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Designing Adaptive Cards for your Microsoft Teams app
An Adaptive Card contains a freeform body of card elements and optional set of actions. Adaptive Cards are actionable snippets of content that you can add to a conversation through a bot or message extension. Using text, graphics, and buttons, these cards provide rich communication to your audience.
The Adaptive Card framework is used across many Microsoft products, including Teams. You can send cards inside messages to users via bots or message extensions. Users can also take actions on cards when present.
Microsoft Teams UI Kit
You can find more comprehensive design guidelines for Adaptive Cards in Teams, including elements that you can grab and modify as needed, in the Microsoft Teams UI Kit. The UI kit also covers essential topics such as theming, accessibility, and responsive sizing.
The Adaptive Card starter collection is a curated set of Adaptive Card templates for Teams. These templates serve as a practical starting point to inspire you to design your own Adaptive Card. The templates help you understand Microsoft’s design principles, offer insights into the correct structure, and help explore interaction patterns in Adaptive Cards. You can use the templates as they are, or customize them for your app's requirements.
Our largest card. Use for sharing articles or scenarios where an image tells most of the story.
Use for sending a simple actionable message.
Use in scenarios where you want the user to pick an item from a list, but the items don’t need a lot of explanations.
Use for news digests and round-up posts. Note: We recommend the thumbnail card for a single update or news item.
Use when you want to combine text and media, like audio or video.
Use when you want to efficiently communicate the individuals involved in a task.
Request ticket
Use to get quick inputs from a user to automatically create a task or ticket.
Use to send multiple image thumbnails.
Use when you want to the user to select a button, then gather addition user input from the same card.
Use to gather multiple inputs from the user.
Adaptive Cards have a lot of flexibilities. But at minimum, we strongly suggest including the following components in every card:
Header: Make your headers clear and concise.
Body copy: Convey details that are either too long or not important enough to include in the header.
Primary actions: As a best practice, include 1-3 primary actions. You can have up to six.
Best practices
Cards designed for a narrow screen scale well on wider screens (the opposite isn't true). You should also assume users won't only view your cards on desktop.
Column layouts
Use ColumnSet to format your card content into a table or grid. There are several options for formatting column width. These guidelines help you understand when to use each one.
"width": "auto": Sizes each column in the ColumnSet to fit whatever app content you include in that column.
Do: Use when you have content of varying width and don't need to prioritize a specific column.
Do: For each TextBlock, set "wrap": true since text doesn't wrap by default.
Don't: Set "width": "auto" for every column container. For example, if you have an input and button side by side, the button might get cut off on some screens. Instead, set auto for the column with buttons and other content that must always be completely visible.
"width": "stretch": Sizes columns based on the available ColumnSet width. When multiple columns use the "stretch" value, they equally share the available width.
Do: Use with one column if all your other columns have a static width. For example, you have thumbnail images in one column that are all 50 pixels wide.
"width": "<number>": Sizes columns using a proportion of the available ColumnSet width. For example, if you set three columns with "width": "1", "width": "4", and "width": "5", the columns take up 10, 40, and 50 percent of the available width.
"width": "<number>px": Sizes columns to a specific pixel width. This approach is useful when creating tables.
Do: Use when the width of what you're displaying doesn't need to change (for example, numbers and percentages).
Don't: Accidentally exceed the width of what the card can display. Remember, available screen width depends on the device. Teams mobile also doesn't support horizontal scrolling like Teams desktop.
Do: In this screen, there are two columns at the bottom of the card. The input component width is set to stretch, while the Select button width is set to auto. This ensures the button remains completely in view.
Don't: In this screen, both columns have width set to auto. This causes the Select button on the right to be cut off slightly compared to the input.
Here's the code for implementing the design example you should follow.
When the the size of something you're displaying doesn't need to change, set you columns to a specific pixel width. This example shows the left column sized at 50 pixels, while the descriptions next to the thumbnails stretch the length of the card.
Here's the code for implementing the design example.
A Container allows you to group a set of related elements together.
Do: Use the style property to emphasize a container.
Do: Use the selectAction property to associate an action with the other elements in the container.
Do: Use the Action.ToggleVisibility property to make a group of elements collapsible.
Don't: Use containers for any reason other than previously mentioned.
Follow these guidelines when including images in your cards.
Do: Design images for high DPI screens to avoid pixelation. It's better to display a 100 x 100 pixel image at 50 x 50 pixels than the other way around.
Do: If you need to control the exact size of your images, use the width and height properties.
Don't: Include padding with your images. This typically introduces undesirable spacing and layout issues.
Regarding background color:
Do: Use transparent backgrounds so that your images adapt to any Teams theme.
Don't: Include a fixed background color unless a specific color must be visible to your users.
Don't: Add a background color to a TextBlock that hurts readability. For example, if your background is dark, use a lighter text color and vice versa.
Do: Use up to six primary actions
While Adaptive Cards can support six primary actions, most cards don’t need that. Actions should be clear, concise, and straight forward. Less is more.
Don't: Use more than six primary actions
Adaptive Cards should present quick, actionable content. Too many actions can overwhelm a user.
Do: Be concise
It's easy to send multiple cards into a conversation, but once cards scroll out of view, they become less useful. Try to limit yourself to the essentials. This is especially true in a channel where users have less tolerance for what they perceive as "noise".
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Platform Docs प्रतिक्रिया
Platform Docs एक ओपन सोर्स प्रोजेक्ट है. प्रतिक्रिया प्रदान करने के लिए लिंक का चयन करें:
Adaptive Cards are platform-agnostic snippets of UI, authored in JSON, that apps and services can openly exchange. When delivered to a specific app, the JSON is transformed into native UI that automatically adapts to its surroundings. It helps design and integrate light-weight UI for all major platforms and frameworks. In this module, you'll learn how to create engaging messages with Adaptive Cards to create Outlook Actionable Messages and conversations in Microsoft Teams.
This sample app shows how to create user-specific adaptive card views for Teams, enabling personalized content and auto-updating across various chat contexts.
Learn about card text formatting with Markdown and HTML, how to design responsive Adaptive Cards, and other elements to create actionable Adaptive Cards.
Learn about Sequential Workflows for Adaptive Cards using Universal Actions with code samples, invoke request received on bot side, and Adaptive Card response.