Intelligens alkalmazások létrehozása
márc. 17. 21 - márc. 21. 10
Csatlakozzon a meetup sorozathoz, hogy valós használati esetek alapján, skálázható AI-megoldásokat hozzon létre más fejlesztőkkel és szakértőkkel.
RegisztrációEzt a böngészőt már nem támogatjuk.
Frissítsen a Microsoft Edge-re, hogy kihasználhassa a legújabb funkciókat, a biztonsági frissítéseket és a technikai támogatást.
Microsoft Graph activity logs are an audit trail of all HTTP requests that the Microsoft Graph service received and processed for a tenant. Tenant administrators can enable the collection and configure downstream destinations for these logs using diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor. The logs are stored in Log Analytics for analysis; you can export them to Azure Storage for long-term storage or stream with Azure Event Hubs to external SIEM tools for alerting, analysis, or archival.
All logs for API requests made from line of business applications, API clients, SDKs, and by Microsoft applications like Outlook, Microsoft Teams, or the Microsoft Entra admin center are available.
This service is available in the following national cloud deployments.
Global service | US Government L4 | US Government L5 (DOD) | China operated by 21Vianet |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
To access the Microsoft Graph activity logs, you need the following privileges.
The following data relating to API requests is available for Microsoft Graph activity logs on the Logs Analytics interface.
Column | Type | Description |
AadTenantId | string | The Azure AD tenant ID. |
ApiVersion | string | The API version of the event. |
AppId | string | The identifier for the application. |
ATContent | string | Reserved for future use. |
ATContentH | string | Reserved for future use. |
ATContentP | string | Reserved for future use. |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
ClientAuthMethod | int | Indicates how the client was authenticated. For a public client, the value is 0. If client ID and client secret are used, the value is 1. If a client certificate was used for authentication, the value is 2. |
ClientRequestId | string | Optional. The client request identifier when sent. If no client request identifier is sent, the value will be equal to the operation identifier. |
DurationMs | int | The duration of the request in milliseconds. |
IdentityProvider | string | The identity provider that authenticated the subject of the token. |
IPAddress | string | The IP address of the client from where the request occurred. |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
Location | string | The name of the region that served the request. |
OperationId | string | The identifier for the batch. For non-batched requests, this will be unique per request. For batched requests, this will be the same for all requests in the batch. |
RequestId | string | The identifier representing the request. |
RequestMethod | string | The HTTP method of the event. |
RequestUri | string | The URI of the request. |
ResponseSizeBytes | int | The size of the response in Bytes. |
ResponseStatusCode | int | The HTTP response status code for the event. |
Roles | string | The roles in token claims. |
Scopes | string | The scopes in token claims. |
ServicePrincipalId | string | The identifier of the servicePrincipal making the request. |
SignInActivityId | string | The identifier representing the sign-in activitys. |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
TimeGenerated | datetime | The date and time the request was received. |
TokenIssuedAt | datetime | The timestamp the token was issued at. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
UserAgent | string | The user agent information related to request. |
UserId | string | The identifier of the user making the request. |
Wids | string | Denotes the tenant-wide roles assigned to this user. |
You can configure to stream the logs through the Diagnostic Setting in the Azure portal or through Azure Resource Manager APIs. For more information, see the guidance in the following articles:
The following articles guide you to configure the storage destinations:
If you already have a Microsoft Entra ID P1 license, you need an Azure subscription to set up the Log Analytics workspace, Storage account, or Event Hubs. The Azure subscription comes at no cost, but you have to pay to utilize Azure resources.
The amount of data logged and, thus, the cost incurred, can vary significantly depending on the tenant size and the applications in your tenant that interact with Microsoft Graph APIs. The following table provides some estimates for log data size to aid the price calculation. Use these estimations for general consideration only.
Users in tenant | Storage GiB/month | Event Hubs Messages/month | Azure Monitor Logs GiB/month |
1000 | 14 | 62K | 15 |
100000 | 1000 | 4.8M | 1200 |
See the following pricing calculations for respective services:
If you're ingesting the logs to a Log Analytics Workspace but are only interested in logs filtered by a criteria, such as omitting certain columns or rows, you can partially reduce costs by applying a workspace transformation on the Microsoft Graph Activity Logs table. To find out more about workspace transformations, how it affects ingestion costs, and how to apply a transformation to your Microsoft Graph Activity Logs, see Data collection transformations in Azure Monitor.
An alternative approach to reduce Log Analytics cost is to switch to the Basic log data plan which lowers the bills by providing reduced capabilities. For more information, see Set a table's log data plan to Basic or Analytics.
If you send Microsoft Graph activity logs to a Log Analytics workspace, you can query the logs using Kusto Query Language (KQL). For more information about queries in Log Analytics Workspace, see Analyze Microsoft Entra activity logs with Log Analytics. You can use these queries for data exploration, to build alert rules, build Azure dashboards, or integrate into your custom applications using the Azure Monitor Logs API or Query SDK.
The following Kusto query identifies the top 20 entities making requests to groups resources that are failing due to authorization:
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(3d)
| where ResponseStatusCode == 401 or ResponseStatusCode == 403
| where RequestUri contains "/groups"
| summarize UniqueRequests=count_distinct(RequestId) by AppId, ServicePrincipalId, UserId
| sort by UniqueRequests desc
| limit 20
The following Kusto query identifies resources queried or modified by potentially risky users:
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| join AADRiskyUsers on $left.UserId == $right.Id
| extend resourcePath = replace_string(replace_string(replace_regex(tostring(parse_url(RequestUri).Path), @'(\/)+','/'),'v1.0/',''),'beta/','')
| summarize RequestCount=dcount(RequestId) by UserId, RiskState, resourcePath, RequestMethod, ResponseStatusCode
The following Kusto query allows you to correlate the Microsoft Graph activity logs and sign-in logs. Activity logs from Microsoft applications may not all have matching sign-in log entries. For more information, see Sign-in logs known limitations.
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| join kind=leftouter (union SigninLogs, AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs, AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs, AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs, ADFSSignInLogs
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d))
on $left.SignInActivityId == $right.UniqueTokenIdentifier
The following Kusto query identifies apps that are getting throttled:
| where TimeGenerated > ago(3d)
| where ResponseStatusCode == 429
| extend path = replace_string(replace_string(replace_regex(tostring(parse_url(RequestUri).Path), @'(\/)+','//'),'v1.0/',''),'beta/','')
| extend UriSegments = extract_all(@'\/([A-z2]+|\$batch)($|\/|\(|\$)',dynamic([1]),tolower(path))
| extend OperationResource = strcat_array(UriSegments,'/')| summarize RateLimitedCount=count() by AppId, OperationResource, RequestMethod
| sort by RateLimitedCount desc
| limit 100
The following query allows you to render a time-series chart:
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(3d) .. ago(1h))
| summarize EventCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 10m)
| render timechart
with (
title="Recent traffic patterns",
Intelligens alkalmazások létrehozása
márc. 17. 21 - márc. 21. 10
Csatlakozzon a meetup sorozathoz, hogy valós használati esetek alapján, skálázható AI-megoldásokat hozzon létre más fejlesztőkkel és szakértőkkel.
Képzési terv
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
Microsoft Certified: Identitás- és hozzáférés-rendszergazdai társítás - Certifications
A Microsoft Entra ID funkcióinak bemutatása az identitásmegoldások modernizálásához, hibrid megoldások implementálásához és az identitásszabályozás implementálásához.
Tevékenységnaplók elemzése a Microsoft Graph használatával - Microsoft Entra ID
Megtudhatja, hogyan érheti el és elemezheti a Microsoft Entra bejelentkezési és naplózási naplóit a Microsoft Graph jelentéskészítési API-ival.
Bejelentkezés elemzése a Microsoft Graph API-val - Microsoft Entra ID
Megtudhatja, hogyan érheti el a bejelentkezési naplót, és hogyan elemezhet egyetlen bejelentkezési kísérletet a Microsoft Graph API használatával.
Azure Monitor-naplók referenciája – MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs - Azure Monitor
A MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs tábla hivatkozása az Azure Monitor-naplókban.