VsRdtFlags Enum



This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class VsRdtFlags


Name Value Description

Mask of the flags from DontSaveAs through DontAddToMRU. Allow __VSCREATEDOCWIN flags in document mask.

NoLock 0

Indicates that no lock is placed on the document.

ReadLock 1

Places a read lock on the document.

EditLock 2

Places an edit lock on the document.

RequestUnlock 4

Requests an unlock of the document.

DontSaveAs 8

Indicates that the SaveAs command should not be made available for this document.

NonCreatable 16

Indicates that the document is created through some special programmatic means. For example, using a wizard. If you specify the NonCreatable flag, then the DontAutoOpen flag automatically applies to your document.

DontSave 32

Any document marked with this value is not included in the list of documents shown in the SaveChanges dialog box. The Save Changes dialog box is displayed when the user selects Exit from the File menu.

CantSave 40

Combination of RDT_DontSave and RDT_DontSaveAs flags.

DontAutoOpen 64

Indicates that the document is not persisted in the list of documents that can be opened when the solution is re-opened. Such a document would not be opened using an editor factory, but might be opened using a wizard or special programmatic code.

CaseSensitive 128

When comparing MkDocument strings, perform a case-sensitive comparison of the strings.

Unlock_NoSave 256

Used by UnlockDocument(UInt32, UInt32). Release the edit lock and do not save.

Unlock_SaveIfDirty 512

Used by the UnlockDocument method. Release the edit lock and save the file if it is dirty.

Unlock_PromptSave 1024

Used by the UnlockDocument method. Release the edit lock and prompt the user to save the file.

Lock_WeakEditLock 2048

Places a weak edit lock on the document. This flag must be ORed with EditLock when registering a weak edit lock. This flag is used in this combination when using RegisterDocumentLockHolder(UInt32, UInt32, IVsDocumentLockHolder, UInt32).


Mask of the Unlock_ Unlock_NoSave, Unlock_SaveIfDirty, and Unlock_PromptSave flags.

VirtualDocument 4096

Exclude this document from being considered in the documents collection for the automation model.

ProjSlnDocument 8192

Set automatically by the environment when a solution or project is opened. Used to flag solution and project files in the running document table. Clients are required to set this flag in the case of nested projects.

PlaceHolderDoc 16384

Used in the implementation of miscellaneous files. Prevents the Miscellaneous Files project from calling the CreateDocumentWindow method on the document added to the project.

CanBuildFromMemory 32768

Indicates that a save of the document is not forced on a build.

DontAddToMRU 65536

Do not add to the list of most recently used files.

DontPollForState 131072

Do not poll for changes to the document's dirty or read-only state. The document owner must take responsibility for explicitly updating the state using UpdateDirtyState(UInt32) or UpdateReadOnlyState(UInt32).

Applies to

Proizvod Verzije
Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022