Microsoft Defender for Business is an endpoint security solution designed especially for small and medium-sized businesses (up to 300 employees). This article describes how to get Defender for Business.
Microsoft has a list of solution providers who are authorized to sell offerings, including Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Microsoft Defender for Business. If you'd prefer to work with a Microsoft partner, you can follow these steps to find a solution provider in your area:
Go to the Microsoft Defender for Business web page, and select an option to try or buy Defender for Business. Fill in the requested information.
If you're starting a trial, look for your acceptance email, which contains your promo code and a link to sign in. And be sure to see the Trial user guide for Defender for Business.
Go to the Microsoft Defender portal (, and either sign in using your existing work or school account, or follow the prompts to create a new account.
In the Microsoft Defender portal, in the navigation bar, go to Assets > Devices. This action initiates the provisioning of Defender for Business for your tenant. You know this process has started when you see a message like what's displayed in the following screenshot:
It might take a few hours for your tenant to finish provisioning before you can onboard devices or complete the setup and configuration process.
Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes Defender for Business, Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 1, and Microsoft 365 Apps (formerly referred to as Office apps). For more information, see Productivity and security for small and medium-sized businesses.
After you've signed up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you'll receive an email with a link to sign in and get started. Proceed to Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium.
Go to the Microsoft Defender portal (, where you view and manage security settings and devices for your organization. In the navigation bar, go to Assets > Devices. This action initiates the provisioning of Defender for Business for your tenant.
How to get Microsoft Defender for Business servers
Microsoft Defender for Business servers is an add-on to Defender for Business that enables you to secure your server operating systems with the same protection that you get for client devices in Defender for Business.
In the navigation pane, choose Billing > Purchase services.
In the list of results, select the Details box for Microsoft Defender for Business servers.
Review the information, and complete the purchase process. You need one Microsoft Defender for Business servers license for each instance of Windows Server or Linux, and you don't assign that license to users or devices.
If your subscription also includes Microsoft Intune, you use the Intune admin center ( as well. The following table summarizes these portals and how you use them.
Use the Microsoft 365 admin center to activate your trial and sign in for the first time. You can also use the Microsoft 365 admin center to: - Add or remove users. - Assign user licenses. - View your products and services. - Complete setup tasks for your Microsoft 365 subscription.
Use the Microsoft Defender portal to set up and configure Defender for Business, and to monitor your devices and threat detections. You use the Microsoft Defender portal to: - View your devices and device protection policies. - View detected threats and take action. - View security recommendations and manage your security settings.
Use the Intune admin center to set up multifactor authentication (MFA), onboard iOS and Android devices, and configure certain capabilities, such as attack surface reduction rules.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Microsoft Defender für Endpunkt und seine wichtigsten Funktionen wie Bedrohungs- und Sicherheitsrisikoverwaltung, Verringerung der Angriffsfläche, automatisierte Untersuchung und Behebung, Endpunkterkennung und -reaktion und vieles mehr.
Planen Sie eine Endpunktbereitstellungsstrategie und führen diese mithilfe von wesentlichen Elemente moderner Verwaltung, Co-Management-Ansätzen und Microsoft Intune-Integration aus.
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Defender for Business Cybersicherheitslösung einrichten. Integrieren Sie Geräte, überprüfen Sie Ihre Richtlinien, und bearbeiten Sie Ihre Einstellungen nach Bedarf.
Microsoft Defender for Business ist eine Cybersicherheitslösung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Defender for Business schützt vor Bedrohungen auf Ihren Geräten.
Machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrer Defender for Business Testversion mit diesem Leitfaden. Richten Sie ihre neuen Sicherheitsfunktionen schnell ein und nutzen Sie die ersten Schritte.
Defender for Business ist eine Cybersicherheitslösung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen zum Schutz von Geräten wie Computern, Tablets und Smartphones. Schützen Sie Geräte mit Sicherheit auf Unternehmensniveau zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Testen Sie oder von Defender for Business noch heute!