Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

OutputGroup.CanonicalName Property

Gets the unique name used for this output group.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property CanonicalName As String
string CanonicalName { get; }
property String^ CanonicalName {
    String^ get ();
abstract CanonicalName : string with get
function get CanonicalName () : String

Property Value

Type: System.String
A string representing the name used for the output group.


Sub CanonicalNameExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)

    ' Before running this example, open a project.

    ' Display the output groups of the first project.
    Dim proj As Project = dte.Solution.Item(1)
    Dim con As Configuration = _
    Dim names As String = ""
    Dim og As OutputGroup
    For Each og In con.OutputGroups
        names &= og.CanonicalName & vbCrLf

    MsgBox(proj.Name & "'s " & con.ConfigurationName & _
        " output groups:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & names)

End Sub
public void CanonicalNameExample(DTE2 dte)
    // Before running this example, open a project.

    // Display the output groups of the first project.
    Project proj = dte.Solution.Item(1);
    Configuration con = proj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration;
    string names = "";
    foreach (OutputGroup og in con.OutputGroups)
        names += og.CanonicalName + Environment.NewLine;

    MessageBox.Show(proj.Name + "'s " + con.ConfigurationName + 
        " output groups:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + 

.NET Framework Security

See Also


OutputGroup Interface

EnvDTE Namespace

Other Resources

How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples