29 अप्रैल, 2 pm - 30 अप्रैल, 7 pm
अंतिम विंडोज सर्वर वर्चुअल इवेंट में शामिल हों अप्रैल 29-30 डीप-डाइव तकनीकी सत्रों के लिए और Microsoft इंजीनियरों के साथ लाइव क्यू एंड ए।
अभी साइन अप करेंयह ब्राउज़र अब समर्थित नहीं है.
नवीनतम सुविधाओं, सुरक्षा अपडेट और तकनीकी सहायता का लाभ लेने के लिए Microsoft Edge में अपग्रेड करें.
Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers is an operating system to host Windows Server containers. Annual Channel enables customers who are innovating quickly to take advantage of new operating system capabilities at a faster pace, focusing on containers, microservices, and portability.
Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers means new features and functionality being released on an annual basis. The more frequent releases of Annual Channel enable customers to take advantage of innovation more quickly, with a focus on containers and microservices. To learn more about the lifecycle, see the Windows Server Annual Channel lifecycle article. To learn more about difference between servicing channels, see Windows Server servicing channels.
A Windows Server, version 23H2 container host only supports the Windows Server 2022 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) container image.
Portability is an important feature introduced in Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers that lets users run workloads with different container image versions. Portability lets Windows Server 2022-based container images run on session hosts running later versions of Windows Server. This increased support helps container services like AKS to update the operating systems on container hosts on a more frequent basis without requiring you to update the containers themselves. Portability doesn't only streamline the upgrade process, but also helps developers take full advantage of the enhanced flexibility and compatibility that containers offer. For more information about portability, see Portability in Windows Server Annual Channel for containers.
To get started using Annual Channel for Containers, use your preferred method to install Windows Server on your container host. Annual Channel is available to volume-licensed customers with Software Assurance and loyalty programs such as Visual Studio Subscriptions. You can get Annual Channel releases from:
Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC): Volume-licensed customers with Software Assurance can obtain this release by going to the Volume Licensing Service Center and select Sign In. Finally, select Downloads and Keys, search for Annual Channel, then download the media.
Visual Studio Subscriptions: Visual Studio Subscribers can obtain Annual Channel releases by downloading them from the Visual Studio Subscriber download page. If you aren't already a subscriber, go to Visual Studio Subscriptions to sign up, and then visit the Visual Studio Subscriber downloads page. Releases obtained through Visual Studio Subscriptions are for development and testing only.
Annual Channel can only be installed with the Server Core installation option. To move to an Annual Channel release from LTSC, or to upgrade an existing Annual Channel installation, you must perform a clean installation.
29 अप्रैल, 2 pm - 30 अप्रैल, 7 pm
अंतिम विंडोज सर्वर वर्चुअल इवेंट में शामिल हों अप्रैल 29-30 डीप-डाइव तकनीकी सत्रों के लिए और Microsoft इंजीनियरों के साथ लाइव क्यू एंड ए।
अभी साइन अप करेंप्रशिक्षण
Microsoft प्रमाणित: Windows सर्वर हाइब्रिड व्यवस्थापक सहयोगी - Certifications
एक Windows सर्वर हाइब्रिड व्यवस्थापक के रूप में, आप Windows सर्वर परिवेशों Azure सेवाओं के साथ एकीकृत और ऑन-प्रिमाइसेस नेटवर्क में Windows सर्वर प्रबंधित करें।
What's new in Windows Server 2022
Find out what is new in Windows Server 2022.
Windows Server servicing channels
Explanation of Windows Server Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) and Annual Channel
Locks and limits in Windows Server
In this article, you can compare the operating system locks and limits across the different editions of Windows Server.