9 अप्रैल, 3 pm - 10 अप्रैल, 12 pm
एआई के साथ भविष्य को कोड करें और जेडीकॉन 2025 में जावा साथियों और विशेषज्ञों से जुड़ें।
अभी पंजीकरण करेंयह ब्राउज़र अब समर्थित नहीं है.
नवीनतम सुविधाओं, सुरक्षा अपडेट और तकनीकी सहायता का लाभ लेने के लिए Microsoft Edge में अपग्रेड करें.
After you integrate Microsoft Entra activity logs with Azure Monitor logs, you can use the power of Log Analytics and Azure Monitor logs to gain insights into your environment.
Compare your Microsoft Entra sign-in logs against security logs published by Microsoft Defender for Cloud.
Troubleshoot performance bottlenecks on your application’s sign-in page by correlating application performance data from Azure Application Insights.
Analyze the Identity Protection risky users and risk detections logs to detect threats in your environment.
This article describes to analyze the Microsoft Entra activity logs in your Log Analytics workspace.
To analyze activity logs with Log Analytics, you need:
You must create a Log Analytics workspace. There are several factors that determine access to Log Analytics workspaces. You need the right roles for the workspace and the resources sending the data.
For more information, see Manage access to Log Analytics workspaces.
Azure Monitor provides two built-in roles for viewing monitoring data and editing monitoring settings. Azure role-based access control (RBAC) also provides two Log Analytics built-in roles that grant similar access.
View and modify settings:
For more information on the Azure Monitor built-in roles, see Roles, permissions, and security in Azure Monitor.
For more information on the Log Analytics roles, see Azure built-in roles
Read only access allows you to view Microsoft Entra ID log data inside a workbook, query data from Log Analytics, or read logs in the Microsoft Entra admin center. Update access adds the ability to create and edit diagnostic settings to send Microsoft Entra data to a Log Analytics workspace.
For more information on Microsoft Entra built-in roles, see Microsoft Entra built-in roles.
To view the Microsoft Entra ID Log Analytics, you must already be sending your activity logs from Microsoft Entra ID to a Log Analytics workspace. This process is covered in the How to integrate activity logs with Azure Monitor article.
Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Reports Reader.
Browse to Identity > Monitoring & health > Log Analytics. A default search query runs.
Expand the LogManagement category to view the list of log related queries.
Select or hover over the name of a query to view a description and other useful details.
Expand a query from the list to view the schema.
You can run queries against the activity logs being routed to a Log Analytics workspace. For example, to get a list of applications with the most sign-ins from last week, enter the following query and select the Run button.
| where CreatedDateTime >= ago(7d)
| summarize signInCount = count() by AppDisplayName
| sort by signInCount desc
To find risky sign-in events, use the following query:
| where RiskState contains "atRisk"
To get the top audit events over the last week, use the following query:
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(7d)
| summarize auditCount = count() by OperationName
| sort by auditCount desc
To summarize the count of provisioning events per day, by action:
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| summarize count() by Action, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
Take 100 provisioning events and project key properties:
| extend SourceIdentity = parse_json(SourceIdentity)
| extend TargetIdentity = parse_json(TargetIdentity)
| extend ServicePrincipal = parse_json(ServicePrincipal)
| where tostring(SourceIdentity.identityType) == "Group"
| project tostring(ServicePrincipal.Id), tostring(ServicePrincipal.Name), ModifiedProperties, JobId, Id, CycleId, ChangeId, Action, SourceIdentity.identityType, SourceIdentity.details, TargetIdentity.identityType, TargetIdentity.details, ProvisioningSteps
| take 100
9 अप्रैल, 3 pm - 10 अप्रैल, 12 pm
एआई के साथ भविष्य को कोड करें और जेडीकॉन 2025 में जावा साथियों और विशेषज्ञों से जुड़ें।
अभी पंजीकरण करेंप्रशिक्षण
Überwachen und Verwalten von Microsoft Entra ID - Training
Überwachungs- und Diagnoseprotokolle in Microsoft Entra ID bieten einen umfassenden Überblick darüber, wie Benutzer*innen auf Ihre Azure-Lösung zugreifen. Hier lernen Sie, wie Sie Anmeldedaten überwachen, Probleme beheben und die Daten analysieren.
Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administrator Associate - Certifications
Veranschaulichen der Features von Microsoft Entra ID, um Identitätslösungen zu modernisieren sowie Hybridlösungen und Identitätsgovernance zu implementieren
Konfigurieren eines Log Analytics-Arbeitsbereichs in Microsoft Entra ID - Microsoft Entra ID
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie einen Log Analytics-Arbeitsbereich in Microsoft Entra ID konfigurieren und Kusto-Abfragen für Ihre Identitätsdaten ausführen.
Integrationsoptionen für Microsoft Entra-Aktivitätsprotokolle - Microsoft Entra ID
Einführung in die Optionen und Überlegungen für die Integration von Microsoft Entra-Aktivitätsprotokollen in Speicher- und Analysetools.
Konfigurieren von Microsoft Entra-Diagnoseeinstellungen - Microsoft Entra ID
Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Microsoft Entra-Diagnoseeinstellungen konfigurieren, um Aktivitätsprotokolle in SIEM-Tools zu integrieren.