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Operate Azure Arc-enabled data services with least privileges
Operating Arc-enabled data services with least privileges is a security best practice. Only grant users and service accounts the specific permissions required to perform the required tasks. Both Azure and Kubernetes provide a role-based access control model which can be used to grant these specific permissions. This article describes certain common scenarios in which the security of least privilege should be applied.
In this article, a namespace name of arc will be used. If you choose to use a different name, then use the same name throughout.
In this article, the kubectl CLI utility is used as the example. Any tool or system that uses the Kubernetes API can be used though.
Deploy the Azure Arc data controller
Deploying the Azure Arc data controller requires some permissions which can be considered high privilege such as creating a Kubernetes namespace or creating cluster role. The following steps can be followed to separate the deployment of the data controller into multiple steps, each of which can be performed by a user or a service account which has the required permissions. This separation of duties ensures that each user or service account in the process has just the permissions required and nothing more.
Deploy a namespace in which the data controller will be created
This step will create a new, dedicated Kubernetes namespace into which the Arc data controller will be deployed. It is essential to perform this step first, because the following steps will use this new namespace as a scope for the permissions that are being granted.
Permissions required to perform this action:
Edit (if required for OpenShift clusters)
Run a command similar to the following to create a new, dedicated namespace in which the data controller will be created.
kubectl create namespace arc
If you are using OpenShift, you will need to edit the openshift.io/sa.scc.supplemental-groups and openshift.io/sa.scc.uid-range annotations on the namespace using kubectl edit namespace <name of namespace>. Change these existing annotations to match these specific UID and fsGroup IDs/ranges.
Assign permissions to the deploying service account and users/groups
This step will create a service account and assign roles and cluster roles to the service account so that the service account can be used in a job to deploy the Arc data controller with the least privileges required.
Permissions required to perform this action:
Service account
Role binding
Cluster role
Cluster role binding
All the permissions being granted to the service account (see the arcdata-deployer.yaml below for details)
Save a copy of arcdata-deployer.yaml, and replace the placeholder {{NAMESPACE}} in the file with the namespace created in the previous step, for example: arc. Run the following command to create the deployer service account with the edited file.
Grant permissions to users to create the bootstrapper job and data controller
Permissions required to perform this action:
Role binding
Save a copy of arcdata-installer.yaml, and replace the placeholder {{INSTALLER_USERNAME}} in the file with the name of the user to grant the permissions to, for example: john@contoso.com. Add additional role binding subjects such as other users or groups as needed. Run the following command to create the installer permissions with the edited file.
Now you are ready to create the data controller itself.
First, create a copy of the template file locally on your computer so that you can modify some of the settings.
Create the metrics and logs dashboards user names and passwords
At the top of the file, you can specify a user name and password that is used to authenticate to the metrics and logs dashboards as an administrator. Choose a secure password and share it with only those that need to have these privileges.
A Kubernetes secret is stored as a base64 encoded string - one for the username and one for the password.
location: Change this to be the Azure location where the metadata about the data controller will be stored. Review the list of available regions.
logsui-certificate-secret: The name of the secret created on the Kubernetes cluster for the logs UI certificate.
metricsui-certificate-secret: The name of the secret created on the Kubernetes cluster for the metrics UI certificate.
Recommended: review and possibly change defaults
Review these values, and update for your deployment:
storage..className: the storage class to use for the data controller data and log files. If you are unsure of the available storage classes in your Kubernetes cluster, you can run the following command: kubectl get storageclass. The default is default which assumes there is a storage class that exists and is named default not that there is a storage class that is the default. Note: There are two className settings to be set to the desired storage class - one for data and one for logs.
serviceType: Change the service type to NodePort if you are not using a LoadBalancer.
Security For Azure Red Hat OpenShift or Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, replace the security: settings with the following values in the data controller yaml file.
name: The default name of the data controller is arc, but you can change it if you want.
displayName: Set this to the same value as the name attribute at the top of the file.
registry: The Microsoft Container Registry is the default. If you are pulling the images from the Microsoft Container Registry and pushing them to a private container registry, enter the IP address or DNS name of your registry here.
dockerRegistry: The secret to use to pull the images from a private container registry if required.
repository: The default repository on the Microsoft Container Registry is arcdata. If you are using a private container registry, enter the path the folder/repository containing the Azure Arc-enabled data services container images.
imageTag: The current latest version tag is defaulted in the template, but you can change it if you want to use an older version.
logsui-certificate-secret: The name of the secret created on the Kubernetes cluster for the logs UI certificate.
metricsui-certificate-secret: The name of the secret created on the Kubernetes cluster for the metrics UI certificate.
The following example shows a completed data controller yaml.
apiVersion:v1data: password:<yourbase64encodedpassword> username:<yourbase64encodedusername>kind:Secretmetadata: name:metricsui-admin-secrettype:Opaque---apiVersion:v1data: password:<yourbase64encodedpassword> username:<yourbase64encodedusername>kind:Secretmetadata: name:logsui-admin-secrettype:Opaque---apiVersion:arcdata.microsoft.com/v5kind:DataControllermetadata: name:arc-dcspec: credentials: dockerRegistry:arc-private-registry# Create a registry secret named 'arc-private-registry' if you are going to pull from a private registry instead of MCR. serviceAccount:sa-arc-controller docker: imagePullPolicy:Always imageTag:v1.35.0_2024-11-12 registry:mcr.microsoft.com repository:arcdata infrastructure:other# Must be a value in the array [alibaba, aws, azure, gcp, onpremises, other] security: allowDumps:true# Set this to false if deploying on OpenShift allowNodeMetricsCollection:true# Set this to false if deploying on OpenShift allowPodMetricsCollection:true# Set this to false if deploying on OpenShift services: - name:controller port:30080 serviceType:LoadBalancer# Modify serviceType based on your Kubernetes environment settings: ElasticSearch:vm.max_map_count:"-1" azure: connectionMode:indirect# Only indirect is supported for Kubernetes-native deployment for now. location:eastus# Choose a different Azure location if you want resourceGroup:<yourresourcegroup> subscription:<yoursubscriptionGUID> controller: displayName:arc-dc enableBilling:truelogs.rotation.days:"7"logs.rotation.size:"5000" storage: data: accessMode:ReadWriteOnce className:default# Use default configured storage class or modify storage class based on your Kubernetes environment size:15Gi logs: accessMode:ReadWriteOnce className:default# Use default configured storage class or modify storage class based on your Kubernetes environment size:10Gi
Save the edited file on your local computer and run the following command to create the data controller:
kubectl create --namespace arc -f <path to your data controller file>
kubectl create --namespace arc -f data-controller.yaml
Monitoring the creation status
Creating the controller will take a few minutes to complete. You can monitor the progress in another terminal window with the following commands:
kubectl get datacontroller --namespace arc
kubectl get pods --namespace arc
You can also check on the creation status or logs of any particular pod by running a command like below. This is especially useful for troubleshooting any issues.