PivotFilterValues Enum


Pivot Filter Types

public enum PivotFilterValues
public readonly struct PivotFilterValues : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValue, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValueFactory<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.PivotFilterValues>, IEquatable<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.PivotFilterValues>


Name Value Description
Unknown 0


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "unknown".

Count 1


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "count".

Percent 2


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "percent".

Sum 3


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "sum".

CaptionEqual 4

Caption Equals.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionEqual".

CaptionNotEqual 5

Caption Not Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotEqual".

CaptionBeginsWith 6

Caption Begins With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionBeginsWith".

CaptionNotBeginsWith 7

Caption Does Not Begin With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotBeginsWith".

CaptionEndsWith 8

Caption Ends With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionEndsWith".

CaptionNotEndsWith 9

Caption Does Not End With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotEndsWith".

CaptionContains 10

Caption Contains.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionContains".

CaptionNotContains 11

Caption Does Not Contain.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotContains".

CaptionGreaterThan 12

Caption Is Greater Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionGreaterThan".

CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual 13

Caption Is Greater Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionGreaterThanOrEqual".

CaptionLessThan 14

Caption Is Less Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionLessThan".

CaptionLessThanOrEqual 15

Caption Is Less Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionLessThanOrEqual".

CaptionBetween 16

Caption Is Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionBetween".

CaptionNotBetween 17

Caption Is Not Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotBetween".

ValueEqual 18

Value Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueEqual".

ValueNotEqual 19

Value Not Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueNotEqual".

ValueGreaterThan 20

Value Greater Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueGreaterThan".

ValueGreaterThanOrEqual 21

Value Greater Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueGreaterThanOrEqual".

ValueLessThan 22

Value Less Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueLessThan".

ValueLessThanOrEqual 23

Value Less Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueLessThanOrEqual".

ValueBetween 24

Value Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueBetween".

ValueNotBetween 25

Value Not Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueNotBetween".

DateEqual 26

Date Equals.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateEqual".

DateNotEqual 27

Date Does Not Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNotEqual".

DateOlderThan 28

Date Older Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateOlderThan".

DateOlderThanOrEqual 29

Date Older Than Or Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateOlderThanOrEqual".

DateNewerThan 30

Date Newer Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNewerThan".

DateNewerThanOrEqual 31

Date Newer Than or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNewerThanOrEqual".

DateBetween 32

Date Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateBetween".

DateNotBetween 33

Date Not Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNotBetween".

Tomorrow 34


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "tomorrow".

Today 35


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "today".

Yesterday 36


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "yesterday".

NextWeek 37

Next Week.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextWeek".

ThisWeek 38

This Week.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisWeek".

LastWeek 39

Last Week.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastWeek".

NextMonth 40

Next Month.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextMonth".

ThisMonth 41

This Month.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisMonth".

LastMonth 42

Last Month.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastMonth".

NextQuarter 43

Next Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextQuarter".

ThisQuarter 44

This Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisQuarter".

LastQuarter 45

Last Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastQuarter".

NextYear 46

Next Year.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextYear".

ThisYear 47

This Year.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisYear".

LastYear 48

Last Year.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastYear".

YearToDate 49


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "yearToDate".

Quarter1 50

First Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q1".

Quarter2 51

Second Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q2".

Quarter3 52

Third Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q3".

Quarter4 53

Fourth Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q4".

January 54


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M1".

February 55

Dates in February.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M2".

March 56

Dates in March.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M3".

April 57

Dates in April.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M4".

May 58

Dates in May.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M5".

June 59

Dates in June.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M6".

July 60

Dates in July.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M7".

August 61

Dates in August.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M8".

September 62

Dates in September.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M9".

October 63

Dates in October.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M10".

November 64

Dates in November.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M11".

December 65

Dates in December.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M12".


Dates in April.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M4".


Dates in August.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M8".


Caption Begins With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionBeginsWith".


Caption Is Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionBetween".


Caption Contains.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionContains".


Caption Ends With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionEndsWith".


Caption Equals.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionEqual".


Caption Is Greater Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionGreaterThan".


Caption Is Greater Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionGreaterThanOrEqual".


Caption Is Less Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionLessThan".


Caption Is Less Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionLessThanOrEqual".


Caption Does Not Begin With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotBeginsWith".


Caption Is Not Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotBetween".


Caption Does Not Contain.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotContains".


Caption Does Not End With.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotEndsWith".


Caption Not Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "captionNotEqual".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "count".


Date Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateBetween".


Date Equals.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateEqual".


Date Newer Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNewerThan".


Date Newer Than or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNewerThanOrEqual".


Date Not Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNotBetween".


Date Does Not Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateNotEqual".


Date Older Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateOlderThan".


Date Older Than Or Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dateOlderThanOrEqual".


Dates in December.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M12".

Equality(PivotFilterValues, PivotFilterValues)

Dates in February.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M2".

Inequality(PivotFilterValues, PivotFilterValues)


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M1".


Dates in July.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M7".


Dates in June.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M6".


Last Month.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastMonth".


Last Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastQuarter".


Last Week.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastWeek".


Last Year.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lastYear".


Dates in March.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M3".


Dates in May.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M5".


Next Month.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextMonth".


Next Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextQuarter".


Next Week.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextWeek".


Next Year.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nextYear".


Dates in November.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M11".


Dates in October.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M10".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "percent".


Creates a new PivotFilterValues enum instance


First Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q1".


Second Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q2".


Third Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q3".


Fourth Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "Q4".


Dates in September.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "M9".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "sum".


This Month.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisMonth".


This Quarter.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisQuarter".


This Week.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisWeek".


This Year.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "thisYear".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "today".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "tomorrow".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "unknown".


Value Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueBetween".


Value Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueEqual".


Value Greater Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueGreaterThan".


Value Greater Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueGreaterThanOrEqual".


Value Less Than.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueLessThan".


Value Less Than Or Equal To.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueLessThanOrEqual".


Value Not Between.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueNotBetween".


Value Not Equal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "valueNotEqual".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "yearToDate".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "yesterday".

Applies to

Proizvod Verzije
DocumentFormat.OpenXml 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.9.0, 2.9.1, 2.10.0, 2.10.1, 2.11.0, 2.11.1, 2.11.2, 2.11.3, 2.12.0, 2.12.1, 2.12.2, 2.12.3, 2.13.0, 2.13.1, 2.14.0, 2.15.0, 2.16.0, 2.17.1, 2.18.0, 2.19.0, 2.20.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.1