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How to find your report server product key

Learn how you can find your Power BI Report Server product key to install your server in a production environment.

You downloaded Power BI Report Server, and you have a SQL Server Enterprise Software Assurance agreement. Or you purchased Power BI Premium. You want to install the server in a production environment, but you need a product key in order to do that. Where is the product key? The product key is in one of these places, depending on what you purchased:


If you have a subscription license for SQL Server Enterprise Edition with Software Assurance, it also grants use rights to Power BI Report Server. Submit a support request through the software portal you normally use to get assistance for this scenario.

You can't use a developer product key in a production environment.

For more details, see the section "Use of Power BI Report Server – SQL Server Enterprise Edition" in SQL Server licensing.

Purchased Power BI Premium

If your organization has purchased Power BI Premium capacity, you can get the key for Power BI Report Server from the Premium Settings tab in the admin portal. The key is accessible to only users with Global admin, Fabric admin, or Power BI Premium capacity admin privileges.

Screenshot of Power BI Report Server key within Premium settings.

Selecting Power BI Report Server key will display a dialog contain your product key. You can copy it and use it with the installation.

Screenshot of Power BI Report Server product key.

Purchased F64+ Reserved Instance

If your organization has purchased F64 SKU and above reserved instances, you can get the key for Power BI Report Server from the Capacity Settings tab in the admin portal. The key is only accessible to users with Global admin, Fabric admin, or Power BI Premium capacity admin privileges.

Screenshot of Power BI Report Server key within Fabric settings.

Select Power BI Report Server key to display a dialog contain your product key. You can copy it and use it with the installation.

Purchased Software Assurance agreement

If you have a SQL Server Enterprise SA agreement, you can get your product key from the Volume Licensing Service Center. Look under the latest service pack, for the latest version of SQL Server. If you don't see it there, look under the RTM release of the latest SQL Server version.


You need to look under the download section. Not the keys section.

Screenshot of SQL Server Enterprise showing Downloads and Keys tab with Power B I Report integration information.

Volume licensing in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center

If your volume licensing has moved to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, you can find your product key by choosing a SQL Server version and then looking under the View Downloads section.

Check in Billing > Your Products > Volume Licensing > View Downloads and Keys > Find SQL Server > View Downloads > View additional instructions:

  1. Select the key next to the version of the software that you have.

    Screenshot of the key next to the version of the software that you have.

  2. Under Downloads, select the View additional instructions link.

    Screenshot of Additional instructions dialog.

  3. Find the Power BI Report Server Software Assurance information displayed with your license key.

    Screenshot of View additional instructions.

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