Check your reseller qualifications (for GCC environments)
The following steps are applicable only to indirect providers and direct-bill partners. Indirect resellers need to connect with an indirect provider to deliver special pricing offers to qualified customers.
Use the following steps to check your reseller qualifications (for GCC environments).
Purchase rules for selling special offers to customers
Customer type
Can be sold
Can't be sold
Non-profit, Education, or Government Community Cloud
Commercial, Non-profit
Education or Government Community Cloud
Commercial, Education
Non-profit or Government Community Cloud
If Non-profit and education
Commercial, Non-profit, Education
Government Community Cloud
Government Community Cloud
Government Community Cloud
Non-profit, Education, or Commercial
State-Owned Entity
Non-profit, Education, or Government Community Cloud
If Education and State-Owned Entity
Commercial, Education
Non-profit or Government Community Cloud
If State-Owned Entity and Government Community Cloud
Government Community Cloud
Non-profit, Education, or Commercial
Check customer qualifications
From the Partner Center menu, select Customers and then choose the customer from the list.
In the customer menu, select Account.
In the Company info section, look for Special qualifications.
If Special qualifications is set to None, but the customer does in fact meet the qualifications, you can Edit their details to include them. Special qualification, for a given customer, can be requested up to three times.
Microsoft conducts periodic eligibility reviews for our customer nonprofit qualifications. Nonprofit customers who no longer meet the eligibility criteria receive a 90-day notice prior to the qualification being removed, so they can take action.
Partners managing customers who become ineligible for the nonprofit program will no longer be able to manage the nonprofit new commerce subscription(s). Furthermore, auto-renewal for the customer's nonprofit seat-based subscriptions will be disabled.
To confirm the status of a customer's nonprofit qualification, use the steps in Check customer qualifications earlier in this article. If you wish to dispute the qualification, you can request support via Contact Us ( If your customer no longer meets nonprofit criteria, they may consider the commercial offer equivalent.
Microsoft वाणिज्यिक बाज़ार क्लाउड अनुप्रयोगों और सेवाओं की एक सूची है जिसमें Microsoft और हजारों भागीदारों के प्रसाद शामिल हैं। इस शिक्षण पथ में, आपको उन अवधारणाओं से परिचित कराया जाएगा जो आपके संगठन को वाणिज्यिक बाज़ार के माध्यम से आपके क्लाउड उत्पादों और सेवाओं को बेचने के लिए तैयार होने में मदद करेंगी।
ग्राहक सेवा फ़ंक्शंस के लिए व्यावसायिक प्रक्रियाओं को बेहतर बनाएँ, जैसे स्वचालित मामला निर्माण और Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service के साथ क्यू प्रबंधन.