Ensure app and website compatibility with Microsoft Edge - Training
Ensure app and website compatibility with Microsoft Edge
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Many modern websites have designs that are incompatible with Internet Explorer. When an Internet Explorer user visits an incompatible public website, the user may be instructed by the website that the website is incompatible with Internet Explorer, and that the user must switch to a more modern browser in order to use the website.
To minimize disruptions, Microsoft Edge supports a new capability that automatically redirects users. When an Internet Explorer user goes to a website that's incompatible with Internet Explorer, Windows can automatically redirect the user to Microsoft Edge. Only websites that are part of the Need Microsoft Edge list are redirected.
On redirection to Microsoft Edge, the user is shown the one-time dialog in the next screenshot. The dialog provides the user with the following information:
The following browsing data is imported:
Browsing notification and prompt to import data and preferences:
If the user doesn't consent by selecting the Always bring over my browsing data and preferences from Internet Explorer checkbox, the user may choose Continue browsing to continue the browsing session.
Finally, a website incompatibility banner is displayed under the address bar for each redirection. An example of a website incompatibility banner is displayed in following figure.
The website incompatibility banner provides the following details to the user.
When a website is redirected from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, one of the following actions occurs.
After a redirection, users may continue to use Internet Explorer for websites that aren't on the Internet Explorer compatibility list.
The Internet Explorer compatibility list is an XML file on microsoft.com. The list is regularly updated in response to user and website developer requests to have websites added or removed. Updates to the list are automatically downloaded to user machines.
Email the following information to ietoedge@microsoft.com for your website to be added or removed from the Internet Explorer compatibility list.
The Internet Explorer compatibility list is usually updated within a week. If you experience wait times greater than one week, we may be working through an outage.
The Internet Explorer compatibility list is designed to work with public sites only.
Ensure app and website compatibility with Microsoft Edge - Training
Ensure app and website compatibility with Microsoft Edge
Summary of high-impact changes that are planned for Microsoft Edge that may impact website compatibility.
Detecting Microsoft Edge from your website - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
How to detect Microsoft Edge data with User-Agent Client Hints and the User-Agent string.
Edge-specific web development tips - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
Testing for coming changes that could impact compatibility of your site with Microsoft Edge. Moving users from Internet Explorer. Setting up tracking prevention. Detecting Microsoft Edge from your website. Detecting Windows 11 via User-Agent Client Hints.