Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The alias 'Resolve-Error' will be removed. Please use 'Resolve-AzError' instead.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Accounts version: 4.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to parameter set SimpleParameterSet and DiskFileParameterSet
Default value of -PublicIpSku will be Standard if customer doesn't specify this parameter.
Default value of `-PublicIpSku` was Basic if it is not specified
Default value of `-PublicIpSku` will be Standard if it is not specified
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'DevBox' to the new type :'DevBox'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState' 'HardwareProfileSkuName'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState' 'HardwareProfileSkuName'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
ProvisioningState is type System.String
HardwareProfileSKuName is type System.String
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
ProvisioningState is type DevBoxProvisioningState. Possible values will be Creating, Deleting, Failed, InGracePeriod, NotProvisioned, ProvisionedWithWarning, Provisioning, Starting, Stopping, Succeeded, Updating.
HardwareProfileSKuName is type SkuName. Possible values will be general_a_16c64gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb256ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb512ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb512ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb256ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb512ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb256ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb512ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb512ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb256ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb512ssd_v2
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'DevBoxOperation' to the new type :'DevBoxOperation'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail' 'Status'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail' 'Status'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
Status is type DevBoxOperationStatus
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Status is type OperationState. The possible values are the same (Canceled, Failed, NotStarted, Running, Succeeded). The change is a rename from DevBoxOperationStatus to OperationState.
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'Environment' to the new type :'Environment'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
ProvisioningState is type System.String
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
ProvisioningState is type EnvironmentProvisioningState. Possible values will be Accepted, Canceled, Creating, Deleting, Failed, MovingResources, Preparing, Running, StorageProvisioningFailed, Succeeded, Syncing, TransientFailure, Updating.
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'EnvironmentAction' to the new type :'EnvironmentAction'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'NextScheduledTime'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'NextScheduledTime'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
NextScheduledTime is type System.DateTime
NextScheduledTime is type nullable System.DateTime
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'boolean' to the new type :'string'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'OutFile' is changing.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'PassThru' is changing.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is string representation of logs
Outfile parameter is removed
Passthru parameter is removed
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'EnvironmentOperation' to the new type :'EnvironmentOperation'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail' 'EnvironmentParameter' 'Status'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail' 'EnvironmentParameter' 'Status'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
-Status is type EnvironmentOperationStatus
-EnvironmentParameter is type IAny
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Status is type OperationState. The possible values are the same (Canceled, Failed, NotStarted, Running, Succeeded). The change is a rename from EnvironmentOperationStatus to OperationState.
-EnvironmentParameter is type EnvironmentOperationEnvironmentParameters. This is serializable to JSON and to function as an associative array (dictionary) of objects
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'Pool' to the new type :'Pool'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'HardwareProfileSkuName'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'HardwareProfileSkuName'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
HardwareProfileSKuName is type System.String
HardwareProfileSKuName is type SkuName. Possible values will be general_a_16c64gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb256ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb512ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb512ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb256ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb512ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb256ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb512ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb512ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb256ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb512ssd_v2
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'DevBoxActionDelayResult' to the new type :'DevBoxActionDelayResult'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'EnvironmentAction' to the new type :'EnvironmentAction'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'NextScheduledTime'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'NextScheduledTime'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
NextScheduledTime is type System.DateTime
NextScheduledTime is type nullable System.DateTime
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'DevBox' to the new type :'DevBox'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState' 'HardwareProfileSkuName'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState' 'HardwareProfileSkuName'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
ProvisioningState is type System.String
HardwareProfileSKuName is type System.String
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
ProvisioningState is type DevBoxProvisioningState. Possible values will be Creating, Deleting, Failed, InGracePeriod, NotProvisioned, ProvisionedWithWarning, Provisioning, Starting, Stopping, Succeeded, Updating.
HardwareProfileSKuName is type SkuName. Possible values will be general_a_16c64gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb256ssd_v2, general_a_16c64gb512ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_32c128gb512ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb1024ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb2048ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb256ssd_v2, general_a_8c32gb512ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb256ssd_v2, general_i_16c64gb512ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_32c128gb512ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb1024ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb2048ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb256ssd_v2, general_i_8c32gb512ssd_v2
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'Environment' to the new type :'Environment'
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Detail' 'ProvisioningState'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Detail is type CloudErrorBody. CloudErrorBody uses a List<ICloudErrorBody> for the Detail property.
Example output for Details:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Target : resourceName
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}, @{Code=ResourceGroupNotFound; Message=The specified resource group does not exist.; Target=resourceGroupName}}
ProvisioningState is type System.String
Detail is type AzureCoreFoundationsError. Innererror property is added for additional error information. AzureCoreFoundationsError uses an array of IAzureCoreFoundationsError for the Detail property.
Example output for Detail:
Code : InvalidRequest
Message : The request is invalid.
Target : request
Detail : {@{Code=MissingParameter; Message=A required parameter is missing.; Target=parameterName}, @{Code=InvalidParameter; Message=The parameter value is invalid.; Target=parameterValue}}
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
ProvisioningState is type EnvironmentProvisioningState. Possible values will be Accepted, Canceled, Creating, Deleting, Failed, MovingResources, Preparing, Running, StorageProvisioningFailed, Succeeded, Syncing, TransientFailure, Updating.
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'Environment'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is Environment
Example output:
Name : myEnvironment
EnvironmentType : dev
User : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
CatalogName : devCatalog
EnvironmentDefinitionName: FunctionApp
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is 'System.String' is removed. The only output type will be Catalog.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is Catalog
Example output:
Name: myCatalogName
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'Environment'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is Environment
Example output:
Name : myEnvironment
EnvironmentType : dev
User : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
CatalogName : devCatalog
EnvironmentDefinitionName: FunctionApp
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'OperationStatus'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is OperationStatus
Example output:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}}
EndTime : 10/1/202312:34:56 PM
Error : @{Code=ResourceNotFound; Message=The specified resource does not exist.; Target=resourceName; Detail=System.Object[]; Innererror=}
Id : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Name : operationId
OperationLocation: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
PercentComplete : 100
Property : @{CustomProperty=CustomValue}
ResourceId : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/resources/resourceId
StartTime : 10/1/202312:00:00 PM
Status : Succeeded
Target : resourceName
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'OperationStatus'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is OperationStatus
Example output:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}}
EndTime : 10/1/202312:34:56 PM
Error : @{Code=ResourceNotFound; Message=The specified resource does not exist.; Target=resourceName; Detail=System.Object[]; Innererror=}
Id : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Name : operationId
OperationLocation: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
PercentComplete : 100
Property : @{CustomProperty=CustomValue}
ResourceId : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/resources/resourceId
StartTime : 10/1/202312:00:00 PM
Status : Succeeded
Target : resourceName
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'OperationStatus'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is OperationStatus
Example output:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}}
EndTime : 10/1/202312:34:56 PM
Error : @{Code=ResourceNotFound; Message=The specified resource does not exist.; Target=resourceName; Detail=System.Object[]; Innererror=}
Id : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Name : operationId
OperationLocation: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
PercentComplete : 100
Property : @{CustomProperty=CustomValue}
ResourceId : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/resources/resourceId
StartTime : 10/1/202312:00:00 PM
Status : Succeeded
Target : resourceName
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'OperationStatus'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is OperationStatus
Example output:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}}
EndTime : 10/1/202312:34:56 PM
Error : @{Code=ResourceNotFound; Message=The specified resource does not exist.; Target=resourceName; Detail=System.Object[]; Innererror=}
Id : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Name : operationId
OperationLocation: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
PercentComplete : 100
Property : @{CustomProperty=CustomValue}
ResourceId : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/resources/resourceId
StartTime : 10/1/202312:00:00 PM
Status : Succeeded
Target : resourceName
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'OperationStatus'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is OperationStatus
Example output:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}}
EndTime : 10/1/202312:34:56 PM
Error : @{Code=ResourceNotFound; Message=The specified resource does not exist.; Target=resourceName; Detail=System.Object[]; Innererror=}
Id : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Name : operationId
OperationLocation: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
PercentComplete : 100
Property : @{CustomProperty=CustomValue}
ResourceId : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/resources/resourceId
StartTime : 10/1/202312:00:00 PM
Status : Succeeded
Target : resourceName
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type is changing from the existing type :'System.Boolean' to the new type :'OperationStatus'
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Output type is Boolean
Output type is OperationStatus
Example output:
Code : ResourceNotFound
Detail : {@{Code=InvalidResourceName; Message=The resource name is invalid.; Target=resourceName}}
EndTime : 10/1/202312:34:56 PM
Error : @{Code=ResourceNotFound; Message=The specified resource does not exist.; Target=resourceName; Detail=System.Object[]; Innererror=}
Id : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
Innererror : @{Code=InnerErrorCode; Message=More specific information about the error.}
Message : The specified resource does not exist.
Name : operationId
OperationLocation: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/operationStatuses/operationId
PercentComplete : 100
Property : @{CustomProperty=CustomValue}
ResourceId : /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/exampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.DevCenter/resources/resourceId
StartTime : 10/1/202312:00:00 PM
Status : Succeeded
Target : resourceName
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'IdentityType' is changing.
Change description : IdentityType will be removed. EnableSystemAssignedIdentity will be used to enable/disable system assigned identity and UserAssignedIdentity will be used to specify user assigned identities.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
The parameter : 'IdentityUserAssignedIdentity' is changing.
The type of the parameter is changing from 'Hashtable' to 'string[]'.
Change description : IdentityUserAssignedIdentity will be renamed to UserAssignedIdentity. And its type will be simplified as string array.
This change will take effect on '11/19/2024'- The change is expected to take effect from Az version : '13.0.0'
The change is expected to take effect from version : '2.0.0'
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstanceHybridLink.Model.AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel' is changing
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'TargetDatabase' 'PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SourceEndpoint' 'SourceReplicaId' 'TargetReplicaId' 'LinkState' 'LastHardenedLsn'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Database' 'DistributedAvailabilityGroupName ' 'InstanceAvailabilityGroupName' 'PartnerAvailabilityGroupName' 'InstanceLinkRole' 'PartnerLinkRole' 'FailoverMode' 'SeedingMode' 'PartnerEndpoint'
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstanceHybridLink.Model.AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel' is changing
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'TargetDatabase' 'PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SourceEndpoint' 'SourceReplicaId' 'TargetReplicaId' 'LinkState' 'LastHardenedLsn'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Database' 'DistributedAvailabilityGroupName ' 'InstanceAvailabilityGroupName' 'PartnerAvailabilityGroupName' 'InstanceLinkRole' 'PartnerLinkRole' 'FailoverMode' 'SeedingMode' 'PartnerEndpoint'
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter : 'PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName' is being replaced by parameter : 'PartnerAvailabilityGroupName'.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
The parameter : 'SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName' is being replaced by parameter : 'InstanceAvailabilityGroupName'.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
The parameter : 'SourceEndpoint' is being replaced by parameter : 'PartnerEndpoint'.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
The parameter 'TargetDatabase' is being replaced by parameter 'Database'. The type of new parameter is changing from 'string' to 'string[]'
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstanceHybridLink.Model.AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel' is changing
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'TargetDatabase' 'PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SourceEndpoint' 'SourceReplicaId' 'TargetReplicaId' 'LinkState' 'LastHardenedLsn'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Database' 'DistributedAvailabilityGroupName ' 'InstanceAvailabilityGroupName' 'PartnerAvailabilityGroupName' 'InstanceLinkRole' 'PartnerLinkRole' 'FailoverMode' 'SeedingMode' 'PartnerEndpoint'
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstanceHybridLink.Model.AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel' is changing
The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'TargetDatabase' 'PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName' 'SourceEndpoint' 'SourceReplicaId' 'TargetReplicaId' 'LinkState' 'LastHardenedLsn'
The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Database' 'DistributedAvailabilityGroupName ' 'InstanceAvailabilityGroupName' 'PartnerAvailabilityGroupName' 'InstanceLinkRole' 'PartnerLinkRole' 'FailoverMode' 'SeedingMode' 'PartnerEndpoint'
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The child property CloudFileDirectory from deprecated v11 SDK will be removed when -PassThru is specified. Use child property ShareDirectoryClient instead.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 8.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
The parameter Directory (alias CloudFileDirectory) will be deprecated, and ShareDirectoryClient will be mandatory.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 8.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
The parameter Share (alias CloudFileShare) will be deprecated, and ShareClient will be mandatory.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 8.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Parameter breaking-change will happen to parameter set UriPipeline
When download blob with parameter AbsoluteUri (alias Uri, BlobUri), parameter Context will not be allowed to input together.
This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 8.0.0 and Az version: 13.0.0
Allow input -Context and -AbsoluteUri together, but Context value actually is not used when execute the cmdlet:
Get-AzStorageBlobContent -AbsoluteUri$sasuri -Destination c:\tempfile -Context$ctx
#### After
Get-AzStorageBlobContent -AbsoluteUri $sasuri -Destination c:\tempfile
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ניתן למצוא את המקור לתוכן זה ב- GitHub, שם ניתן גם ליצור ולסקור בעיות ולמשוך בקשות. לקבלת מידע נוסף, עיין במדריך התורמים שלנו.
משוב של Azure PowerShell
Azure PowerShell הוא פרויקט קוד פתוח. בחר קישור כדי לספק משוב:
הסמכה זו מודדת את היכולת שלך לבצע את המשימות הטכניות הבאות: עצב ויישם תהליכים ותקשורת, עצב ויישם אסטרטגיה לבקרת מקור, עצב ויישם קווי צינור של גירסאות Build ושחרר, פתח תוכנית אבטחה ותאימות ויישם אסטרטגיית מכשור.