from redeeming with an unmanaged Microsoft Entra account. They can redeem with another account type. Google Federation and SAML/WS-Federation aren't enabled by default. Therefore, users redeem with a Microsoft account (MSA) or email one-time password (OTP). MSA is recommended.
Reset redemption using MSIdentityTools PowerShell module
The MSIdentityTools PowerShell module is a collection of cmdlets and scripts, which you use in the Microsoft identity platform and Microsoft Entra ID. Use the cmdlets and scripts to augment PowerShell SDK capabilities. See, microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-powershell.
Run the following cmdlets:
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module MSIdentityTools
Import-Module msidentitytools,microsoft.graph
To identify unmanaged Microsoft Entra accounts, run:
Connect-MgGraph -Scope User.Read.All
To reset unmanaged Microsoft Entra account redemption status, run:
Inviting external users to use company Azure resources is a great benefit, but you want to do it in a secure way. Explore how to enable secure external collaboration.