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Create Template

Templates allow organizers to reuse an event and any customizations made for an event in future events. By creating a template, you save time and effort in creating multiple events.

Templates can be created directly in Microsoft Mesh app dashboard, or created from an existing Event in Mesh on the web.

Template creation flow

  1. Create your Template directly or Create a template from an existing event.

  2. Customize your Template using the Customize event experience.

  3. Edit draft Template as much as you need to before publishing.

  4. Publish the Template to be reused in future events.

Create Template in Microsoft Mesh

  1. In the Microsoft Mesh app, select the Manage Templates button.

    Screenshot of Mesh app dashboard showing Manage event templates button highlighted.

  2. In this view, you can see the previous templates that have been created, see the draft templates, or create a new template.

    • Published Templates cannot be edited further and can be used in Events.

    • Draft Templates are a work-in-progress, can be customized, but cannot be used to create Events until published.

    Template create new mesh app

  3. Select create new template and add your Title, Description, and select the Collection location for the template to exist in. Select Next when done.

    Screenshot of Mesh app showing event details to fill out.

  4. Select the environment that you want to use with your template. This could be a standard environment or a custom environment that was uploaded with the Mesh toolkit.

    Environment selection in Microsoft Mesh app

  5. Once your template is created, you should receive a notification that your Template was created.

    Template creation success toast notification in Mesh

Create Template from an existing event

If you've already customized an event or prefer to create a template from an existing event, you can do that in Mesh on the Web in the Event details page or the Environments page.

Event details page:

Screenshot of Mesh on the Web showing option to save an event as a template.

Environments page:

Screenshot of Mesh on the Web Environments page, showing create Template option.

Customize your Template

Now that your Template was created, you can customize it. For more info how to customize see Customize event experience.

  1. Find your Template draft.

    Screenshot of Mesh app Manage Templates window, draft events highlighted.

  2. Select the Customize event experience button to start customizing the Template.

    Screenshot of Mesh app, Customize event experience button highlighted.

Publish your Template

Once you're happy with your customizations, Publish the Template to be reused in future events.

  1. In the draft section, you'll see the newly made template. Select the options button on the template and choose Publish.

    Template publish option in Mesh app

  2. Your template should show in the published category.

    Template published final

Use your template

  1. Now, if you create an event and select Template:

    Template selection for an event.

  2. Select the Mesh world where you created your Template.

    Select world to use for your event

  3. Find the template you created, and choose it, then select Next.

    Select template

Now your template is created and selected for your event. When creating another event, you can find it in the Mesh world it was created and used in any future event.

Unpublish your template to customize again

Should you want to edit a Template again, you can unpublish your template to convert it to a draft form. Then you can customize it as desired, publish again, and reuse.