This article describes how to use dotnet test to run tests when using Microsoft.Testing.Platform, and the various options that are available to configure the MSBuild output produced when running tests through Microsoft.Testing.Platform.
This article shows how to use dotnet test to run all tests in a solution (*.sln) that uses Microsoft.Testing.Platform.
dotnet test integration
The dotnet test command is a way to run tests from solutions, projects, or already built assemblies. Microsoft.Testing.Platform hooks up into this infrastructure to provide a unified way to run tests, especially when migrating from VSTest to Microsoft.Testing.Platform.
This layer runs test through VSTest and integrates with it on VSTest Test Framework Adapter level.
dotnet test - Microsoft.Testing.Platform mode
By default, dotnet test is using VSTest behavior to run tests. You can enable support for Microsoft.Testing.Platform in dotnet test by specifying the <TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport>true</TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport> setting in your project file.
<ProjectSdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"><PropertyGroup><TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework><ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings><Nullable>enable</Nullable><IsPackable>false</IsPackable><IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject><OutputType>Exe</OutputType><EnableMSTestRunner>true</EnableMSTestRunner><!-- Add this to your project file. --><TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport>true</TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport></PropertyGroup><!-- ... --></Project>
It's highly recommended that you set the TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport property in Directory.Build.props. That way, you don't have to add it to every test project file, and you don't risk introducing a new project that doesn't set this property and end up with a solution where some projects are VSTest while others are Microsoft.Testing.Platform, which may not work correctly and is unsupported scenario.
Despite TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport being set to true, most of the command line options defined in dotnet test remain VSTest oriented and don't impact Microsoft.Testing.Platform based tests. To supply arguments to Microsoft.Testing.Platform, you need to use one of the methods described in Microsoft.Testing.Platform command line arguments with dotnet test.
The list below described all dotnet test command line options that are supported by Microsoft.Testing.Platform:
-a|--arch <ARCHITECTURE>
--artifacts-path <ARTIFACTS_DIR>
-c|--configuration <CONFIGURATION>
-f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>
-e|--environment <NAME="VALUE">
-o|--output <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>
--os <OS>
-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>
These arguments are supported because they are linked to the build step and are independent of the testing platform used.
Microsoft.Testing.Platform command line arguments with dotnet test
You can supply arguments that are used to call the testing application in one of the following ways:
Beginning with Microsoft.Testing.Platform version 1.4 (included with MSTest version 3.6), you can add options after the double dash -- on the command line:
dotnettest -- --minimum-expected-tests10
By using the TestingPlatformCommandLineArguments MSBuild property on the command line:
The MSBuild integration provides options that can be specified in the project file or through global properties on the command line, such as -p:TestingPlatformShowTestsFailure=true.
By default, test failures are summarized into a .log file, and a single failure per test project is reported to MSBuild.
To show errors per failed test, specify -p:TestingPlatformShowTestsFailure=true on the command line, or add the <TestingPlatformShowTestsFailure>true</TestingPlatformShowTestsFailure> property to your project file.
<ProjectSdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"><PropertyGroup><TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework><ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings><Nullable>enable</Nullable><IsPackable>false</IsPackable><IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject><OutputType>Exe</OutputType><EnableMSTestRunner>true</EnableMSTestRunner><TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport>true</TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport><!-- Add this to your project file. --><TestingPlatformShowTestsFailure>true</TestingPlatformShowTestsFailure></PropertyGroup><!-- ... --></Project>
Show complete platform output
By default, all console output that the underlying test executable writes is captured and hidden from the user. This includes the banner, version information, and formatted test information.
To show this information together with MSBuild output, use <TestingPlatformCaptureOutput>false</TestingPlatformCaptureOutput>.
This option doesn't impact how the testing framework captures user output written by Console.WriteLine or other similar ways to write to the console.
On command line:
dotnettest -p:TestingPlatformCaptureOutput=false
Or in project file:
<ProjectSdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"><PropertyGroup><TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework><ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings><Nullable>enable</Nullable><IsPackable>false</IsPackable><IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject><OutputType>Exe</OutputType><EnableMSTestRunner>true</EnableMSTestRunner><TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport>true</TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport><!-- Add this to your project file. --><TestingPlatformCaptureOutput>false</TestingPlatformCaptureOutput></PropertyGroup><!-- ... --></Project>
All examples above add properties like EnableMSTestRunner, TestingPlatformDotnetTestSupport, and TestingPlatformCaptureOutput in the csproj file. However, it's highly recommended that you set these properties in Directory.Build.props. That way, you don't have to add it to every test project file, and you don't risk introducing a new project that doesn't set these properties and end up with a solution where some projects are VSTest while others are Microsoft.Testing.Platform, which may not work correctly and is unsupported scenario.
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