Feladatok ütemezése a Windows PowerShell API-val

Az N:Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob névtér által közzétett objektumok használatával ütemezett feladatot hozhat létre, meghatározhatja a futtatáskor, és lekértheti a befejezett feladatra vonatkozó eredményeket a futtatás után.

A feladat aktiválása

Az ütemezett feladat létrehozásának első lépése annak meghatározása, hogy mikor fusson a feladat. Ehhez hozzon létre és konfigurál egy T:Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobTrigger objektumot. Az alábbi kód egy eseményindítót hoz létre, amely ütemez egy feladatot, hogy a jövőben egyszer, 20 másodpercen belül fusson.

ScheduledJobTrigger jobTrigger = ScheduledJobTrigger.CreateOnceTrigger(
    DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20),        // Create trigger to start job 20 seconds after now.
    TimeSpan.Zero,                      // No random delay
    null,                               // No repetition interval time
    null,                               // No repetition interval duration
    1,                                  // Trigger Id
    true);                              // Create trigger enabled

A feladat meghatározása

A feladat Windows PowerShell egy paraméterszótár létrehozásával definiálhat. Az alábbi paraméterek támogatottak.

Paraméter neve Leírás
Név A feladat neve.
Script (Szkript) Egy Windows PowerShell szkriptblokk, amely meghatározza, hogy mit csinál a feladat.
FilePath Egy olyan fájl elérési útja, amely Windows PowerShell szkriptblokkot tartalmaz, amely meghatározza, hogy mit csinál a feladat.
InitializationScript Egy Windows PowerShell szkriptblokkot, amely inicializálja a feladatot.
ArgumentList (Argumentumlista) Objektumok tömbje, amely a feladathoz szükséges argumentumokat adja meg.
RunAs32 Logikai érték, amely meghatározza, hogy a feladat 32 bites folyamatban fusson-e.

Az alábbi kód létrehoz egy paraméterszótár-objektumot, és beállítja a Name és a ScriptBlock paramétereket.

string schedJobDefName = "MySampleSchedJob";
Dictionary<string, object> jobDefParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
jobDefParameters.Add("Name", schedJobDefName);      // Unique name is required.

ScriptBlock scriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(@"1..5 | foreach {sleep 1; ""SchedJobOutput $_""}");
jobDefParameters.Add("ScriptBlock", scriptBlock);  // A scriptblock or script FilePath
                                                   // is required.

A meghívási és feladatdefiníciós objektumok létrehozása

Ezután létrehozza a ScheduledJobInvocationInfo és a ScheduledJobDefinition objektumokat a feladat futtatásához. Ezt az alábbi kód mutatja be.

ScheduledJobInvocationInfo jobInvocationInfo = new ScheduledJobInvocationInfo(
    nw JobDefinition(typeof(ScheduledJobSourceAdapter), scriptBlock.ToString(), schedJobDefName),

schedJobDefinition = new ScheduledJobDefinition(
    jobInvocationInfo,                          // Defines the PowerShell job to run.
    new ScheduledJobTrigger[1] { jobTrigger },  // Defines when to run the PowerShell job.
    null,                                       // No custom options.  We accept default.
    null);                                      // No credentials.  PowerShell job is run
                                                // in default Task Scheduler process, account.

A feladat regisztrálása a Feladatütemező

A következő kód regisztrálja a feladatot a Windows Feladatütemező.

registrationSucceeded = true;
Console.WriteLine("Scheduled job has been registered.  Waiting 30 seconds for it to be started and run.");

Példakód befejezése

Az alábbiakban a teljes kódrészletet mutatjuk be, amelyből az előző kódrészletek készültek.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Management.Automation;             // Windows PowerShell namespace.
using Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob;        // Windows PowerShell ScheduledJob namespace.

namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.ScheduledJob
    /// <summary>
    /// This class contains the Main entry point for the application.
    /// </summary>
    public class ScheduledJobSample
        /// <summary>
        /// This sample shows how to use the PowerShell ScheduledJob API to create
        /// a simple PowerShell scheduled job, register it with a trigger object
        /// that defines when the job will run and retrieve job run results from
        /// the job file store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // ScheduledJobDefinition contains all elements of a PowerShell scheduled
            // job including the PowerShell job script or script file path, scheduling
            // triggers, and scheduling options.
            ScheduledJobDefinition schedJobDefinition = null;
            bool registrationSucceeded = false;

                // First create a scheduled job trigger object.  This object will
                // define when the PowerShell job is scheduled to run.  For this
                // example we will create a trigger to run the job just one time
                // 20 seconds after the trigger object is created.
                // Note: If you are stepping through this code in a debugger you
                // may want to increase the 20 seconds value so that the trigger time
                // remains in the future once you register the scheduled job.
                ScheduledJobTrigger jobTrigger = ScheduledJobTrigger.CreateOnceTrigger(
                    DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20),        // Create trigger to start job 20 seconds after now.
                    TimeSpan.Zero,                      // No random delay
                    null,                               // No repetition interval time
                    null,                               // No repetition interval duration
                    1,                                  // Trigger Id
                    true);                              // Create trigger enabled

                // Create a parameter dictionary that defines the PowerShell job.
                // For this example we will create a simple script that runs for
                // 5 seconds generating output.
                // Here are the parameters supported to define the PowerShell job.
                // Name                 - Job name string.
                // ScriptBlock          - PowerShell ScriptBlock type.
                // FilePath             - PowerShell script file path string.
                // InitializationScript - PowerShell Scriptblock type.
                // ArgumentList         - object[] type.
                // RunAs32              - Switch (boolean type).
                string schedJobDefName = "MySampleSchedJob";
                Dictionary<string, object> jobDefParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                jobDefParameters.Add("Name", schedJobDefName);      // Unique name is required.

                ScriptBlock scriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(@"1..5 | foreach {sleep 1; ""SchedJobOutput $_""}");
                jobDefParameters.Add("ScriptBlock", scriptBlock);  // A scriptblock or script FilePath
                                                                   // is required.

                // Now create a JobInvocation object that contains all information about
                // the PowerShell job to run.
                ScheduledJobInvocationInfo jobInvocationInfo = new ScheduledJobInvocationInfo(
                    new JobDefinition(typeof(ScheduledJobSourceAdapter), scriptBlock.ToString(), schedJobDefName),

                // Finally create the scheduled job definition object that pulls all
                // of this information together.
                schedJobDefinition = new ScheduledJobDefinition(
                    jobInvocationInfo,                          // Defines the PowerShell job to run.
                    new ScheduledJobTrigger[1] { jobTrigger },  // Defines when to run the PowerShell job.
                    null,                                       // No custom options.  We accept default.
                    null);                                      // No credentials.  PowerShell job is run
                                                                // in default Task Scheduler process, account.

                // Next we register this scheduled job object with Windows Task Scheduler.
                // The Task Scheduler will run the PowerShell script based on the provided job trigger.
                registrationSucceeded = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Scheduled job has been registered.  Waiting 30 seconds for it to be started and run.");

                // You can see this PowerShell job task registered in the Task Scheduler UI.
                // Look under path: Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScheduledJobs

                // Wait for Task Scheduler to run the PowerShell job.  This should happen in 20 seconds
                // and then the job will take about 5 seconds to run.  If PowerShell job task doesn't
                // run try increasing the trigger time in the ScheduledJobTrigger object.  You can also
                // run this task manually from the Task Scheduler UI.
                for (int count = 1; count < 31; ++count)
                    Console.WriteLine(count + " seconds elapsed");

                Console.WriteLine("Job run results.");

                // Since the PowerShell job runs in a non-interactive Task Scheduler
                // process the job status and output data is written to a file based
                // job store and the directory location is the current user local app
                // data ($env:LOCALAPPDATA).
                // This job store can be accessed through the ScheduledJobSourceAdapter class.
                ScheduledJobSourceAdapter schedJobSourceAdapter = new ScheduledJobSourceAdapter();
                IList<Job2> jobRuns = schedJobSourceAdapter.GetJobs();
                foreach (var jobRun in jobRuns)
                    // Check for jobs in finished state.
                    // Note that job data is not written to the job store until the job
                    // has reached a finished state.
                    JobState jobState = jobRun.JobStateInfo.State;
                    if (jobState == JobState.Completed ||
                        jobState == JobState.Stopped ||
                        jobState == JobState.Failed)
                        // Write job run finished state.
                        Console.WriteLine("Job Status: " + jobRun.JobStateInfo.State);
                        Console.WriteLine("Job Data");

                        // Write output data.
                        foreach (var item in jobRun.Output)

                        // Write any errors.
                        foreach (var item in jobRun.Error)

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
            catch (ScheduledJobException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
                // Unregister this scheduled job or an error will be thrown when
                // running this sample code again (scheduled job already exists.)
                // because all registered scheduled jobs must have a unique name.
                if (registrationSucceeded)