31. ožu 23 - 2. tra 23
Najveći događaj učenja SQL-a, Fabrica i Power BI-ja. 31. ožujka – 2. travnja. Upotrijebite kod FABINSIDER da uštedite 400 USD.
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Applies to:
SQL Server 2022 (16.x)
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on ledger tables: creating ledger tables, renaming ledger tables or ledger views, and dropping ledger tables.
For more information on database ledger, see Ledger
Column name | Data type | Description |
object_id | int | The object ID of the ledger table. |
schema_name | sysname | The name of the schema containing the ledger table. If the operation has changed the schema name, this column captures the new schema name. |
table_name | sysname | The name of the ledger table. If the operation has changed the table name, this column captures the new table name. |
ledger_view_schema_name | sysname | The name of the schema containing the ledger view for the ledger table. If the operation has changed the schema name, this column captures the new schema name. |
ledger_view_name | sysname | The name of the ledger view for the ledger table. If the operation has changed the view name, this column captures the new view name. |
operation_type | tinyint | The numeric value indicating the type of the operation 0 = CREATE – creating a ledger table. 1 = DROP – dropping a ledger table. 2 = RENAME - renaming a ledger table. 3 = RENAME_VIEW - renaming the ledger view for a ledger table. |
operation_type_desc | nvarchar(60) | Textual description of the value of operation_type. |
transaction_id | bigint | The transaction of the ID that included the operation on the ledger table. It identifies a row in sys.database_ledger_transactions. |
sequence_number | bigint | The sequence number of the operation within the transaction. |
Requires the VIEW LEDGER CONTENT permission.
Consider the following sequence of operations on ledger tables.
A user creates a ledger table.
CREATE TABLE [Employees]
Salary Money NOT NULL
A user renames the ledger table.
EXEC sp_rename 'Employees', 'Employees_Copy';
A user renames the ledger view of the ledger table.
EXEC sp_rename 'Employees_Ledger', 'Employees_Ledger_Copy';
A user drops the ledger table.
DROP TABLE [Employees];
The below query joins sys.ledger_table_history and sys.database_ledger_transactions to produce the history of changes on ledger tables, including the time of each and change and the name of the user who triggered it.
, t.[commit_time]
, h.[schema_name] + '.' + h.[table_name] AS [table_name]
, h.[ledger_view_schema_name] + '.' + h.[ledger_view_name] AS [view_name]
, h.[operation_type_desc]
FROM sys.ledger_table_history h
JOIN sys.database_ledger_transactions t
ON h.transaction_id = t.transaction_id
31. ožu 23 - 2. tra 23
Najveći događaj učenja SQL-a, Fabrica i Power BI-ja. 31. ožujka – 2. travnja. Upotrijebite kod FABINSIDER da uštedite 400 USD.
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