Azure security baseline for Azure Container Apps - Azure Arc
This security baseline applies guidance from the Microsoft cloud security benchmark version 1.0 to Azure Container Apps - Azure Arc. The Microsoft cloud security benchmark provides recommendations on how you can secure your cloud solutions on Azure. The content is grouped by the security controls defined by the Microsoft cloud security benchmark and the related guidance applicable to Azure Container Apps - Azure Arc.
You can monitor this security baseline and its recommendations using Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Azure Policy definitions will be listed in the Regulatory Compliance section of the Microsoft Defender for Cloud portal page.
When a feature has relevant Azure Policy Definitions, they are listed in this baseline to help you measure compliance with the Microsoft cloud security benchmark controls and recommendations. Some recommendations may require a paid Microsoft Defender plan to enable certain security scenarios.
Local Authentication Methods for Data Plane Access
Description: Local authentications methods supported for data plane access, such as a local username and password. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
IM-3: Manage application identities securely and automatically
Managed Identities
Description: Data plane actions support authentication using managed identities. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
Service Principals
Description: Data plane supports authentication using service principals. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Feature notes: When you register a new application in Azure AD, a service principal is automatically created for the app registration.
Configuration Guidance: For services that don't support managed identities, use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to create a service principal with restricted permissions at the resource level. Configure service principals with certificate credentials and fall back to client secrets for authentication.
Description: Service configurations can be monitored and enforced via Azure Policy. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: Use Microsoft Defender for Cloud to configure Azure Policy to audit and enforce configurations of your Azure resources. Use Azure Monitor to create alerts when there is a configuration deviation detected on the resources. Use Azure Policy [deny] and [deploy if not exists] effects to enforce secure configuration across Azure resources.
Description: Service produces resource logs that can provide enhanced service-specific metrics and logging. The customer can configure these resource logs and send them to their own data sink like a storage account or log analytics workspace. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: Enable resource logs for the service. For example, Key Vault supports additional resource logs for actions that get a secret from a key vault or and Azure SQL has resource logs that track requests to a database. The content of resource logs varies by the Azure service and resource type.
Explore network traffic filtering with Network Security Group, set up Microsoft Defender for Cloud, create a Log Analytics workspace, configure Log Analytics agent integration, Azure Key Vault networking, and connect an Azure SQL server using Azure Private Endpoint in the Azure portal. Enhance cloud security effectively. (SC-5002)
The Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI security baseline provides procedural guidance and resources for implementing the security recommendations specified in the Microsoft cloud security benchmark.
The Azure Container Apps security baseline provides procedural guidance and resources for implementing the security recommendations specified in the Microsoft cloud security benchmark.