Platform Support

Xamarin.Essentials supports the following platforms and operating systems:

Platform Version
Android 4.4 (API 19) or higher
iOS 10.0 or higher
Tizen 4.0 or higher
tvOS 10.0 or higher
watchOS 4.0 or higher
UWP 10.0.16299.0 or higher
macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or higher


  • Tizen is officially supported by the Samsung development team.
  • tvOS & watchOS have limited API coverage, please see the feature guide for more information.
  • macOS support is in preview.

Feature Support

Xamarin.Essentials always tries to bring features to every platform, however sometimes there are limitations based on the device. Below is a guide of what features are supported on each platform.

Icon Guide:

  • Full Support - Full support
  • Limited Support - Limited support
  • Not Supported - Not supported