You should validate your add-in's manifest file to ensure that it's correct and complete. Validation can also identify issues that are causing the error "Your add-in manifest is not valid" when you attempt to sideload your add-in. This article describes multiple ways to validate the manifest file. Except as specified otherwise, they work for both the unified manifest for Microsoft 365 and the add-in only manifest.
If you used the Teams Toolkit or Yeoman generator for Office Add-ins to create your add-in, you can validate your project's manifest file with the following command in the root directory of your project.
command line
npm run validate
Microsoft 365 and Copilot store validation
The validate command also does Microsoft 365 and Copilot store validation but allows developer information like localhost URLs. If you'd like to run production-level Microsoft 365 and Copilot store validation, then run the following command.
command line
npm run validate -- -p
If you're having trouble with that command, try the following (replacing MANIFEST_FILE with the name of the manifest file).
Open a command prompt and install the validator with the following command.
command line
npm install -g office-addin-manifest
Run the following command in the folder of your project that contains the manifest file (replacing MANIFEST_FILE with the name of the manifest file).
command line
office-addin-manifest validate MANIFEST_FILE
If this command isn't working, run the following command instead to force the use of the latest version of the office-addin-manifest tool (replacing MANIFEST_FILE with the name of the manifest file).
command line
npx office-addin-manifest validate MANIFEST_FILE
Validate the manifest in the UI of Teams Toolkit
If you're working in Teams Toolkit and using the unified manifest, you can use the toolkit's validation options. For instructions, see Validate application.
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Office Add-ins-visszajelzés
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Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.