29 अप्रैल, 2 pm - 30 अप्रैल, 7 pm
अंतिम विंडोज सर्वर वर्चुअल इवेंट में शामिल हों अप्रैल 29-30 डीप-डाइव तकनीकी सत्रों के लिए और Microsoft इंजीनियरों के साथ लाइव क्यू एंड ए।
अभी साइन अप करेंयह ब्राउज़र अब समर्थित नहीं है.
नवीनतम सुविधाओं, सुरक्षा अपडेट और तकनीकी सहायता का लाभ लेने के लिए Microsoft Edge में अपग्रेड करें.
You can use this topic to learn how to use the Software Defined Networking (SDN) software load balancer (SLB) to provide outbound network address translation (NAT), inbound NAT, or load balancing between multiple instances of an application.
The SDN Software Load Balancer (SLB) delivers high availability and network performance to your applications. It is a Layer 4 (TCP, UDP) load balancer that distributes incoming traffic among healthy service instances in cloud services or virtual machines defined in a load balancer set.
Configure SLB to do the following:
In this example, you create a load balancer object with a public VIP and two VMs as pool members to serve requests to the VIP. This example code also adds an HTTP health probe to detect whether one of the pool members becomes non-responsive.
Prepare the load balancer object.
import-module NetworkController
$URI = "https://sdn.contoso.com"
$LBResourceId = "LB2"
$LoadBalancerProperties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerProperties
Assign a front-end IP address, commonly referred to as a Virtual IP (VIP).
The VIP must be from an unused IP in one of the logical network IP pools given to the load balancer manager.
$VIPIP = ""
$VIPLogicalNetwork = get-networkcontrollerlogicalnetwork -ConnectionUri $uri -resourceid "PublicVIP" -PassInnerException
$FrontEndIPConfig = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration
$FrontEndIPConfig.ResourceId = "FE1"
$FrontEndIPConfig.ResourceRef = "/loadBalancers/$LBResourceId/frontendIPConfigurations/$($FrontEndIPConfig.ResourceId)"
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationProperties
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.Subnet = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.Subnet
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.Subnet.ResourceRef = $VIPLogicalNetwork.Properties.Subnets[0].ResourceRef
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.PrivateIPAddress = $VIPIP
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.PrivateIPAllocationMethod = "Static"
$LoadBalancerProperties.FrontEndIPConfigurations += $FrontEndIPConfig
Allocate a back-end address pool, which contains the Dynamic IPs (DIPs) that make up the members of the load-balanced set of VMs.
$BackEndAddressPool = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool
$BackEndAddressPool.ResourceId = "BE1"
$BackEndAddressPool.ResourceRef = "/loadBalancers/$LBResourceId/backendAddressPools/$($BackEndAddressPool.ResourceId)"
$BackEndAddressPool.Properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolProperties
$LoadBalancerProperties.backendAddressPools += $BackEndAddressPool
Define a health probe that the load balancer uses to determine the health state of the backend pool members.
In this example, you define an HTTP probe that queries to the RequestPath of "/health.htm." The query runs every 5 seconds, as specified by the IntervalInSeconds property.
The health probe must receive an HTTP response code of 200 for 11 consecutive queries for the probe to consider the back-end IP to be healthy. If the back-end IP is not healthy, it does not receive traffic from the load balancer.
Do not block traffic to or from the first IP in the subnet for any Access Control Lists (ACLs) that you apply to the back-end IP because that is the origination point for the probes.
Use the following example to define a health probe.
$Probe = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerProbe
$Probe.ResourceId = "Probe1"
$Probe.ResourceRef = "/loadBalancers/$LBResourceId/Probes/$($Probe.ResourceId)"
$Probe.properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerProbeProperties
$Probe.properties.Protocol = "HTTP"
$Probe.properties.Port = "80"
$Probe.properties.RequestPath = "/health.htm"
$Probe.properties.IntervalInSeconds = 5
$Probe.properties.NumberOfProbes = 11
$LoadBalancerProperties.Probes += $Probe
Define a load balancing rule to send traffic that arrives at the front-end IP to the back-end IP. In this example, the back-end pool receives TCP traffic to port 80.
Use the following example to define a load balancing rule:
$Rule = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancingRule
$Rule.ResourceId = "webserver1"
$Rule.Properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancingRuleProperties
$Rule.Properties.FrontEndIPConfigurations += $FrontEndIPConfig
$Rule.Properties.backendaddresspool = $BackEndAddressPool
$Rule.Properties.protocol = "TCP"
$Rule.Properties.FrontEndPort = 80
$Rule.Properties.BackEndPort = 80
$Rule.Properties.IdleTimeoutInMinutes = 4
$Rule.Properties.Probe = $Probe
$LoadBalancerProperties.loadbalancingRules += $Rule
Add the load balancer configuration to Network Controller.
Use the following example to add the load balancer configuration to Network Controller:
$LoadBalancerResource = New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer -ConnectionUri $URI -ResourceId $LBResourceId -Properties $LoadBalancerProperties -Force -PassInnerException
Follow the next example to add the network interfaces to this back-end pool.
In this example, you configure SLB with a back-end pool for providing outbound NAT capability for a VM on a virtual network's private address space to reach outbound to the internet.
Create the load balancer properties, front-end IP, and back-end pool.
import-module NetworkController
$URI = "https://sdn.contoso.com"
$LBResourceId = "OutboundNATMMembers"
$VIPIP = ""
$VIPLogicalNetwork = get-networkcontrollerlogicalnetwork -ConnectionUri $uri -resourceid "PublicVIP" -PassInnerException
$LoadBalancerProperties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerProperties
$FrontEndIPConfig = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration
$FrontEndIPConfig.ResourceId = "FE1"
$FrontEndIPConfig.ResourceRef = "/loadBalancers/$LBResourceId/frontendIPConfigurations/$($FrontEndIPConfig.ResourceId)"
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationProperties
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.Subnet = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.Subnet
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.Subnet.ResourceRef = $VIPLogicalNetwork.Properties.Subnets[0].ResourceRef
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.PrivateIPAddress = $VIPIP
$FrontEndIPConfig.Properties.PrivateIPAllocationMethod = "Static"
$LoadBalancerProperties.FrontEndIPConfigurations += $FrontEndIPConfig
$BackEndAddressPool = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool
$BackEndAddressPool.ResourceId = "BE1"
$BackEndAddressPool.ResourceRef = "/loadBalancers/$LBResourceId/backendAddressPools/$($BackEndAddressPool.ResourceId)"
$BackEndAddressPool.Properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolProperties
$LoadBalancerProperties.backendAddressPools += $BackEndAddressPool
Define the outbound NAT rule.
$OutboundNAT = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerOutboundNatRule
$OutboundNAT.ResourceId = "onat1"
$OutboundNAT.properties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.LoadBalancerOutboundNatRuleProperties
$OutboundNAT.properties.frontendipconfigurations += $FrontEndIPConfig
$OutboundNAT.properties.backendaddresspool = $BackEndAddressPool
$OutboundNAT.properties.protocol = "ALL"
$LoadBalancerProperties.OutboundNatRules += $OutboundNAT
Add the load balancer object in Network Controller.
$LoadBalancerResource = New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer -ConnectionUri $URI -ResourceId $LBResourceId -Properties $LoadBalancerProperties -Force -PassInnerException
Follow the next example to add the network interfaces to which you want to provide internet access.
In this example, you add network interfaces to the back-end pool. You must repeat this step for each network interface that can process requests made to the VIP.
You can also repeat this process on a single network interface to add it to multiple load balancer objects. For example, if you have a load balancer object for a web server VIP and a separate load balancer object to provide outbound NAT.
Get the load balancer object containing the back-end pool to add a network interface.
$lbresourceid = "LB2"
$lb = get-networkcontrollerloadbalancer -connectionuri $uri -resourceID $LBResourceId -PassInnerException
Get the network interface and add the backendaddress pool to the loadbalancerbackendaddresspools array.
$nic = get-networkcontrollernetworkinterface -connectionuri $uri -resourceid 6daca142-7d94-0000-1111-c38c0141be06 -PassInnerException
$nic.properties.IpConfigurations[0].properties.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPools += $lb.properties.backendaddresspools[0]
Put the network interface to apply the change.
new-networkcontrollernetworkinterface -connectionuri $uri -resourceid 6daca142-7d94-0000-1111-c38c0141be06 -properties $nic.properties -force -PassInnerException
If you need to map a Virtual IP to a single network interface on a virtual network without defining individual ports, you can create an L3 forwarding rule. This rule forwards all traffic to and from the VM via the assigned VIP contained in a PublicIPAddress object.
If you defined the VIP and DIP as the same subnet, then this is equivalent to performing L3 forwarding without NAT.
This process does not require you to create a load balancer object. Assigning the PublicIPAddress to the network interface is enough information for the Software Load Balancer to perform its configuration.
Create a public IP object to contain the VIP.
$publicIPProperties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.PublicIpAddressProperties
$publicIPProperties.ipaddress = ""
$publicIPProperties.PublicIPAllocationMethod = "static"
$publicIPProperties.IdleTimeoutInMinutes = 4
$publicIP = New-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress -ResourceId "MyPIP" -Properties $publicIPProperties -ConnectionUri $uri -Force -PassInnerException
Assign the PublicIPAddress to a network interface.
$nic = get-networkcontrollernetworkinterface -connectionuri $uri -resourceid 6daca142-7d94-0000-1111-c38c0141be06
$nic.properties.IpConfigurations[0].Properties.PublicIPAddress = $publicIP
New-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId $nic.ResourceId -Properties $nic.properties -PassInnerException
This example repeats the same action as the previous example, but it automatically allocates the VIP from the available pool of VIPs in the load balancer instead of specifying a specific IP Address.
Create a public IP object to contain the VIP.
$publicIPProperties = new-object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.PublicIpAddressProperties
$publicIPProperties.PublicIPAllocationMethod = "dynamic"
$publicIPProperties.IdleTimeoutInMinutes = 4
$publicIP = New-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress -ResourceId "MyPIP" -Properties $publicIPProperties -ConnectionUri $uri -Force -PassInnerException
Query the PublicIPAddress resource to determine which IP Address was assigned.
(Get-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId "MyPIP").properties
The IpAddress property contains the assigned address. The output will look similar to this:
Counters : {}
ConfigurationState :
IpAddress :
PublicIPAddressVersion : IPv4
PublicIPAllocationMethod : Dynamic
IdleTimeoutInMinutes : 4
DnsSettings :
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
IpConfiguration :
PreviousIpConfiguration :
Assign the PublicIPAddress to a network interface.
$nic = get-networkcontrollernetworkinterface -connectionuri $uri -resourceid 6daca142-7d94-0000-1111-c38c0141be06
$nic.properties.IpConfigurations[0].Properties.PublicIPAddress = $publicIP
New-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId $nic.ResourceId -Properties $nic.properties -PassInnerException
This example removes the PublicIPAddress resource that was created by the previous examples. Once the PublicIPAddress is removed, the reference to the PublicIPAddress will automatically be removed from the network interface, the traffic will stop being forwarded, and the IP address will be returned to the Public VIP pool for re-use.
Remove the PublicIP
Remove-NetworkControllerPublicIPAddress -ConnectionURI $uri -ResourceId "MyPIP"
29 अप्रैल, 2 pm - 30 अप्रैल, 7 pm
अंतिम विंडोज सर्वर वर्चुअल इवेंट में शामिल हों अप्रैल 29-30 डीप-डाइव तकनीकी सत्रों के लिए और Microsoft इंजीनियरों के साथ लाइव क्यू एंड ए।
अभी साइन अप करेंप्रशिक्षण
Azure में लोड बैलेंस गैर-HTTP (S) ट्रैफ़िक - Training
आप Azure में विभिन्न लोड बैलेंसर विकल्प और गैर-HTTP (S) ट्रैफ़िक के लिए सही Azure समाधान चुनने और कार्यान्वित करने का तरीका जानें।
Microsoft प्रमाणित: Azure नेटवर्क इंजीनियर सहयोगी - Certifications
Azure नेटवर्किंग संरचना, लोड संतुलन ट्रैफ़िक, नेटवर्क रूटिंग आदि के डिज़ाइन, कार्यान्वयन और रखरखाव का प्रदर्शन करें.
In this topic, we provide you with an overview of the Network Load Balancing \(NLB\) feature in Windows Server 2016. You can use NLB to manage two or more servers as a single virtual cluster. NLB enhances the availability and scalability of Internet server applications such as those used on web, FTP, firewall, proxy, virtual private network \(VPN\), and other mission\-critical servers.
STEP 4 Create the Network Load Balanced Remote Access Cluster
Learn how to create and test a network load balanced Remote Access cluster.
Network Load Balancing concept and notes - Windows Server
describes the Network Load Balancing.