MSMQ Message Properties
Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server Technical Preview, Windows Vista
Message Queuing provides the following properties for defining the data in a message and how Message Queuing handles the message.
These properties are specified in the MQMSGPROPS structure, which can then be provided as an In parameter in any of the following API function calls.
Message properties | Description |
PROPID_M_ABORT_COUNT | (Introduced in MSMQ 4.0.) Indicates the number of times that transactional processing has been aborted on a message since it was placed in its current queue. |
PROPID_M_ACKNOWLEDGE | Specifies the type of acknowledgment messages returned to the sending application. |
PROPID_M_ADMIN_QUEUE | Specifies one administration queue used for returned acknowledgment messages. |
PROPID_M_ADMIN_QUEUE_LEN | Specifies the length of the administration queue buffer specified in PROPID_M_ADMIN_QUEUE. |
PROPID_M_APPSPECIFIC | Specifies application-generated information. |
PROPID_M_ARRIVEDTIME | Indicates when the message arrived at the queue. |
PROPID_M_AUTH_LEVEL | Specifies the authentication level of the message. |
PROPID_M_AUTHENTICATED | Indicates whether the message was authenticated at the request of the sending application. |
PROPID_M_AUTHENTICATED_EX | (Introduced in MSMQ 2.0.) Indicates whether the message was authenticated at the request of the sending application and what type of digital signature was used. |
PROPID_M_BODY | Contains the body of the message. |
PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE | Indicates the actual size of the message body. |
PROPID_M_BODY_TYPE | Indicates the type of body that the message contains. |
PROPID_M_CLASS | Indicates the type of message. |
PROPID_M_COMPOUND_MESSAGE | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Provides the entire contents of an SRMP message, including the SOAP envelope and the SOAP attachments associated with it. |
PROPID_M_COMPOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Provides the size of the entire contents of an SRMP message, including the SOAP envelope and the SOAP attachments associated with it. |
PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE | Specifies a connector application identifier. This property is set when some properties typically set by Message Queuing are set by the sending application. |
PROPID_M_CORRELATIONID | Specifies the application-generated correlation identifier of the message. |
PROPID_M_DEADLETTER_QUEUE | Specifies the path name of an application-specific dead letter queue (DLQ). |
PROPID_M_DEADLETTER_QUEUE_LEN | Indicates the length (in Unicode characters) of the PROPID_M_DEADLETTER_QUEUE property. |
PROPID_M_DELIVERY | Specifies how the message is delivered. |
PROPID_M_DEST_FORMAT_NAME | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Indicates the destination queue or queues to which the message was sent. |
PROPID_M_DEST_FORMAT_NAME_LEN | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Indicates the length (in Unicode characters) of the format name buffer allocated by the receiving application and the length of the format name string returned in PROPID_M_DEST_FORMAT_NAME. |
PROPID_M_DEST_QUEUE | Identifies the destination queue of the message. |
PROPID_M_DEST_QUEUE_LEN | Indicates the length of the format name buffer for the destination queue. |
PROPID_M_DEST_SYMM_KEY | Specifies the symmetric key used to encrypt an application-encrypted message or a message sent to a foreign queue. |
PROPID_M_DEST_SYMM_KEY_LEN | Specifies the length of the symmetric key used to encrypt messages sent to a foreign queue. |
PROPID_M_ENCRYPTION_ALG | Specifies the encryption algorithm used when encrypting private and authenticated messages. |
PROPID_M_EXTENSION | Provides a place to put additional information associated with the message. |
PROPID_M_EXTENSION_LEN | Specifies the length of the extension information property. |
PROPID_M_FIRST_IN_XACT | (Introduced in MSMQ 2.0.) Indicates whether the message was the first message in a transaction. |
PROPID_M_HASH_ALG | Identifies the hashing algorithm that Message Queuing uses when authenticating the message. |
PROPID_M_JOURNAL | Specifies whether the message should be kept in the computer journal, sent to a dead-letter queue, or neither. |
PROPID_M_LABEL | Specifies a description of the message. |
PROPID_M_LABEL_LEN | Identifies the length of the message label buffer. |
PROPID_M_LAST_IN_XACT | (Introduced in MSMQ 2.0.) Indicates whether the message was the last message in a transaction. |
PROPID_M_LOOKUPID | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Indicates the lookup identifier of the message. |
PROPID_M_MOVE_COUNT | (Introduced in MSMQ 4.0.) Indicates the number of times that transactional processing has been aborted on a message during its lifetime. |
PROPID_M_MSGID | Identifies the identifier of the message (GUID). |
PROPID_M_PRIORITY | Specifies the priority level of the message. |
PROPID_M_PRIV_LEVEL | Specifies the privacy level of the message to be sent. |
PROPID_M_PROV_NAME | Specifies the name of the cryptographic provider used to generate the digital signature attached to the message. |
PROPID_M_PROV_NAME_LEN | Specifies the length of the name of the cryptographic provider used for validating the digital signature attached to the message. |
PROPID_M_PROV_TYPE | Specifies the type of cryptographic provider used to generate the digital signature attached to the message. |
PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0, supersedes PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE.) Specifies the response queues used for returning application-generated response messages. |
PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME_LEN | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Indicates the length (in Unicode characters) of the format name buffer allocated by the receiving application and the length of format name string returned in PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME. |
PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE | (Superseded by PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME.) Specifies the response queue used for returning response messages. |
PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE_LEN | Specifies the length of the format name of the response queue. |
PROPID_M_SECURITY_CONTEXT | Specifies a handle to a security context structure. |
PROPID_M_SENDER_CERT | Specifies the external certificate used to authenticate the message. |
PROPID_M_SENDER_CERT_LEN | Specifies the length of the external certificate buffer. |
PROPID_M_SENDERID | Identifies who sent the message. |
PROPID_M_SENDERID_LEN | Indicates the length of the sender identifier. |
PROPID_M_SENDERID_TYPE | Specifies the type of sender identifier. |
PROPID_M_SENTTIME | Indicates the date and time that the message was sent by the source queue manager. |
PROPID_M_SIGNATURE | Specifies the MSMQ 1.0 signature or an application-generated signature that is attached to the message. |
PROPID_M_SIGNATURE_LEN | Specifies the length of the MSMQ 1.0 signature or application-generated signature that is attached to the message. |
PROPID_M_SOAP_BODY | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Specifies application-generated SOAP body elements for inclusion in the SOAP envelope of an SRMP message. |
PROPID_M_SOAP_ENVELOPE | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Provides the SOAP envelope of an SRMP message. |
PROPID_M_SOAP_ENVELOPE_LEN | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Provides the size of the SOAP envelope of an SRMP message. |
PROPID_M_SOAP_HEADER | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Specifies additional application-generated header elements for inclusion in the SOAP envelope of an SRMP message. |
PROPID_M_SRC_MACHINE_ID | Specifies the computer where the message originated. |
PROPID_M_TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED | Specifies the total time the message is allowed to live. |
PROPID_M_TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE | Specifies a time limit for the message to reach the queue. |
PROPID_M_TRACE | Specifies whether Message Queuing sends report messages indicating the route of the message. |
PROPID_M_VERSION | (Introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) Specifies the wire format used to send the message. |
PROPID_M_XACTID | (Introduced in MSMQ 2.0.) Indicates the transaction identifier for the message. |
PROPID_M_XACT_STATUS_QUEUE | Identifies the transaction status queue on the source computer. |
PROPID_M_XACT_STATUS_QUEUE_LEN | Indicates the length of the format name buffer of the transaction status queue. |
Message Queuing Properties