You must be certified by Xandr to sell deals on our platform. Please contact Microsoft Advertising Customer Support Portal or your Xandr representative to find out how to become certified.
As a supply partner, you can use deals to provide Xandr buyers special access to your inventory and/or data. For example, a deal might provide preferential pricing on inventory, access to exclusive inventory, reduced competition on inventory, or other opportunities.
This page walks you through the process.
Before you begin
Before you can add deals to Xandr and transact on them with buyers, you must:
Be certified to sell deals on the platform.
Understand the OpenRTB protocol for requesting and receiving bids from Xandr.
Ask the Xandr buyer for their Xandr member ID, which you will need in the next step.
Step 2. Add the deal to Xandr
This step shows you how to use Xandr's API to add a deal to Xandr manually. However, we recommend building an automated mechanism to sync your deals to Xandr whenever they are created in your own system.
If the buyer did not give you their Xandr member ID, use the Platform Member Service to find it.
You can use the search query string parameter to search for the buyer by name. The example below shows the response that would be returned when searching for buyers with "Place" in their names. Note that the id field contains the member ID.
Use the Deal Service to add your deal to Xandr. In your JSON POST, be sure to:
Set the code field to your internal ID for the deal.
Set the id field in the buyer object to the buyer's member ID.
Set the use_deal_floor field to "true" and configure a deal floor by setting the floor_price field. When use_deal_floor is true, the deal's floor price overrides any other floors you may have, i.e., in placements or yield management profiles.
Always exclude the following fields in your JSON:
profile_id, package_id , created_by, payment_type
We recommend excluding the following fields in your JSON for most deals:
For basic guidelines of how to create a bid request, see OpenRTB Bid Request. In addition, note the following requirements for deals:
Your bid request must contain an additional object called pmp.
Within the pmp object, you must also include a deals array containing the deal codes you wish to expose. Each deal code must be specified as the value of the id field in that array.
A sample JSON file including an array of deal codes is shown below.
השוק המסחרי של Microsoft הוא קטלוג של יישומי ענן ושירותים המכילים הצעות מ- Microsoft ואלפי שותפים. בנתיב למידה זה, תוצג בפניך מושגים שיעזרו לארגון שלך להתכונן למכור את מוצרי הענן והשירותים שלך דרך השוק המסחרי.