
Adds members to the __VSHPROPID enumeration that defines property identifiers for different aspects of the Visual Studio environment.

public enum class __VSHPROPID3


Name Value Description

The first ID.

VSHPROPID_IsDefaultNamespaceRefactorNotify -2101

VT_BOOL. Set to TRUE if a default namespace call to IVsRefactorNotify is currently occurring, or FALSE otherwise.

VSHPROPID_RefactorExtensions -2100

An array of service GUIDs that implement IVsRefactorNotify and for which this interface should be called for any refactoring operation in the project (only defined for VSITEMID_ROOT).Add to this property by creating registry values under the local registry root's Projects<project type GUID>\FileExtensions<file extension> key with name "RefactorNotify". Then if there is a file with this extension in the project, the VSHPROPID_Extensions property contains the data from this registry value.

VSHPROPID_ProductBrandName -2099

VT_BSTR. Replace the application name with hierarchy branding in the main window title.

VSHPROPID_SupportsLinqOverDataSet -2098

BOOL set to TRUE to enable the Linq Over DataSet.

VSHPROPID_SupportsNTierDesigner -2097

BOOL set this to TRUE to enable the N-Tier designer.

VSHPROPID_SupportsHierarchicalUpdate -2096

BOOL set to TRUE to enable hierarchical update.

VSHPROPID_ServiceReferenceSupported -2095

VT_BOOL Project support for service references.

VSHPROPID_WebReferenceSupported -2094

VT_BOOL the project support for web references.

VSHPROPID_TargetFrameworkVersion -2093

Deprecated. Use VSHPROPID_TargetFrameworkMoniker instead.

Applies to

Proizvod Verzije
Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022