Windows Driver Framework (WDF)
Overview of the Windows Driver Framework technology.
To develop Windows Driver Framework, you need these headers:
- wdfchildlist.h
- wdfcollection.h
- wdfcommonbuffer.h
- wdfcompanion.h
- wdfcompaniontarget.h
- wdfcontrol.h
- wdfcore.h
- wdfdevice.h
- wdfdmaenabler.h
- wdfdmatransaction.h
- wdfdpc.h
- wdfdriver.h
- wdffdo.h
- wdffileobject.h
- wdfhwaccess.h
- wdfinstaller.h
- wdfinterrupt.h
- wdfio.h
- wdfiotarget.h
- wdfmemory.h
- wdfminiport.h
- wdfobject.h
- wdfpdo.h
- wdfqueryinterface.h
- wdfregistry.h
- wdfrequest.h
- wdfresource.h
- wdfstring.h
- wdfsync.h
- wdftimer.h
- wdftypes.h
- wdfusb.h
- wdfverifier.h
- wdfwmi.h
- wdfworkitem.h
- wudfddi.h
- wudfddi_hwaccess.h
- wudfddi_types.h
- wudfdevice.h
- wudfinterrupt.h
- wudfusb.h
- wudfworkitem.h
For the programming guide, see Windows Driver Framework.
DEVICE_POWER_STATE The DEVICE_POWER_STATE enumeration identifies the device power states that a device can enter. |
POWER_ACTION Learn how the POWER_ACTION enumeration identifies the system power actions that can occur on a computer. |
SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL The SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumeration contains values that identify security impersonation levels. |
WDF_CHILD_LIST_RETRIEVE_DEVICE_STATUS The WDF_CHILD_LIST_RETRIEVE_DEVICE_STATUS enumeration defines device status values that the framework stores in a driver's WDF_CHILD_RETRIEVE_INFO structure. |
WDF_DEVICE_FAILED_ACTION The WDF_DEVICE_FAILED_ACTION enumeration identifies the action that the framework will take when a driver reports an unrecoverable software or hardware failure. |
WDF_DEVICE_HWACCESS_TARGET_SIZE This enumeration is used internally by the framework. Do not use. This enumeration is defined in wdfdevice.h. |
WDF_DEVICE_HWACCESS_TARGET_SIZE This enumeration is used internally by the framework. Do not use. This enumeration is defined in wudfddi_types.h. |
WDF_DEVICE_HWACCESS_TARGET_TYPE Learn how the WDF_DEVICE_HWACCESS_TARGET_SIZE enumeration is used internally by the framework. Do not use. This enumeration is defined in wdfdevice.h. |
WDF_DEVICE_HWACCESS_TARGET_TYPE Learn how the WDF_DEVICE_HWACCESS_TARGET_SIZE enumeration is used internally by the framework. Do not use. This enumeration is defined in wudfddi_types.h. |
WDF_DEVICE_IO_BUFFER_RETRIEVAL The WDF_DEVICE_IO_BUFFER_RETRIEVAL enumeration is used to specify when UMDF makes an I/O request's buffers available to the driver. |
WDF_DEVICE_IO_TYPE The WDF_DEVICE_IO_TYPE enumeration is used to specify a method for accessing data buffers. |
WDF_DEVICE_IO_TYPE Learn that the WDF_DEVICE_IO_TYPE enumeration is used to specify a method for accessing data buffers. |
WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE The WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE enumeration identifies all of the states that the framework's Plug and Play state machine can enter. |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_STATE The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_STATE enumeration identifies all of the states that the framework's power policy state machine can enter. |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_STATE The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_STATE enumeration identifies all of the states that the framework's power state machine can enter. |
WDF_DEVICE_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS The WDF_DEVICE_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS enumeration defines flags that identify types of shutdown notifications that a driver can receive. |
WDF_DISPATCH_IRP_TO_IO_QUEUE_FLAGS The WDF_DISPATCH_IRP_TO_IO_QUEUE_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that the driver can specify when it calls WdfDeviceWdmDispatchIrpToIoQueue. |
WDF_DMA_DIRECTION The WDF_DMA_DIRECTION enumeration defines the direction of a DMA transfer. |
WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG_FLAGS The WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that are used in a driver's WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG structure. |
WDF_DMA_PROFILE The WDF_DMA_PROFILE enumeration identifies the types of bus-master or system-mode DMA operations that devices can support. |
WDF_DRIVER_INIT_FLAGS The WDF_DRIVER_INIT_FLAGS enumeration specifies driver initialization flags. |
WDF_EVENT_TYPE The WDF_EVENT_TYPE enumeration specifies. |
WDF_EVENT_TYPE Learn how the WDF_EVENT_TYPE enumeration specifies types of events about which a driver can notify a registered application. |
WDF_EXECUTION_LEVEL The WDF_EXECUTION_LEVEL enumeration type specifies the maximum IRQL at which the framework will call the event callback functions that a driver has supplied for a framework object. |
WDF_FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS The WDF_FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration identifies the types of file information that a driver can obtain or set. |
WDF_FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS Learn how the WDF_FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration identifies the types of file information that a driver can obtain or set. |
WDF_FILEOBJECT_CLASS The WDF_FILEOBJECT_CLASS enumeration defines values that identify whether a driver requires a framework file object to represent a file that an application or another driver is attempting to create or open. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_POLARITY The WDF_INTERRUPT_POLARITY enumeration type is used to specify an interrupt signal's polarity. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_POLARITY Learn how the WDF_INTERRUPT_POLARITY enumeration type is used to specify an interrupt signal's polarity. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_POLICY The WDF_INTERRUPT_POLICY enumeration type identifies the affinity policies that the PnP manager can use when it assigns a device's interrupts to the processors of a multiprocessor system. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_POLICY Learn how the WDF_INTERRUPT_POLICY enumeration type identifies the affinity policies that the PnP manager can use when it assigns a device's interrupts to the processors of a multiprocessor system. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_POLICY The WDF_INTERRUPT_POLICY enumeration type identifies the affinity policies that the Plug and Play (PnP) manager can use when it assigns a device's interrupts to the processors of a multiprocessor system. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY Learn how the WDF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY enumeration type identifies relative priorities for device interrupts. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY This enumeration type identifies relative priorities for device interrupts. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY Learn how this enumeration type identifies relative priorities for device interrupts. |
WDF_IO_FORWARD_PROGRESS_ACTION The WDF_IO_FORWARD_PROGRESS_ACTION enumeration identifies actions that the framework can take for an I/O request packet (IRP) that your driver examines during a low-memory situation. |
WDF_IO_FORWARD_PROGRESS_RESERVED_POLICY The WDF_IO_FORWARD_PROGRESS_RESERVED_POLICY enumeration identifies actions that the framework can take when it receives an I/O request for your driver, if a low-memory situation exists. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE The WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE enumeration type identifies the request dispatching methods that can be associated with a framework queue object. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE The WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE enumeration contains values that identify how a driver must receive requests from an I/O queue. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE The WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE enumeration type identifies the status of a framework queue object. The enumerators are used as bit masks. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE The WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE enumeration contains values that identify the state of an I/O queue. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_TYPE The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_TYPE enumeration specifies how a driver identifies a remote I/O target when the driver calls WdfIoTargetOpen. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_PURGE_IO_ACTION The WDF_IO_TARGET_PURGE_IO_ACTION enumeration identifies the actions that the framework can take when a driver calls WdfIoTargetPurge to purge an I/O target. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_SENT_IO_ACTION The WDF_IO_TARGET_SENT_IO_ACTION enumeration identifies the actions that the framework can take when a driver calls WdfIoTargetStop to stop an I/O target. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_SENT_IO_ACTION The WDF_IO_TARGET_SENT_IO_ACTION enumeration identifies the actions that the framework can take when a driver calls IWDFIoTargetStateManagement::Stop or IWDFRemoteTarget::Stop to stop an I/O target. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_STATE The WDF_IO_TARGET_STATE enumeration specifies the states that an I/O target can be in. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_STATE Learn how the WDF_IO_TARGET_STATE enumeration specifies the states that an I/O target can be in. |
WDF_KPROCESSOR_MODE The WDF_KPROCESSOR_MODE enumeration type identifies the processor modes in which a thread can execute. |
WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE The WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE enumeration identifies the types of memory descriptions that a WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure can specify. |
WDF_PNP_CAPABILITY The WDF_PNP_CAPABILITY enumeration contains values that identify Plug and Play (PnP) capabilities for a device. |
WDF_PNP_STATE The WDF_PNP_STATE enumeration contains values that identify the status of Plug and Play (PnP) for a device. |
WDF_POWER_DEVICE_STATE The WDF_POWER_DEVICE_STATE enumeration identifies the device power states that a device might support. |
WDF_POWER_DEVICE_STATE The WDF_POWER_DEVICE_STATE enumeration contains values that identify the power state that a device might support. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_TIMEOUT_TYPE The WDF_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_TIMEOUT_TYPE enumeration identifies how the idle timeout for a device is determined. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_CAPABILITIES The WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_CAPABILITIES enumeration identifies the capabilities that a device can support when it enters a low-power state while it is idling. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_CAPABILITIES Learn how the WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_CAPABILITIES enumeration identifies the capabilities that a device can support when it enters a low-power state while it is idling. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_USER_CONTROL The WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_USER_CONTROL enumeration identifies whether a user can control a device's behavior when the device is idle and the system is in its working (S0) state. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_USER_CONTROL Learn how the WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_USER_CONTROL enumeration identifies whether a user can control a device's behavior when the device is idle and the system is in its working (S0) state. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_SX_WAKE_USER_CONTROL The WDF_POWER_POLICY_SX_WAKE_USER_CONTROL enumeration identifies whether a user can control a device's ability to wake the system from a low system power state. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_SX_WAKE_USER_CONTROL Learn how the WDF_POWER_POLICY_SX_WAKE_USER_CONTROL enumeration identifies whether a user can control a device's ability to wake the system from a low system power state. |
WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_DISPOSITION The WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_DISPOSITION enumeration contains values that indicate whether a registry value was created or already existed when a driver obtained a property store interface. |
WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_RETRIEVE_FLAGS The WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_RETRIEVE_FLAGS enumeration contains values that indicate whether UMDF should create a registry key if the key does not already exist. |
WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_ROOT_CLASS The WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_ROOT_CLASS enumeration identifies the registry keys that UMDF property stores represent. |
WDF_RELEASE_HARDWARE_ORDER_ON_FAILURE The WDF_RELEASE_HARDWARE_ORDER_ON_FAILURE enumeration specifies when the framework calls a driver's EvtDeviceReleaseHardware callback function. |
WDF_REMOVE_LOCK_OPTIONS_FLAGS The WDF_REMOVE_LOCK_OPTIONS_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that are used in a driver's WDF_REMOVE_LOCK_OPTIONS structure. |
WDF_REQUEST_FORWARD_OPTIONS_FLAGS The WDF_REQUEST_FORWARD_OPTIONS_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that are used in a driver's WDF_REQUEST_FORWARD_OPTIONS structure. |
WDF_REQUEST_REUSE_FLAGS The WDF_REQUEST_REUSE_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that are used in a driver's WDF_REQUEST_REUSE_PARAMS structure. |
WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_FLAGS The WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that are used in a driver's WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS structure. |
WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_FLAGS The WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that a driver can specify when it calls IWDFIoRequest::Send. |
WDF_REQUEST_STOP_ACTION_FLAGS The WDF_REQUEST_STOP_ACTION_FLAGS enumeration type defines flags that the framework passes to a driver's EvtIoStop callback function. |
WDF_REQUEST_STOP_ACTION_FLAGS The WDF_REQUEST_STOP_ACTION_FLAGS enumeration contains values that identify the state of a stop action request in a call to the driver's IQueueCallbackIoStop::OnIoStop method. |
WDF_REQUEST_TYPE The WDF_REQUEST_TYPE enumeration type identifies types of requests that a framework request object might contain. |
WDF_REQUEST_TYPE The WDF_REQUEST_TYPE enumeration identifies the types of I/O requests that a UMDF request object can represent. |
WDF_RETRIEVE_CHILD_FLAGS The WDF_RETRIEVE_CHILD_FLAGS enumeration defines flags that a driver can set before calling WdfChildListBeginIteration. |
WDF_SPECIAL_FILE_TYPE The WDF_SPECIAL_FILE_TYPE enumeration identifies special file types that a device can support. |
WDF_STATE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE The WDF_STATE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE enumeration identifies the type of Plug and Play, power, or power policy notification that a framework-based driver will receive. |
WDF_SYNCHRONIZATION_SCOPE The WDF_SYNCHRONIZATION_SCOPE enumeration type specifies how the framework will synchronize execution of an object's event callback functions. |
WDF_TASK_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE This WDF_TASK_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE article is for internal use only. |
WDF_TASK_SEND_OPTIONS_FLAGS This WDF_TASK_SEND_OPTIONS_FLAGS article is for internal use only. |
WDF_TRI_STATE The WDF_TRI_STATE enumeration type defines three values that the framework uses for some structure members and function parameters. |
WDF_TRI_STATE Learn how the WDF_TRI_STATE enumeration type defines three values that the framework uses for some structure members and function parameters. |
WDF_USB_BMREQUEST_DIRECTION The WDF_USB_BMREQUEST_DIRECTION enumeration identifies the data transfer direction for a USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_BMREQUEST_RECIPIENT The WDF_USB_BMREQUEST_RECIPIENT enumeration identifies the data transfer recipient for a USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_BMREQUEST_TYPE The WDF_USB_BMREQUEST_TYPE enumeration identifies the data transfer type for a USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_DEVICE_TRAITS The WDF_USB_DEVICE_TRAITS enumeration identifies USB device traits. |
WDF_USB_PIPE_TYPE The WDF_USB_PIPE_TYPE enumeration identifies the types of USB pipes. |
WDF_USB_REQUEST_TYPE The WDF_USB_REQUEST_TYPE enumeration identifies the types of USB requests that a framework-based driver can send to a USB I/O target. |
WDF_USB_REQUEST_TYPE The WDF_USB_REQUEST_TYPE enumeration contains values that identify a type of USB request object. |
WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_CONTROL The WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_CONTROL enumeration defines the type of control functions that a WMI data provider can support. |
WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_FLAGS The WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_FLAGS enumeration defines configuration flags for a driver's WMI data provider. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfigType The WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfigType enumeration defines types of configuration operations for USB devices. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectSettingType The WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectSettingType enumeration defines techniques for specifying an alternate setting for a USB interface. |
Abort The Abort method aborts all pending transfers on a USB pipe. |
AcquireInterruptLock The AcquireInterruptLock method begins a code sequence that executes while holding an interrupt object's lock. |
AcquireLock The AcquireLock method prevents the framework from calling methods of interfaces that a driver registered. |
AssignContext The AssignContext method registers a context and a driver-supplied cleanup callback function for the object. |
AssignDeviceInterfaceState The AssignDeviceInterfaceState method enables or disables the specified device interface instance for a device. |
AssignS0IdleSettings The AssignS0IdleSettings method provides driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in its working (S0) state. |
AssignS0IdleSettingsEx The AssignS0IdleSettingsEx method provides driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in its working (S0) state. |
AssignSxWakeSettings The AssignSxWakeSettings method provides driver-supplied information about a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while both the device and the system are in a low-power state. |
AutoForwardCreateCleanupClose The AutoForwardCreateCleanupClose method controls when create, cleanup, and close notifications are forwarded to the next lower driver in the device stack. |
CancelSentRequest The CancelSentRequest method attempts to cancel the I/O request that the driver previously submitted to an I/O target. |
CancelSentRequestsForFile The CancelSentRequestsForFile method cancels all I/O requests that have been sent on behalf of the specified file object. |
Close The Close method closes an instance of a UMDF driver-created-file object that was created by calling the IWDFDevice::CreateWdfFile method. |
Close The Close method closes a remote I/O target. |
CloseForQueryRemove The CloseForQueryRemove method closes a remote I/O target because the operating system might allow the device to be removed. |
CommitPnpState The CommitPnpState method commits the state of the Plug and Play (PnP) property (that is, turns on, turns off, or sets to the default state) that the IWDFDevice::SetPnpState method set. |
Complete The Complete method completes an I/O request. |
CompleteWithInformation The CompleteWithInformation method completes a request with the supplied information. |
ConfigureContinuousReader The ConfigureContinuousReader method configures the framework to continuously read from a USB pipe. |
ConfigureRequestDispatching The ConfigureRequestDispatching method configures the queuing of I/O requests of the specified type to the specified I/O queue. |
ConfigureRequestDispatching The ConfigureRequestDispatching method configures the queuing of I/O requests of the given type. |
CopyFromBuffer The CopyFromBuffer method safely copies data from the specified source buffer to a memory object. |
CopyFromMemory The CopyFromMemory method safely copies data from the specified source buffer and prevents overruns that the copy operation might otherwise cause. |
CopyToBuffer The CopyToBuffer method safely copies data from a memory object to the specified target buffer. |
CreateDevice The CreateDevice method configures and creates a new framework device object. |
CreateDeviceInterface The CreateDeviceInterface method creates an instance of a device interface class. |
CreateFileHandleTarget The CreateFileHandleTarget method creates a file-handle-based I/O target object. |
CreateInterrupt The CreateInterrupt method creates a framework interrupt object. |
CreateIoQueue The CreateIoQueue method configures the default I/O queue that is associated with a device or creates a secondary I/O queue for the device. |
CreatePreallocatedWdfMemory The CreatePreallocatedWdfMemory method creates a framework memory object for the specified buffer. |
CreateRemoteInterface The CreateRemoteInterface method creates a remote interface object that represents a device interface. |
CreateRemoteTarget The CreateRemoteTarget method creates a remote target object that represents a remote I/O target. |
CreateRequest The CreateRequest method creates an unformatted request object. |
CreateSymbolicLink The CreateSymbolicLink method creates a symbolic link for the device. |
CreateSymbolicLinkWithReferenceString TheCreateSymbolicLinkWithReferenceString method creates a symbolic link name, and optionally, a reference string, for a device. |
CreateUsbTargetDevice The CreateUsbTargetDevice method creates a USB device object that is also an I/O target. |
CreateWdfFile The CreateWdfFile method creates a file object for a driver to use. |
CreateWdfMemory The CreateWdfMemory method creates a framework memory object and allocates, for the memory object, a data buffer of the specified nonzero size. |
CreateWdfObject The CreateWdfObject method creates a custom (or user) WDF object from a parent WDF object. |
CreateWorkItem The CreateWorkItem method creates a framework work-item object, which can subsequently be added to the framework’s work-item queue. |
DeleteNamedValue The DeleteNamedValue method deletes a value name from the registry. |
DeleteWdfObject The DeleteWdfObject method deletes a previously created Microsoft Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF) object. |
Disable The Disable method disables a specified device interrupt by calling the driver's OnInterruptDisable callback function. |
Drain The Drain method directs the queue to reject new incoming I/O requests and allow already-queued requests to be delivered to the driver for processing. |
DrainSynchronously The DrainSynchronously method directs the queue to reject new incoming I/O requests and allows already-queued requests to be delivered to the driver for processing. This method returns after all requests are completed or canceled. |
Enable The Enable method enables a specified device interrupt by calling the driver's OnInterruptEnable callback function. |
Enqueue The Enqueue method adds this interface's framework work-item object to the system's work-item queue. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION_CLEANUP A driver's EvtChildListAddressDescriptionCleanup event callback function frees any memory allocations for an address description that the driver's EvtChildListAddressDescriptionDuplicate callback function allocated. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION_COPY A driver's EvtChildListAddressDescriptionCopy event callback function copies a child address description from one specified location to another. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION_DUPLICATE A driver's EvtChildListAddressDescriptionDuplicate event callback function duplicates a child address description. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_CREATE_DEVICE A bus driver'sEvtChildListCreateDevice event callback function creates a framework device object for a new device that has been dynamically enumerated. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_DEVICE_REENUMERATED A driver's EvtChildListDeviceReenumerated event callback function enables the driver to approve or cancel a reenumeration of a specified device. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_IDENTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION_CLEANUP A driver's EvtChildListIdentificationDescriptionCleanup event callback function frees any memory allocations for an identification description that the driver's EvtChildListIdentificationDescriptionDuplicate callback function allocated. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_IDENTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION_COMPARE A driver's EvtChildListIdentificationDescriptionCompare event callback function compares one child identification description with another. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_IDENTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION_COPY A driver's EvtChildListIdentificationDescriptionCopy event callback function copies a child identification description from one specified location to another. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_IDENTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION_DUPLICATE A driver's EvtChildListIdentificationDescriptionDuplicate event callback function duplicates a child identification description. |
EVT_WDF_CHILD_LIST_SCAN_FOR_CHILDREN A driver's EvtChildListScanForChildren event callback function must report all of the child devices that are present. |
EVT_WDF_COMPANION_POST_D0_EXIT This EVT_WDF_COMPANION_POST_D0_EXIT article is for internal use only. |
EVT_WDF_COMPANION_PRE_D0_ENTRY This EVT_WDF_COMPANION_PRE_D0_ENTRY article is for internal use only. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_ARM_WAKE_FROM_S0 A driver's EvtDeviceArmWakeFromS0 event callback function arms (that is, enables) a device so that it can trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state, if the system remains in the system working state (S0). |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_ARM_WAKE_FROM_SX A driver's EvtDeviceArmWakeFromSx event callback function arms (that is, enables) a device so that it can trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_ARM_WAKE_FROM_SX_WITH_REASON A driver's EvtDeviceArmWakeFromSxWithReason event callback function arms (that is, enables) a device so that it can trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_D0_ENTRY A driver's EvtDeviceD0Entry event callback function performs operations that are needed when the driver's device enters the D0 power state. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_D0_ENTRY_POST_INTERRUPTS_ENABLED A driver's EvtDeviceD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled event callback function performs device-specific operations that are required after the driver has enabled the device's hardware interrupts. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_D0_EXIT A driver's EvtDeviceD0Exit event callback function performs operations that are needed when the driver's device leaves the D0 power state. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_D0_EXIT_PRE_INTERRUPTS_DISABLED A driver's EvtDeviceD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled event callback function performs device-specific operations that are required before the driver disables the device's hardware interrupts. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_DISABLE_WAKE_AT_BUS A bus driver's EvtDeviceDisableWakeAtBus event callback function performs bus-level operations that disable the ability of one of the bus's devices to trigger a wake-up signal on the bus. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_DISARM_WAKE_FROM_S0 A driver's EvtDeviceDisarmWakeFromS0 event callback function disarms (that is, disables) a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state, if the system remains in the system working state (S0). |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_DISARM_WAKE_FROM_SX A driver's EvtDeviceDisarmWakeFromSx event callback function disarms (that is, disables) a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while the device and system are in low-power states. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_EJECT A driver's EvtDeviceEject event callback function handles operations that are necessary to eject a device from its docking station. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_ENABLE_WAKE_AT_BUS A bus driver's EvtDeviceEnableWakeAtBus event callback function performs bus-level operations that enable one of the bus's devices to trigger a wake-up signal on the bus. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_FILE_CREATE A driver's EvtDeviceFileCreate callback function handles operations that must be performed when an application requests access to a device. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS A driver's EvtDeviceFilterAddResourceRequirements event callback function can add resources to a set of hardware resource requirements before the system assigns resources to a device. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION A driver's EvtDevicePnpStateChange event callback function informs the driver that a device's Plug and Play (PnP) state machine is moving from one state to another. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION A driver's EvtDevicePowerPolicyStateChange event callback function informs the driver that a device's power policy state machine is moving from one state to another. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_POWER_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION A driver's EvtDevicePowerStateChange event callback function informs the driver that a device's power state machine is moving from one state to another. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_PREPARE_HARDWARE A driver's EvtDevicePrepareHardware event callback function performs any operations that are needed to make a device accessible to the driver. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_PROCESS_QUERY_INTERFACE_REQUEST A driver's EvtDeviceProcessQueryInterfaceRequest event callback function examines another driver's request for access to a driver-defined interface, before the framework passes the interface to the requesting driver. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_QUERY_REMOVE A driver's EvtDeviceQueryRemove event callback function determines whether a specified device can be stopped and removed. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_QUERY_STOP A driver's EvtDeviceQueryStop event callback function determines whether a specified device can be stopped so that the PnP manager can redistribute system hardware resources. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_RELATIONS_QUERY A driver's EvtDeviceRelationsQuery event callback reports changes in the relationships among devices that are supported by the driver. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_RELEASE_HARDWARE A driver's EvtDeviceReleaseHardware event callback function performs operations that are needed when a device is no longer accessible. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_REMOVE_ADDED_RESOURCES A driver's EvtDeviceRemoveAddedResources event callback function removes hardware resources that the driver's EvtDeviceFilterAddResourceRequirements callback function added. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_REPORTED_MISSING A bus driver's EvtDeviceReportedMissing event callback function informs the driver that the framework has reported the physical device object (PDO) missing to the Plug and Play manager. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_QUERY A bus driver's EvtDeviceResourceRequirementsQuery event callback function creates a resource requirements list that represents the device's required hardware resources. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_RESOURCES_QUERY A bus driver's EvtDeviceResourcesQuery event callback function creates a resource list that represents a specified device's boot configuration. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SELF_MANAGED_IO_CLEANUP A driver's EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoCleanup event callback function handles deallocation activity for the device's self-managed I/O operations, after a device has been removed. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SELF_MANAGED_IO_FLUSH A driver's EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoFlush event callback function handles flush activity for the device's self-managed I/O operations. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SELF_MANAGED_IO_INIT A driver's EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoInit event callback function initializes and starts the device's self-managed I/O operations. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SELF_MANAGED_IO_RESTART A driver's EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoRestart event callback function restarts a device's self-managed I/O operations. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SELF_MANAGED_IO_SUSPEND A driver's EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoSuspend event callback function suspends a device's self-managed I/O operations. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SET_LOCK A driver's EvtDeviceSetLock event callback function locks the specified device so that it cannot be ejected, or unlocks the device so that it can be ejected. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION A driver's EvtDeviceShutdownNotification event callback function notifies the driver that the system is about to lose its power. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_SURPRISE_REMOVAL A driver's EvtDeviceSurpriseRemoval event callback function performs any operations that are needed after a device has been unexpectedly removed from the system or after a driver reports that the device has failed. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION A driver's EvtDeviceUsageNotification event callback function informs the driver when a device is being used for special files. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_EX A driver's EvtDeviceUsageNotificationEx event callback function determines whether a device can support a special file type. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_WAKE_FROM_S0_TRIGGERED A driver's EvtDeviceWakeFromS0Triggered event callback function informs the driver that its device, which had previously entered a low-power device state while the system power state remained at S0, might have triggered a wake signal. |
EVT_WDF_DEVICE_WAKE_FROM_SX_TRIGGERED A driver's EvtDeviceWakeFromSxTriggered event callback function informs the driver that its device, which had previously entered a low-power device state because system power was reduced, might have triggered a wake signal. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_ENABLER_DISABLE A driver's EvtDmaEnablerDisable event callback function disables a device's DMA capability before the device leaves its working (D0) state. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_ENABLER_ENABLE A driver's EvtDmaEnablerEnable event callback function enables a device's DMA capability after the device enters its working (D0) state. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_ENABLER_FILL A driver's EvtDmaEnablerFill event callback function allocates a device's DMA buffers. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_ENABLER_FLUSH A driver's EvtDmaEnablerFlush event callback function deallocates a device's DMA buffers. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_ENABLER_SELFMANAGED_IO_START A driver's EvtDmaEnablerSelfManagedIoStart event callback function starts a DMA device's self-managed I/O operations. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_ENABLER_SELFMANAGED_IO_STOP A driver's EvtDmaEnablerSelfManagedIoStop event callback function stops a DMA device's self-managed I/O operations. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURE_DMA_CHANNEL A driver's EvtDmaTransactionConfigureDmaChannel event callback function configures the DMA adapter for a system-mode DMA enabler. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_TRANSACTION_DMA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE A driver's EvtDmaTransactionDmaTransferComplete event callback function is called when the system-mode controller has completed the current DMA transfer. |
EVT_WDF_DPC A driver's EvtDpcFunc callback function performs driver-defined operations at IRQL = DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
EVT_WDF_DRIVER_DEVICE_ADD A driver's EvtDriverDeviceAdd event callback function performs device initialization operations when the Plug and Play (PnP) manager reports the existence of a device. |
EVT_WDF_DRIVER_UNLOAD A driver's EvtDriverUnload event callback function performs operations that must take place before the driver is unloaded. |
EVT_WDF_FILE_CLEANUP A driver's EvtFileCleanup callback function handles operations that must be performed when an application is closing all accesses to a device. |
EVT_WDF_FILE_CLOSE A driver's EvtFileClose callback function handles operations that must be performed when all of an application's accesses to a device have been closed. |
EVT_WDF_INTERRUPT_DISABLE A driver's EvtInterruptDisable event callback function disables a specified hardware interrupt. |
EVT_WDF_INTERRUPT_DPC A driver's EvtInterruptDpc event callback function processes interrupt information that the driver's EvtInterruptIsr callback function has stored. |
EVT_WDF_INTERRUPT_ENABLE A driver's EvtInterruptEnable event callback function enables a specified hardware interrupt. |
EVT_WDF_INTERRUPT_ISR A driver's EvtInterruptIsr event callback function services a hardware interrupt. |
EVT_WDF_INTERRUPT_SYNCHRONIZE A driver's EvtInterruptSynchronize event callback function performs operations that must be synchronized with an EvtInterruptIsr callback function. |
EVT_WDF_INTERRUPT_WORKITEM A driver's EvtInterruptWorkItem event callback function processes interrupt information that the driver's EvtInterruptIsr callback function has stored. |
EVT_WDF_IO_ALLOCATE_REQUEST_RESOURCES A driver's EvtIoAllocateRequestResources callback function allocates request-specific resources that the driver requires to process the specified request. |
EVT_WDF_IO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCES_FOR_RESERVED_REQUEST A driver's EvtIoAllocateResourcesForReservedRequest callback function allocates request-specific resources that the driver can use to process an I/O request in the future. |
EVT_WDF_IO_IN_CALLER_CONTEXT A driver's EvtIoInCallerContext event callback function preprocesses an I/O request before the framework places it into an I/O queue. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_CANCELED_ON_QUEUE A driver's EvtIoCanceledOnQueue event callback function informs the driver that it must complete an I/O request that the framework has removed from an I/O queue. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_DEFAULT A driver's EvtIoDefault event callback function processes a specified I/O request. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_DEVICE_CONTROL A driver's EvtIoDeviceControl event callback function processes a specified device I/O control request. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL A driver's EvtIoInternalDeviceControl event callback function processes an I/O request that contains an internal device I/O control code (IOCTL). |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_READ A driver's EvtIoRead event callback function processes a specified read request. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_RESUME A driver's EvtIoResume event callback function resumes processing a specified I/O request after the underlying device returns to its working (D0) power state. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_STOP A driver's EvtIoStop event callback function completes, requeues, or suspends processing of a specified request because the request's I/O queue is being stopped. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_WRITE A driver's EvtIoWrite event callback function processes a specified write request. |
EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE A driver's EvtIoQueueState event callback function delivers queue state information to the driver. |
EVT_WDF_IO_TARGET_QUERY_REMOVE A driver's EvtIoTargetQueryRemove event callback function indicates whether the framework can safely remove a specified remote I/O target's device. |
EVT_WDF_IO_TARGET_REMOVE_CANCELED A driver's EvtIoTargetRemoveCanceled event callback function performs operations when the removal of a specified remote I/O target is canceled. |
EVT_WDF_IO_TARGET_REMOVE_COMPLETE A driver's EvtIoTargetRemoveComplete event callback function performs operations when the removal of a specified remote I/O target is complete. |
EVT_WDF_IO_WDM_IRP_FOR_FORWARD_PROGRESS A driver's EvtIoWdmIrpForForwardProgress callback function examines an I/O request packet (IRP) and determines whether to use a reserved request object to process the I/O request or to fail the I/O request. |
EVT_WDF_OBJECT_CONTEXT_CLEANUP A driver's EvtCleanupCallback event callback function removes the driver's references on an object so that the object can be deleted. |
EVT_WDF_OBJECT_CONTEXT_DESTROY A driver's EvtDestroyCallback event callback function performs operations that are associated with the deletion of a framework object. |
EVT_WDF_PROGRAM_DMA A framework-based driver's EvtProgramDma event callback function programs a specified device to perform a DMA transfer operation. |
EVT_WDF_REQUEST_CANCEL A driver's EvtRequestCancel event callback function handles operations that must be performed when an I/O request is canceled. |
EVT_WDF_REQUEST_COMPLETION_ROUTINE A driver's CompletionRoutine event callback function executes when another driver completes a specified I/O request. |
EVT_WDF_REQUEST_IMPERSONATE A driver's EvtRequestImpersonate event callback function performs tasks at the requested impersonation level, such as opening a protected file. |
EVT_WDF_RESERVE_DMA The EvtReserveDma event callback function is called when the framework has reserved resources to execute and release a transaction. Reserved resources include map registers and the WDM DMA adapter's lock. |
EVT_WDF_TIMER The EvtTimerFunc event callback function is called when a specified time period has elapsed. |
EVT_WDF_USB_READER_COMPLETION_ROUTINE A driver's EvtUsbTargetPipeReadComplete event callback function informs the driver that a continuous reader has successfully completed a read request. |
EVT_WDF_USB_READERS_FAILED A driver's EvtUsbTargetPipeReadersFailed event callback function informs the driver that a continuous reader has reported an error while processing a read request. |
EVT_WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_EXECUTE_METHOD A driver's EvtWmiInstanceExecuteMethod callback function executes a specified method that the driver provides for a WMI data provider's instance. |
EVT_WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_QUERY_INSTANCE A driver's EvtWmiInstanceQueryInstance callback function copies a WMI provider's instance data into a buffer for delivery to a WMI client. |
EVT_WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_SET_INSTANCE A driver's EvtWmiInstanceSetInstance callback function sets all of a WMI data provider's instance data to values that a WMI client supplies. |
EVT_WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_SET_ITEM A driver's EvtWmiInstanceSetItem callback function sets a single item of a WMI data provider's instance data to a value that a WMI client supplies. |
EVT_WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_FUNCTION_CONTROL A driver's EvtWmiProviderFunctionControl callback function enables and disables the driver's support for collecting data and sending events for a specified WMI data provider. |
EVT_WDF_WORKITEM A driver's EvtWorkItem event callback function performs the work that is associated with a specified work item. |
EVT_WDFDEVICE_WDM_IRP_DISPATCH A driver's EvtDeviceWdmIrpDispatch event callback function receives an IRP before the framework processes the IRP. |
EVT_WDFDEVICE_WDM_IRP_PREPROCESS A driver's EvtDeviceWdmIrpPreprocess event callback function receives an IRP before the framework processes the IRP. |
EVT_WDFDEVICE_WDM_POST_PO_FX_REGISTER_DEVICE The EvtDeviceWdmPostPoFxRegisterDevice callback function performs device-specific operations after the framework has registered with the power framework. |
EVT_WDFDEVICE_WDM_PRE_PO_FX_UNREGISTER_DEVICE The EvtDeviceWdmPrePoFxUnregisterDevice callback function performs device-specific operations before the framework deletes a specified registration with the power framework. |
Flush The Flush method returns after this interface's work item has been serviced. |
Flush The Flush method discards any data that WinUsb saved when the device returned more data than the client requested. |
FormatRequestForControlTransfer The FormatRequestForControlTransfer method formats an I/O request object for a USB control transfer. |
FormatRequestForFlush The FormatRequestForFlush method builds an I/O request for a flush operation but does not send the request to an I/O target. |
FormatRequestForIoctl The FormatRequestForIoctl method formats an I/O request object for an I/O control operation. |
FormatRequestForQueryInformation The FormatRequestForQueryInformation method formats an I/O request to obtain information about a file, but it does not send the request to an I/O target. |
FormatRequestForRead The FormatRequestForRead method formats an I/O request object for a read operation. |
FormatRequestForSetInformation The FormatRequestForSetInformation method formats an I/O request to set information about a file, but it does not send the request to an I/O target. |
FormatRequestForWrite The FormatRequestForWrite method formats an I/O request object for a write operation. |
FormatUsingCurrentType The FormatUsingCurrentType method formats an I/O request so that the driver can forward it, unmodified, to the next-lower driver. |
ForwardToIoQueue The ForwardToIoQueue method forwards (that is, requeues) an I/O request to one of the calling driver's I/O queues. |
GetCompletedRequestType The GetCompletedRequestType method retrieves the type of operation that the request to be completed contains. |
GetCompletedUsbRequestType The GetCompletedUsbRequestType method retrieves the type of operation that the request to be completed contains. |
GetCompletionParams The GetCompletionParams method retrieves the parameters object for the completion of an I/O request object. |
GetCompletionStatus The GetCompletionStatus method retrieves the completion status of an I/O request. |
GetConfiguredSettingIndex The GetConfiguredSettingIndex method retrieves the current setting index for a USB interface. |
GetCount The GetCount method returns the number of resource descriptors that are contained in this interface's resource list. |
GetCreateParameters The GetCreateParameters method retrieves the request parameters for a create-type request. |
GetCreateParametersEx The GetCreateParametersEx method retrieves file creation parameters that are associated with a file that is being created or opened. |
GetDataBuffer The GetDataBuffer method retrieves the data buffer that is associated with a memory object. |
GetDefaultIoQueue The GetDefaultIoQueue method retrieves the interface of the default I/O queue for a device. |
GetDefaultIoTarget The GetDefaultIoTarget method retrieves the interface of the default I/O target for a device instance. |
GetDescriptor The GetDescriptor method returns a pointer to a resource descriptor that is contained in this interface's resource list. |
GetDevice The GetDevice method returns the interface to the device object that a file object is associated with. |
GetDevice The GetDevice method returns the framework device object interface for this interrupt object. |
GetDevice The GetDevice method retrieves the interface to the device that owns the I/O queue. |
GetDeviceControlTransferParameters The GetDeviceControlTransferParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with the completion of a device I/O control request. |
GetDeviceIoControlParameters The GetDeviceIoControlParameters method retrieves the request parameters for a device I/O control-type request. |
GetDeviceStackIoTypePreference The GetDeviceStackIoTypePreference method retrieves the buffer access methods that the framework is using for a device. |
GetDriver The GetDriver method retrieves the interface to the parent driver object of a device instance. |
GetEffectiveIoType The GetEffectiveIoType method returns the buffer access method that UMDF is using for the data buffers of the I/O request that the IWDFIoRequest2 interface represents. |
GetFileObject The GetFileObject method retrieves a pointer to the IWDFFile interface that is associated with an I/O request. |
GetHardwareRegisterMappedAddress A driver calls GetHardwareRegisterMappedAddress to get the user-mode mapped address of the memory resource it earlier mapped using MapIoSpace. |
GetInfo The GetInfo method retrieves information about a specified interrupt. |
GetInformation The GetInformation method retrieves information that is associated with the completion of an I/O request. |
GetInformation The GetInformation method retrieves information about a USB pipe (endpoint). |
GetInitiatorProcessId The GetInitiatorProcessId method retrieves the initiator process ID associated with an IWDFFile interface. |
GetInputMemory The GetInputMemory method retrieves the memory object that represents the input buffer in an I/O request. |
GetInterfaceDescriptor The GetInterfaceDescriptor method retrieves a descriptor for a USB interface. |
GetInterfaceGuid The GetInterfaceGuid method retrieves the GUID that identifies a device interface. |
GetInterfaceNumber The GetInterfaceNumber method retrieves the index of a USB interface. |
GetIoctlParameters The GetIoctlParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with the completion of a device I/O control request. |
GetIoQueue The GetIoQueue method retrieves the I/O queue object that is associated with an I/O request. |
GetNameAt The GetNameAt method retrieves the name of a property. |
GetNameCount The GetNameCount method retrieves the number of properties in a property store. |
GetNamedValue The GetNamedValue method retrieves the value of a property. |
GetNumEndPoints The GetNumEndPoints method retrieves the number of endpoints (pipes) on a USB interface. |
GetNumInterfaces The GetNumInterfaces method retrieves the number of USB interfaces for the USB device. |
GetOutputMemory The GetOutputMemory method retrieves the memory object that represents the output buffer for an I/O request. |
GetParentObject The GetParentObject method returns the parent framework object of this interface's work item. |
GetPipeReadParameters The GetPipeReadParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with the completion of a read request. |
GetPipeWriteParameters The GetPipeWriteParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with the completion of a write request. |
GetPnpCapability The GetPnpCapability method determines the state of the specified Plug and Play (PnP) capability. |
GetPnpState The GetPnpState method determines whether the given Plug and Play (PnP) property of a device is on or off (or set to the default state). |
GetPropertyData The GetPropertyData method retrieves the current setting for a device property. |
GetQueryInformationParameters The GetQueryInformationParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with a WdfRequestQueryInformation-typed I/O request. |
GetReadParameters The GetReadParameters method retrieves the request parameters for a read-type request. |
GetReadParameters The GetReadParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with the completion of a read request. |
GetRelatedFileObject The GetRelatedFileObject method retrieves the IWDFFile interface of a related file object, which is a file object that has a technology-specific relationship with another file object. |
GetRequestorMode The GetRequestorMode method indicates whether an I/O request came from a kernel-mode driver or a user-mode component (either an application or a user-mode driver). |
GetRequestorProcessId The GetRequestorProcessId method retrieves the identifier of the process that sent an I/O request. |
GetSetInformationParameters The GetSetInformationParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with a WdfRequestSetInformation-typed I/O request. |
GetSize The GetSize method retrieves the size of the data buffer that is associated with a memory object. |
GetState The GetState method retrieves the state of an I/O queue. |
GetState The GetState method returns the current state of a local I/O target. |
GetState The GetState method returns the current state of a remote I/O target. |
GetStatus The GetStatus method returns the status of an I/O request. |
GetSystemPowerAction The GetSystemPowerAction method returns the system power action, if any, that is currently occurring for the computer. |
GetTargetFile The GetTargetFile method retrieves the framework file object that is associated with the I/O target object. |
GetType The GetType method retrieves the type of operation that a request contains. |
GetType The GetType method retrieves the type of a USB pipe. |
GetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo The GetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo method determines whether an I/O request is marked as initiated by a UMDF driver. |
GetWinUsbHandle The GetWinUsbHandle method retrieves the WinUsb interface handle that is associated with a USB interface. |
GetWinUsbHandle The GetWinUsbHandle method retrieves the WinUsb interface handle that is associated with an I/O target device object. |
GetWriteParameters The GetWriteParameters method retrieves the request parameters for a write-type request. |
GetWriteParameters The GetWriteParameters method retrieves parameters that are associated with the completion of a write request. |
Impersonate The Impersonate method registers the interface for the method that the framework should call for impersonation. |
IsCanceled The IsCanceled method determines whether the I/O manager has attempted to cancel an I/O request. |
IsFrom32BitProcess The IsFrom32BitProcess method determines whether a request originated from a 32-bit process. |
IsFromUserModeDriver The IsFromUserModeDriver method indicates whether an I/O request came from a user-mode driver or an application. |
IsInEndPoint The IsInEndPoint method determines whether a USB pipe (endpoint) is an IN pipe. |
IsOutEndPoint The IsOutEndPoint method determines whether a USB pipe (endpoint) is an OUT pipe. |
IsVersionAvailable The IsVersionAvailable method determines whether the specified version of the framework is available. |
MapIoSpace The MapIoSpace method maps the given physical address range to system address space and returns a pseudo base address. |
MarkCancelable The MarkCancelable method enables the canceling of the I/O request. |
OnArmWakeFromS0 A driver's OnArmWakeFromS0 callback function arms (that is, enables) a device so that it can trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state, if the system remains in the system working state (S0). |
OnArmWakeFromSx A driver's OnArmWakeFromSx event callback function arms (that is, enables) a device so that it can trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state. |
OnCancel The OnCancel method is called when an application cancels an I/O operation through the Microsoft Win32 CancelIo, CancelIoEx, or CancelSynchronousIo function. |
OnCleanup The OnCleanup method releases any references to a WDF object to prevent interface leakage. |
OnCleanupFile The OnCleanupFile method cancels all I/O requests that a driver has pending in the framework queue. |
OnCloseFile The OnCloseFile method is called when the last reference count on a file object goes down to zero and before the file object is released. |
OnCompletion The OnCompletion method completes the specified request. |
OnCreateFile The OnCreateFile method is called to handle an open file request when an application opens a device through the Microsoft Win32 CreateFile function. |
OnD0Entry The OnD0Entry method notifies a driver when a device enters the D0 power state so that the driver can perform necessary operations, such as enabling the device. |
OnD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled A driver's OnD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled event callback function performs device-specific operations that are required when the driver enables the device's hardware interrupts. |
OnD0Exit The OnD0Exit method notifies a driver when a device exits the D0 power state so that the driver can perform necessary operations, such as disabling the device. |
OnD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled A driver's OnD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled event callback function performs device-specific operations that are required before the driver disables the device's hardware interrupts. |
OnDefaultIoHandler The OnDefaultIoHandler method handles I/O requests that no other method is registered to handle. |
OnDeinitialize The OnDeinitialize method performs any operations that are necessary before a system unloads a driver. |
OnDeviceAdd The OnDeviceAdd method adds a new device to a system. |
OnDeviceIoControl The OnDeviceIoControl method is called to handle a device I/O control request when an application performs a specific operation on a device through the Microsoft Win32 OnDeviceIoControl function. |
OnDisarmWakeFromS0 A driver's OnDisarmWakeFromS0 event callback function disarms (that is, disables) a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while in a low-power device state, if the system remains in the system working state (S0). |
OnDisarmWakeFromSx A driver's OnDisarmWakeFromSx event callback function disarms (that is, disables) a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while the device and system are in low-power states. |
OnImpersonate The OnImpersonate method handles impersonation. |
OnInitialize The OnInitialize method performs any operations that are necessary to initialize a driver. |
OnIoCanceledOnQueue A driver's OnIoCanceledOnQueue event callback function informs the driver that an I/O request was canceled while it was in an I/O queue. |
OnIoResume The OnIoResume method resumes the processing of the specified I/O request from the specified queue. |
OnIoStop The OnIoStop callback function stops the processing of the specified I/O request from the specified queue. |
OnPrepareHardware The OnPrepareHardware method notifies a driver to make the specified hardware accessible. |
OnPrepareHardware The OnPrepareHardware method performs any operations that are needed to make a device accessible to the driver. |
OnQueryRemove The OnQueryRemove method notifies a driver before a device is removed from a computer. |
OnQueryStop The OnQueryStop method notifies a driver before a device is stopped. |
OnRead The OnRead method is called to handle a read request when an application reads information from a device through the Microsoft Win32 ReadFile or ReadFileEx function. |
OnReaderCompletion A driver's OnReaderCompletion event callback function informs the driver that a continuous reader has successfully completed a read request. |
OnReaderFailure A driver's OnReaderFailure event callback function informs the driver that a continuous reader has reported an error while processing a read request. |
OnReleaseHardware The OnReleaseHardware method notifies a driver to perform operations that are necessary when the specified hardware is no longer accessible. |
OnReleaseHardware The OnReleaseHardware method performs operations that are needed when a device is no longer accessible. |
OnRemoteInterfaceArrival A driver's OnRemoteInterfaceArrival event callback function informs the driver when a device interface is available. |
OnRemoteInterfaceEvent A UMDF-based driver's OnRemoteInterfaceEvent event callback function handles device events that are associated with a device interface. |
OnRemoteInterfaceRemoval A UMDF-based driver's OnRemoteInterfaceRemoval event callback function notifies the driver that it cannot use a device interface because the interface has been removed. |
OnRemoteTargetQueryRemove A UMDF-based driver's OnRemoteTargetQueryRemove event callback function determines whether a remote I/O target's device can be stopped and removed. |
OnRemoteTargetRemoveCanceled A UMDF-based driver's OnRemoteTargetRemoveCanceled event callback function performs operations that are necessary when the operating system cancels the removal of a remote I/O target's device. |
OnRemoteTargetRemoveComplete A UMDF-based driver's OnRemoteTargetRemoveComplete event callback function performs operations that are necessary after the operating system completes the removal of a remote I/O target's device. |
OnSelfManagedIoCleanup The OnSelfManagedIoCleanup method releases memory for a device's self-managed I/O operations, after the device is removed. |
OnSelfManagedIoFlush The OnSelfManagedIoFlush method flushes the device for a device's self-managed I/O operations. |
OnSelfManagedIoInit The OnSelfManagedIoInit method initializes a device's self-managed I/O operations. |
OnSelfManagedIoRestart The OnSelfManagedIoRestart method restarts a device's self-managed I/O operations. |
OnSelfManagedIoStop The OnSelfManagedIoStop method is not used in the current version of the UMDF. |
OnSelfManagedIoSuspend The OnSelfManagedIoSuspend method suspends a device's self-managed I/O operations. |
OnStateChange The OnStateChange method is called when the state of the I/O queue object changes. |
OnSurpriseRemoval The OnSurpriseRemoval method notifies a driver after a device is removed from a computer unexpectedly so that the driver can perform necessary operations. |
OnWakeFromS0Triggered A driver's OnWakeFromS0Triggered event callback function informs the driver that its device, which had previously entered a low-power device state while the system power state remained at S0, might have triggered a wake signal. |
OnWakeFromSxTriggered A driver's OnWakeFromSxTriggered event callback function informs the driver that its device, which had previously entered a low-power device state because system power was reduced, might have triggered a wake signal. |
OnWrite The OnWrite method is called to handle a write request when an application writes information to a device through the Microsoft Win32 WriteFile or WriteFileEx function. |
OpenFileByName The OpenFileByName method opens a remote I/O target that is a file. |
OpenRemoteInterface The OpenRemoteInterface method opens a device interface so that the driver can send I/O requests to it. |
PostEvent The PostEvent method asynchronously notifies applications that are waiting for the specified event from a driver. |
Purge The Purge method directs the framework to reject new incoming I/O requests and to cancel all outstanding requests. |
PurgeSynchronously The PurgeSynchronously method directs the framework to reject new incoming I/O requests and to cancel all outstanding requests. The method returns after all outstanding requests are canceled. |
QueueWorkItemForIsr The QueueWorkItemForIsr method queues a work item to process interrupt-related work outside of the interrupt service routine. |
READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR The READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR function reads a number of bytes from the specified port address into a buffer. |
READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG The READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG function reads a number of ULONG values from the specified port address into a buffer. |
READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT The READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT function reads a number of USHORT values from the specified port address into a buffer. |
READ_PORT_UCHAR The READ_PORT_UCHAR function reads a byte from the specified port address. |
READ_PORT_ULONG The READ_PORT_ULONG function reads a ULONG value from the specified port address. |
READ_PORT_USHORT The READ_PORT_USHORT function reads a USHORT value from the specified port address. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR function reads a number of bytes from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG function reads a number of ULONG values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) reads a number of ULONG64 values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT function reads a number of USHORT values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_UCHAR The READ_REGISTER_UCHAR function reads a byte from the specified register address. |
READ_REGISTER_ULONG The READ_REGISTER_ULONG function reads a ULONG value from the specified register address. |
READ_REGISTER_ULONG64 The READ_REGISTER_ULONG64 function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) reads a ULONG64 value from the specified register address. |
READ_REGISTER_USHORT The READ_REGISTER_USHORT function reads a USHORT value from the specified register address. |
ReadFromHardware The ReadFromHardware method is used internally by the framework. Do not use. |
RegisterRemoteInterfaceNotification The RegisterRemoteInterfaceNotification method registers a driver to receive a notification when a specified device interface becomes available. |
ReleaseInterruptLock The ReleaseInterruptLock method ends a code sequence that executes while holding an interrupt object's lock. |
ReleaseLock The ReleaseLock method allows the framework to call methods of interfaces that are registered by the driver that the framework previously prevented from calling because the driver called the IWDFObject::AcquireLock method. |
Remove The Remove method removes a local I/O target. |
Reopen The Reopen method reopens a remote I/O target after it has been temporarily closed. |
Requeue The Requeue method returns an I/O request to the head of the I/O queue from which it was delivered to the driver. |
Reset The Reset method resets the data toggle and clears the stall condition on a USB pipe. |
ResumeIdle The ResumeIdle method informs the framework that the device is not in use and can be placed in a device low-power state if it remains idle. |
RetrieveActivityId The RetrieveActivityId method retrieves the current activity identifier associated with an I/O request. |
RetrieveContext The RetrieveContext method retrieves a context that was previously registered through the IWDFObject::AssignContext method. |
RetrieveCountedFileName The RetrieveCountedFileName method retrieves the full counted file name for a file that is associated with a device. |
RetrieveDescriptor The RetrieveDescriptor method retrieves a USB descriptor, which can describe a device, configuration, or string. |
RetrieveDeviceInformation The RetrieveDeviceInformation method retrieves device information of the specified type. |
RetrieveDeviceInstanceId The RetrieveDeviceInstanceId method retrieves the identifier of an instance of a device. |
RetrieveDeviceInstanceId This article describes how the RetrieveDeviceInstanceId method retrieves the identifier of an instance of a device. |
RetrieveDeviceName The RetrieveDeviceName method retrieves the name of an underlying kernel-mode device. |
RetrieveDevicePropertyStore The RetrieveDevicePropertyStore method retrieves a property store interface. Drivers can use the method to access the registry. |
RetrieveDevicePropertyStore The RetrieveDevicePropertyStore method retrieves a device property store that clients can read and write device properties through. |
RetrieveDevicePropertyStore The RetrieveDevicePropertyStore method retrieves a property store interface that drivers can use to access the registry. |
RetrieveFileName The RetrieveFileName method retrieves the full name of the file that is associated with the underlying kernel-mode device. |
RetrieveInputBuffer The RequestRetrieveInputBuffer method retrieves an I/O request's input buffer. |
RetrieveInputMemory The RetrieveInputMemory method retrieves the IWDFMemory interface of a framework memory object that represents an I/O request's input buffer. |
RetrieveNextRequest The RetrieveNextRequest method retrieves the next I/O request from an I/O queue. |
RetrieveNextRequestByFileObject The RetrieveNextRequestByFileObject method retrieves from an I/O queue the next I/O request whose file object matches the specified file object. |
RetrieveOutputBuffer The RequestRetrieveOutputBuffer method retrieves an I/O request's output buffer. |
RetrieveOutputMemory The RetrieveOutputMemory method retrieves the IWDFMemory interface of a framework memory object that represents an I/O request's output buffer. |
RetrievePipePolicy The RetrievePipePolicy method retrieves a WinUsb pipe policy. |
RetrievePowerPolicy The RetrievePowerPolicy method retrieves a WinUsb power policy. |
RetrieveSymbolicLink The RetrieveSymbolicLink method retrieves the symbolic link name that the operating system assigned to a device interface. |
RetrieveUnifiedDevicePropertyStore The RetrieveUnifiedDevicePropertyStore method retrieves a unified property store interface. |
RetrieveUsbInterface The RetrieveUsbInterface method retrieves the specified USB interface for a USB device. |
RetrieveUsbPipeObject The RetrieveUsbPipeObject method retrieves a USB pipe object for the specified pipe index. |
RetrieveVersionString The RetrieveVersionString method retrieves the version of the framework. |
Reuse The Reuse method reinitializes a framework request object so that it can be reused. |
SelectSetting The SelectSetting method selects the specified alternate setting on a USB interface. |
Send The Send method sends a request to the specified I/O target. |
SetActivityId The SetActivityId method associates an activity identifier with an I/O request. |
SetBuffer The SetBuffer method assigns a specified buffer to a memory object that a driver created by calling IWDFDriver::CreatePreallocatedWdfMemory. |
SetCompletionCallback The SetCompletionCallback method registers the interface for the OnCompletion method that the framework should call when an I/O request completes. |
SetExtendedPolicy The SetExtendedPolicy method specifies the interrupt priority, processor affinity, affinity policy, and processor group for a specified interrupt. |
SetFilter The SetFilter method sets the property that enables a device as a filter device. |
SetInformation The SetInformation method sets the size of information for a request. |
SetIoTypePreference The SetIoTypePreference method specifies your preferences for how UMDF and the driver access the data buffers of a device's I/O requests. |
SetLockingConstraint The SetLockingConstraint method sets the synchronization (or locking) model for callback functions into the driver. |
SetNamedValue The SetNamedValue method sets the value of a property. |
SetPipePolicy The SetPipePolicy method sets the WinUsb pipe policy. |
SetPnpCapability The SetPnpCapability method sets the specified Plug and Play (PnP) capability of a device to the specified state. |
SetPnpState The SetPnpState method turns on or off (or sets to the default state) the specified Plug and Play (PnP) property of a device. |
SetPolicy The SetPolicy method specifies the interrupt priority, processor affinity, and affinity policy for a specified interrupt. |
SetPowerPolicy The SetPowerPolicy method sets the WinUsb power policy. |
SetPowerPolicyOwnership The SetPowerPolicyOwnership method sets the ownership of the power policy to a driver or removes ownership from the driver. |
SetPropertyData The SetPropertyData method modifies the current setting of a device property. |
SetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo The SetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo method indicates to kernel-mode drivers that sit below the UMDF driver in the same device stack that a particular request should be treated as though it came from a UMDF driver. |
Start The Start method enables an I/O queue to start receiving new I/O requests and delivering them to a driver. |
Start The Start method starts sending queued requests to a local I/O target. |
Start The IWDFRemoteTarget::Start method restarts a remote I/O target that is stopped. |
Stop The Stop method prevents an I/O queue from delivering I/O requests, but the queue receives and stores new requests. |
Stop The Stop method stops sending queued requests to a local I/O target. |
Stop The Stop method temporarily stops a remote I/O target. |
StopAcknowledge The StopAcknowledge method informs the framework that the driver has stopped processing a specified I/O request. |
StopIdle The StopIdle method informs the framework that the device must be placed in its working (D0) power state. |
StopSynchronously The StopSynchronously method prevents an I/O queue from delivering I/O requests, but the queue receives and stores new requests. The method returns after all delivered requests have been canceled or completed. |
TryToAcquireInterruptLock The TryToAcquireInterruptLock method acquires the interrupt lock if no other thread has already acquired it. |
UnmapIoSpace The UnmapIoSpace method unmaps a specified range of physical addresses previously mapped by MapIoSpace method. |
UnmarkCancelable The UnmarkCancelable method disables the canceling of an I/O request. |
WDF_ABS_TIMEOUT_IN_MS The WDF_ABS_TIMEOUT_IN_MS function converts a specified number of milliseconds to an absolute time value. |
WDF_ABS_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC The WDF_ABS_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC function converts a specified number of seconds to an absolute time value. |
WDF_ABS_TIMEOUT_IN_US The WDF_ABS_TIMEOUT_IN_US function converts a specified number of microseconds to an absolute time value. |
WDF_ALIGN_SIZE_DOWN The WDF_ALIGN_SIZE_DOWN function returns the next-lower buffer size that is aligned to a specified alignment offset. |
WDF_ALIGN_SIZE_UP The WDF_ALIGN_SIZE_UP function returns the next-higher buffer size that is aligned to a specified alignment offset. |
WDF_DEVICE_STATE_INIT The WDF_DEVICE_STATE_INIT function initializes a driver's WDF_DEVICE_STATE structure. |
WDF_DPC_CONFIG_INIT The WDF_DPC_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a driver's WDF_DPC_CONFIG structure. |
WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG_INIT The WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a driver's WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG structure. |
WDF_GET_CONTEXT_TYPE_INFO This macro is reserved for internal use only. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO_INIT Learn how the WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO_INIT function initializes a WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO structure. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG_INIT The WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG structure. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_DRAINED The WDF_IO_QUEUE_DRAINED function returns TRUE if the I/O queue's state indicates that the queue is drained. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_IDLE The WDF_IO_QUEUE_IDLE function returns TRUE if an I/O queue's state indicates that the queue is drained. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_PURGED The WDF_IO_QUEUE_PURGED function returns TRUE if an I/O queue's state indicates that the queue is drained. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_READY The WDF_IO_QUEUE_READY function returns TRUE if an I/O queue's state indicates that the queue is drained. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_STOPPED The WDF_IO_QUEUE_STOPPED function returns TRUE if an I/O queue's state indicates that the queue is stopped. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_CREATE_BY_NAME The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_CREATE_BY_NAME function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure so the driver can open an I/O target by specifying the name of the device, file, or device interface. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_EXISTING_DEVICE The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_EXISTING_DEVICE function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure so that the driver can open a remote I/O target by specifying a Windows Driver Model (WDM) device object. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_OPEN_BY_FILE The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_OPEN_BY_FILE function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure so the driver can open an I/O target by specifying a filename. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_OPEN_BY_NAME The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_OPEN_BY_NAME function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure so the driver can open an I/O target by specifying the name of the device, file, or device interface. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_REOPEN The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS_INIT_REOPEN function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure so the driver can reopen a remote I/O target. |
WDF_IO_TYPE_CONFIG_INIT The WDF_IO_TYPE_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a driver's WDF_IO_TYPE_CONFIG structure. |
WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_BUFFER The WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_BUFFER function initializes a WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure so that it describes a specified buffer. |
WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_HANDLE The WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_HANDLE function initializes a WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure so that it describes a specified framework memory object. |
WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_MDL The WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_MDL function initializes a WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure so that it describes a specified memory descriptor list (MDL). |
WDF_READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR The WDF_READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR function reads a number of bytes from the specified port address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG The WDF_READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG function reads a number of ULONG values from the specified port address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT The WDF_READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT function reads a number of USHORT values from the specified port address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_PORT_UCHAR The WDF_READ_PORT_UCHAR function reads a byte from the specified port address. |
WDF_READ_PORT_ULONG The WDF_READ_PORT_ULONG function reads a ULONG value from the specified port address. |
WDF_READ_PORT_USHORT The WDF_READ_PORT_USHORT function reads a USHORT value from the specified port address. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR The WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR function reads a number of bytes from the specified register address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG The WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG function reads a number of ULONG values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 The WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 function reads a number of ULONG64 values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT The WDF_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT function reads a number of USHORT values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_UCHAR The WDF_READ_REGISTER_UCHAR function reads a byte from the specified register address. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_ULONG The WDF_READ_REGISTER_ULONG function reads a ULONG value from the specified register address. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_ULONG64 The WDF_READ_REGISTER_ULONG64 function reads a ULONG64 value from the specified register address. |
WDF_READ_REGISTER_USHORT The WDF_READ_REGISTER_USHORT function reads a USHORT value from the specified register address. |
WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_MS The WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_MS function converts a specified number of milliseconds to a relative time value. |
WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC The WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC function converts a specified number of seconds to a relative time value. |
WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_US The WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_US function converts a specified number of microseconds to a relative time value. |
WDF_TASK_QUEUE_CONFIG_INIT This WDF_TASK_QUEUE_CONFIG_INIT function article is for internal use only. |
WDF_TASK_SEND_OPTIONS_INIT This WDF_TASK_SEND_OPTIONS_INIT function article is for internal use only. |
WDF_TIMER_CONFIG_INIT The WDF_TIMER_CONFIG_INIT function initializes a WDF_TIMER_CONFIG structure for a timer that will use a single due time. |
WDF_TIMER_CONFIG_INIT_PERIODIC The WDF_TIMER_CONFIG_INIT_PERIODIC function initializes a WDF_TIMER_CONFIG structure for a periodic timer. |
WDF_TYPE_NAME_POINTER_TYPE The WDF_TYPE_NAME_POINTER_TYPE macro is reserved for internal use only. |
WDF_TYPE_NAME_TO_TYPE_INFO The WDF_TYPE_NAME_TO_TYPE_INFO macro is reserved for internal use only. |
WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT The WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT function initializes a WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET structure for a standard USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_CLASS The WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_CLASS function initializes a WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET structure for a device class-specific USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_FEATURE The WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_FEATURE function initializes a WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET structure for a USB control transfer that sets or clears a device feature. |
WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_STATUS The WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_STATUS function initializes a WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET structure for a USB control transfer that obtains device status. |
WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_VENDOR The WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_VENDOR function initializes a WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET structure for a vendor-specific USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS_INIT_SINGLE_INTERFACE The WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS_INIT_SINGLE_INTERFACE function initializes a WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS structure so that a driver can configure a device to use a single, specified interface. |
WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS_INIT_URB The WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS_INIT_URB function initializes a WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS structure so that a driver can specify a configuration by using a URB. |
WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS_INIT_DESCRIPTOR The WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS_INIT_DESCRIPTOR function initializes a WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS structure so that a driver can select a USB interface by specifying an interface descriptor. |
WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS_INIT_SETTING The WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS_INIT_SETTING function initializes a WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS structure so that a driver can select a USB interface by specifying a handle to an interface object and an alternate setting for the interface. |
WDF_USB_PIPE_DIRECTION_IN The WDF_USB_PIPE_DIRECTION_IN function determines whether a specified USB endpoint is an input endpoint. |
WDF_USB_PIPE_DIRECTION_OUT The WDF_USB_PIPE_DIRECTION_OUT function determines whether a specified USB endpoint is an output endpoint. |
WDF_WMI_BUFFER_APPEND_STRING The WDF_WMI_BUFFER_APPEND_STRING function copies a specified Unicode string into a specified buffer in the format that WMI requires. |
WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_CONFIG_INIT_PROVIDER The WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_CONFIG_INIT_PROVIDER function initializes a WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_CONFIG structure and stores a specified handle to a WMI provider object. |
WDF_WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR The WDF_WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR function writes a number of bytes from a buffer to the specified port. |
WDF_WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG The WDF_WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG function writes a number of ULONG values from a buffer to the specified port address. |
WDF_WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT The WDF_WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT function writes a number of USHORT values from a buffer to the specified port address. |
WDF_WRITE_PORT_UCHAR The WDF_WRITE_PORT_UCHAR function writes a byte to the specified port address. |
WDF_WRITE_PORT_ULONG The WDF_WRITE_PORT_ULONG function writes a ULONG value to the specified port address. |
WDF_WRITE_PORT_USHORT The WDF_WRITE_PORT_USHORT function writes a USHORT value to the specified port address. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR function writes a number of bytes from a buffer to the specified register. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG function writes a number of ULONG values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 function writes a number of ULONG64 values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT routine writes a number of USHORT values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR routine writes a byte to the specified address. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG routine writes a ULONG value to the specified address. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG64 The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG64 function writes a ULONG64 value to the specified address. |
WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT The WDF_WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT routine writes a USHORT value to the specified address. |
WdfChildListAddOrUpdateChildDescriptionAsPresent The WdfChildListAddOrUpdateChildDescriptionAsPresent method adds a new child description to a list of children or updates an existing child description. |
WdfChildListBeginIteration The WdfChildListBeginIteration method prepares the framework for retrieving items from a specified child list. |
WdfChildListBeginScan The WdfChildListBeginScan method prepares a specified list of child devices so the driver can update the information in the list. |
WdfChildListCreate The WdfChildListCreate method creates a child list for a specified parent device. |
WdfChildListEndIteration The WdfChildListEndIteration method processes modifications to a specified child list. |
WdfChildListEndScan The WdfChildListEndScan method processes modifications to a specified child list. |
WdfChildListGetDevice The WdfChildListGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that represents the parent device of a specified child list. |
WdfChildListRequestChildEject The WdfChildListRequestChildEject method informs the framework that a specified device is about to be ejected from its docking station. |
WdfChildListRetrieveAddressDescription The WdfChildListRetrieveAddressDescription method locates a child device that has a specified identification description and retrieves the device's address description. |
WdfChildListRetrieveNextDevice The WdfChildListRetrieveNextDevice method traverses a specified child list and retrieves the next child device that matches specified criteria. |
WdfChildListRetrievePdo The WdfChildListRetrievePdo method returns a handle to the framework device object that is associated with a specified child description in a child list. |
WdfChildListUpdateAllChildDescriptionsAsPresent The WdfChildListUpdateAllChildDescriptionsAsPresent method informs the framework that all of the child devices in a specified child list are plugged in and available. |
WdfChildListUpdateChildDescriptionAsMissing The WdfChildListUpdateChildDescriptionAsMissing method informs the framework that a specified child device is currently unplugged or otherwise unavailable. |
WdfCmResourceListAppendDescriptor The WdfCmResourceListAppendDescriptor method adds a resource descriptor to the end of a specified resource list. |
WdfCmResourceListGetCount The WdfCmResourceListGetCount method returns the number of resource descriptors that are contained in a specified resource list. |
WdfCmResourceListGetDescriptor The WdfCmResourceListGetDescriptor method returns a pointer to a resource descriptor that is contained in a specified resource list. |
WdfCmResourceListInsertDescriptor The WdfCmResourceListInsertDescriptor method inserts a resource descriptor into a specified resource list. |
WdfCmResourceListRemove The WdfCmResourceListRemove method removes a resource descriptor from a specified resource list. |
WdfCmResourceListRemoveByDescriptor The WdfCmResourceListRemoveByDescriptor method removes a specified resource descriptor from a specified resource list. |
WdfCollectionAdd The WdfCollectionAdd method adds a specified framework object to an object collection. |
WdfCollectionCreate The WdfCollectionCreate method creates a framework collection object. |
WdfCollectionGetCount The WdfCollectionGetCount method returns the number of objects that are currently in an object collection. |
WdfCollectionGetFirstItem The WdfCollectionGetFirstItem method returns a handle to the first object that is in an object collection. |
WdfCollectionGetItem The WdfCollectionGetItem method returns a handle to the object that is contained in a specified object collection and associated with a specified index value. |
WdfCollectionGetLastItem The WdfCollectionGetLastItem method returns a handle to the last object that is in an object collection. |
WdfCollectionRemove The WdfCollectionRemove method removes an object from a specified object collection. |
WdfCollectionRemoveItem The WdfCollectionRemoveItem method removes a specified object from an object collection, based on a specified index value. |
WdfCommonBufferCreate The WdfCommonBufferCreate method creates a memory buffer that both the driver and a direct memory access (DMA) device can access simultaneously. |
WdfCommonBufferCreateWithConfig The WdfCommonBufferCreateWithConfig method creates a memory buffer that both the driver and a direct memory access (DMA) device can access simultaneously, and the method also specifies buffer configuration information. |
WdfCommonBufferGetAlignedLogicalAddress The WdfCommonBufferGetAlignedLogicalAddress method returns the logical address that is associated with a specified common buffer. |
WdfCommonBufferGetAlignedVirtualAddress The WdfCommonBufferGetAlignedVirtualAddress method returns the virtual address that is associated with a specified common buffer. |
WdfCommonBufferGetLength The WdfCommonBufferGetLength method returns the length of a specified common buffer. |
WdfCompanionCreate This WdfCompanionCreate function article is for internal use only. |
WdfCompanionCreateTaskQueue This WdfCompanionCreateTaskQueue function article is for internal use only. |
WdfCompanionTargetSendTaskSynchronously This WdfCompanionTargetSendTaskSynchronously function article is for internal use only. |
WdfCompanionTargetWdmGetCompanionProcess This WdfCompanionTargetWdmGetCompanionProcess function article is for internal use only. |
WdfCompanionWdmGetSecureDeviceHandle This WdfCompanionWdmGetSecureDeviceHandle function article is for internal use only. |
WdfControlDeviceInitAllocate The WdfControlDeviceInitAllocate method allocates a WDFDEVICE_INIT structure that a driver uses when creating a new control device object. |
WdfControlDeviceInitSetShutdownNotification The WdfControlDeviceInitSetShutdownNotification method sets shutdown notification information for a control device object. |
WdfControlFinishInitializing The WdfControlFinishInitializing method informs the framework that a driver has finished initializing a specified control device object. |
WdfDeviceAddDependentUsageDeviceObject The WdfDeviceAddDependentUsageDeviceObject method indicates that a specified device depends on another device when the specified device is used to store special files. |
WdfDeviceAddQueryInterface The WdfDeviceAddQueryInterface method creates a driver-defined interface that other drivers can query and use. |
WdfDeviceAddRemovalRelationsPhysicalDevice The WdfDeviceAddRemovalRelationsPhysicalDevice method indicates that a specified device must be removed when another specified device is removed. |
WdfDeviceAllocAndQueryInterfaceProperty The WdfDeviceAllocAndQueryInterfaceProperty method allocates a buffer and retrieves a specified device interface property. |
WdfDeviceAllocAndQueryProperty The WdfDeviceAllocAndQueryProperty method allocates a buffer and retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfDeviceAllocAndQueryPropertyEx The WdfDeviceAllocAndQueryPropertyEx method allocates a buffer and retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfDeviceAssignInterfaceProperty The WdfDeviceAssignInterfaceProperty method modifies the current value of a device interface property. |
WdfDeviceAssignMofResourceName The WdfDeviceAssignMofResourceName method registers a MOF resource name for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceAssignProperty The WdfDeviceAssignProperty method modifies the current setting of a device property. |
WdfDeviceAssignS0IdleSettings The WdfDeviceAssignS0IdleSettings method provides driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in its working (S0) state. |
WdfDeviceAssignSxWakeSettings The WdfDeviceAssignSxWakeSettings method provides driver-supplied information about a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while both the device and the system are in a low-power state. |
WdfDeviceClearRemovalRelationsDevices The WdfDeviceClearRemovalRelationsDevices method removes all devices from the list of devices that must be removed when a specified device is removed. |
WdfDeviceConfigureRequestDispatching The WdfDeviceConfigureRequestDispatching method causes the framework to queue a specified type of I/O requests to a specified I/O queue. |
WdfDeviceConfigureWdmIrpDispatchCallback The WdfDeviceConfigureWdmIrpDispatchCallback method registers a driver's EvtDeviceWdmIrpDispatch callback function. |
WdfDeviceCreate The WdfDeviceCreate method creates a framework device object. |
WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface The WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface method creates a device interface for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceCreateSymbolicLink The WdfDeviceCreateSymbolicLink method creates a symbolic link to a specified device. |
WdfDeviceEnqueueRequest The WdfDeviceEnqueueRequest method delivers a specified I/O request to the framework, so that the framework can subsequently add the request to one of the I/O queues that the driver has created for the specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetAlignmentRequirement The WdfDeviceGetAlignmentRequirement method retrieves a device's address alignment requirement for memory transfer operations. |
WdfDeviceGetCharacteristics The WdfDeviceGetCharacteristics method returns device characteristics for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetDefaultQueue The WdfDeviceGetDefaultQueue method returns a handle to a device's default I/O queue. |
WdfDeviceGetDevicePnpState The WdfDeviceGetDevicePnpState method returns the current state of the framework's Plug and Play state machine for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetDevicePowerPolicyState The WdfDeviceGetDevicePowerPolicyState method returns the current state of the framework's power policy state machine, for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetDevicePowerState The WdfDeviceGetDevicePowerState method returns the current state of the framework's power state machine, for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetDeviceStackIoType The WdfDeviceGetDeviceStackIoType method retrieves the buffer access methods that the framework is using for a device. |
WdfDeviceGetDeviceState The WdfDeviceGetDeviceState method retrieves the device state for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetDriver The WdfDeviceGetDriver method returns a handle to the framework driver object that is associated with a specified framework device object. |
WdfDeviceGetFileObject The WdfDeviceGetFileObject method returns a handle to the framework file object that is associated with a specified WDM file object. |
WdfDeviceGetHardwareRegisterMappedAddress A driver calls WdfDeviceGetHardwareRegisterMappedAddress to get the user-mode mapped address of the memory resource it mapped previously using WdfDeviceMapIoSpace. |
WdfDeviceGetIoTarget The WdfDeviceGetIoTarget method returns a handle to a function or filter driver's local I/O target, for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceGetSystemPowerAction The WdfDeviceGetSystemPowerAction method returns the system power action, if any, that is currently occurring for the computer. |
WdfDeviceIndicateWakeStatus The WdfDeviceIndicateWakeStatus method informs the framework that the calling bus driver has stopped waiting for a specified device to trigger a wake signal on the bus. |
WdfDeviceInitAssignName The WdfDeviceInitAssignName method assigns a device name to a device's device object. |
WdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString The WdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString method assigns a security setting for a device. |
WdfDeviceInitAssignWdmIrpPreprocessCallback The WdfDeviceInitAssignWdmIrpPreprocessCallback method registers a callback function to handle an IRP major function code and, optionally, one or more minor function codes that are associated with the major function code. |
WdfDeviceInitFree The WdfDeviceInitFree method deallocates a WDFDEVICE_INIT structure. |
WdfDeviceInitRegisterPnpStateChangeCallback The WdfDeviceInitRegisterPnpStateChangeCallback method registers a driver-supplied event callback function that the framework calls when a device's Plug and Play state machine changes state. |
WdfDeviceInitRegisterPowerPolicyStateChangeCallback The WdfDeviceInitRegisterPowerPolicyStateChangeCallback method registers a driver-supplied event callback function that the framework calls when a device's power policy state machine changes state. |
WdfDeviceInitRegisterPowerStateChangeCallback The WdfDeviceInitRegisterPowerStateChangeCallback method registers a driver-supplied event callback function that the framework calls when a device's power state machine changes state. |
WdfDeviceInitSetCharacteristics The WdfDeviceInitSetCharacteristics method sets device characteristics for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceInitSetCompanionEventCallbacks This WdfDeviceInitSetCompanionEventCallbacks function article is for internal use only. |
WdfDeviceInitSetDeviceClass The WdfDeviceInitSetDeviceClass method specifies a GUID that identifies the device's device setup class. |
WdfDeviceInitSetDeviceType The WdfDeviceInitSetDeviceType method sets the device type for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceInitSetExclusive The WdfDeviceInitSetExclusive method indicates whether a specified device is an exclusive device. |
WdfDeviceInitSetFileObjectConfig The WdfDeviceInitSetFileObjectConfig method registers event callback functions and sets configuration information for the driver's framework file objects. |
WdfDeviceInitSetIoInCallerContextCallback The WdfDeviceInitSetIoInCallerContextCallback method registers a driver's EvtIoInCallerContext event callback function. |
WdfDeviceInitSetIoType The WdfDeviceInitSetIoType method sets the method or preference for how a driver will access the data buffers that are included in read and write requests for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceInitSetIoTypeEx The WdfDeviceInitSetIoTypeEx method sets the method or preference for how a driver will access the data buffers that are included in read and write requests, as well as device I/O control requests, for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceInitSetPnpPowerEventCallbacks The WdfDeviceInitSetPnpPowerEventCallbacks method registers a driver's Plug and Play and power management event callback functions. |
WdfDeviceInitSetPowerInrush The WdfDeviceInitSetPowerInrush method informs the power manager that the specified device requires an inrush of current when it starts. |
WdfDeviceInitSetPowerNotPageable The WdfDeviceInitSetPowerNotPageable method informs the power manager that the driver will not access pageable data while the system is transitioning between a sleeping state and the working (S0) state. |
WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPageable The WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPageable method informs the power manager that the driver must be able to access pageable data while the system is transitioning between a sleeping state and the working (S0) state. |
WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPolicyEventCallbacks The WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPolicyEventCallbacks method registers a driver's power policy event callback functions. |
WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPolicyOwnership The WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPolicyOwnership method establishes whether the calling driver is, or is not, the power policy owner for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceInitSetReleaseHardwareOrderOnFailure The WdfDeviceInitSetReleaseHardwareOrderOnFailure method specifies whether the framework calls the driver's EvtDeviceReleaseHardware callback function immediately after device failure, or waits until all child devices have been removed. |
WdfDeviceInitSetRemoveLockOptions The WdfDeviceInitSetRemoveLockOptions method causes the framework to acquire a remove lock before delivering an IRP of any type to the driver. |
WdfDeviceInitSetRequestAttributes The WdfDeviceInitSetRequestAttributes method sets object attributes that will be used for all of the framework request objects that the framework delivers to the driver from the device's I/O queues. |
WdfDeviceInterfaceDereferenceNoOp The WdfDeviceInterfaceDereferenceNoOp method can be used for driver-defined interfaces that do not require reference counts. |
WdfDeviceInterfaceReferenceNoOp The WdfDeviceInterfaceReferenceNoOp method can be used for driver-defined interfaces that do not require reference counts. |
WdfDeviceMapIoSpace The WdfDeviceMapIoSpace function maps the given physical address range to system address space and returns a pseudo base address. |
WdfDeviceMiniportCreate The WdfDeviceMiniportCreate method creates a framework device object that a miniport driver can use. |
WdfDeviceOpenDevicemapKey The WdfDeviceOpenDevicemapKey method opens the DEVICEMAP key and creates a framework registry-key object that represents the registry key. |
WdfDeviceOpenRegistryKey The WdfDeviceOpenRegistryKey method opens a device's hardware key or a driver's software key in the registry and creates a framework registry-key object that represents the registry key. |
WdfDevicePostEvent The WdfDevicePostEvent method asynchronously notifies applications that are waiting for the specified event from a driver. |
WdfDeviceQueryInterfaceProperty The WdfDeviceQueryInterfaceProperty method retrieves a specified device interface property. |
WdfDeviceQueryProperty The WdfDeviceQueryProperty method retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfDeviceQueryPropertyEx The WdfDeviceQueryPropertyEx method retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfDeviceReadFromHardware The WdfDeviceReadFromHardware method is used internally by the framework. Do not use. |
WdfDeviceRemoveDependentUsageDeviceObject The WdfDeviceRemoveDependentUsageDeviceObject method indicates that a specified device no longer depends on another device when the specified device is used to store special files. |
WdfDeviceRemoveRemovalRelationsPhysicalDevice The WdfDeviceRemoveRemovalRelationsPhysicalDevice method removes a specified device from the list of devices that must be removed when another specified device is removed. |
WdfDeviceResumeIdle The WdfDeviceResumeIdle method informs the framework that the specified device is not in use and can be placed in a device low-power state if it remains idle. |
WdfDeviceResumeIdleWithTag The WdfDeviceResumeIdleWithTag macro decrements the power reference count for a specified framework device object and assigns the driver's current file name and line number to the reference. The macro also assigns a tag value to the reference. |
WdfDeviceRetrieveCompanionTarget This WdfDeviceRetrieveCompanionTarget function article is for internal use only. |
WdfDeviceRetrieveDeviceDirectoryString Learn more about: WdfDeviceRetrieveDeviceDirectoryString function |
WdfDeviceRetrieveDeviceInterfaceString The WdfDeviceRetrieveDeviceInterfaceString method retrieves the symbolic link name that the operating system assigned to a device interface that the driver registered for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceRetrieveDeviceName The WdfDeviceRetrieveDeviceName method returns the device name for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceSetAlignmentRequirement The WdfDeviceSetAlignmentRequirement method registers the driver's preferred address alignment for the data buffers that the device uses during memory transfer operations. |
WdfDeviceSetBusInformationForChildren The WdfDeviceSetBusInformationForChildren method sets information about a bus that a bus driver supports. This information is available to the bus's child devices. |
WdfDeviceSetCharacteristics The WdfDeviceSetCharacteristics method sets device characteristics for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceSetDeviceInterfaceState The WdfDeviceSetDeviceInterfaceState method enables or disables a device interface for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceSetDeviceInterfaceStateEx Learn more about: WdfDeviceSetDeviceInterfaceStateEx |
WdfDeviceSetDeviceState The WdfDeviceSetDeviceState method sets the device state for a specified device. |
WdfDeviceSetFailed The WdfDeviceSetFailed method informs the framework that the driver encountered a hardware or software error that is associated with a specified device. |
WdfDeviceSetPnpCapabilities The WdfDeviceSetPnpCapabilities method reports a device's Plug and Play capabilities. |
WdfDeviceSetPowerCapabilities The WdfDeviceSetPowerCapabilities method reports a device's power capabilities. |
WdfDeviceSetSpecialFileSupport The WdfDeviceSetSpecialFileSupport method enables or disables a function driver's support for special files, for the specified device. |
WdfDeviceSetStaticStopRemove The WdfDeviceSetStaticStopRemove method informs the framework whether a device can be stopped and removed. |
WdfDeviceStopIdle The WdfDeviceStopIdle method informs the framework that the specified device must be placed in its working (D0) power state. |
WdfDeviceStopIdleWithTag The WdfDeviceStopIdleWithTag macro increments the power reference count for a specified framework device object and assigns the driver's current file name and line number to the reference. The macro also assigns a tag value to the reference. |
WdfDeviceUnmapIoSpace The WdfDeviceUnmapIoSpace function unmaps a specified range of physical addresses previously mapped by the WdfDeviceMapIoSpace function. |
WdfDeviceWdmAssignPowerFrameworkSettings The WdfDeviceWdmAssignPowerFrameworkSettings method registers power management framework (PoFx) settings for single-component devices. |
WdfDeviceWdmDispatchIrp The WdfDeviceWdmDispatchIrp method returns a dispatched IRP to the framework from EvtDeviceWdmIrpDispatch. |
WdfDeviceWdmDispatchIrpToIoQueue The WdfDeviceWdmDispatchIrpToIoQueue method forwards the IRP to a specified I/O queue. |
WdfDeviceWdmDispatchPreprocessedIrp The WdfDeviceWdmDispatchPreprocessedIrp method returns a preprocessed IRP to the framework. |
WdfDeviceWdmGetAttachedDevice The WdfDeviceWdmGetAttachedDevice method returns the next-lower WDM device object in the device stack. |
WdfDeviceWdmGetDeviceObject The WdfDeviceWdmGetDeviceObject method returns the Windows Driver Model (WDM) device object that is associated with a specified framework device object. |
WdfDeviceWdmGetPhysicalDevice The WdfDeviceWdmGetPhysicalDevice method retrieves the physical device's WDM PDO from the device stack. |
WdfDeviceWriteToHardware The WdfDeviceWriteToHardware method is used internally by the framework. Do not use. |
WdfDevStateIsNP The WdfDevStateIsNP method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified power state or power policy state is a nonpageable state. |
WdfDevStateNormalize The WdfDevStateNormalize method removes extra bits from a specified framework state machine value so that the driver can use the value as an index into an array of machine states. |
WdfDmaEnablerConfigureSystemProfile The WdfDmaEnablerConfigureSystemProfile method configures the hardware-specific settings for a system-mode DMA enabler and completes the resource initialization. |
WdfDmaEnablerCreate The WdfDmaEnablerCreate method creates a DMA enabler object. |
WdfDmaEnablerGetFragmentLength The WdfDmaEnablerGetFragmentLength method returns the maximum transfer length that the operating system supports for a single DMA transfer. |
WdfDmaEnablerGetMaximumLength The WdfDmaEnablerGetMaximumLength method returns the maximum transfer length, for a single DMA transfer, that a device supports. |
WdfDmaEnablerGetMaximumScatterGatherElements The WdfDmaEnablerGetMaximumScatterGatherElements method returns the maximum number of scatter/gather elements that the device and driver support, for a specified DMA enabler object. |
WdfDmaEnablerSetMaximumScatterGatherElements The WdfDmaEnablerSetMaximumScatterGatherElements method sets the maximum number of scatter/gather elements that a device supports, for a specified DMA enabler object. |
WdfDmaEnablerWdmGetDmaAdapter The WdfDmaEnablerWdmGetDmaAdapter method returns a pointer to a WDM DMA_ADAPTER structure that is associated with a DMA enabler object. |
WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources The WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources method reserves a single-packet or system-mode DMA enabler for exclusive (and repeated) use with the specified transaction object. |
WdfDmaTransactionCancel The WdfDmaTransactionCancel method attempts to cancel a DMA transaction that is waiting for the allocation of map registers. |
WdfDmaTransactionCreate The WdfDmaTransactionCreate method creates a DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompleted The WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompleted method notifies the framework that a device's DMA transfer operation is completed. |
WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedFinal The WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedFinal method notifies the framework that a device's DMA transfer operation has completed with an underrun condition and supplies the length of the completed transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedWithLength The WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedWithLength method notifies the framework that a device's DMA transfer operation is complete and supplies the length of the completed transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionExecute The WdfDmaTransactionExecute method begins the execution of a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionFreeResources The WdfDmaTransactionFreeResources method releases DMA resources that the driver previously allocated by calling WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetBytesTransferred The WdfDmaTransactionGetBytesTransferred method returns the total number of bytes that have been transferred for a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetCurrentDmaTransferLength The WdfDmaTransactionGetCurrentDmaTransferLength method returns the size of the current DMA transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetDevice The WdfDmaTransactionGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that is associated with a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetRequest The WdfDmaTransactionGetRequest method retrieves a handle to the framework request object that is associated with a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetTransferInfo The WdfDmaTransactionGetTransferInfo method returns the number of map registers and scatter/gather list entries required for an initialized DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionInitialize The WdfDmaTransactionInitialize method initializes a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingOffset The WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingOffset method initializes a specified DMA transaction by using a byte offset into an MDL chain. |
WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest The WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest method initializes a specified DMA transaction by using the parameters of a specified I/O request. |
WdfDmaTransactionRelease The WdfDmaTransactionRelease method terminates a specified DMA transaction without deleting the associated DMA transaction object. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetChannelConfigurationCallback The WdfDmaTransactionSetChannelConfigurationCallback method registers a channel configuration event callback function for a system-mode DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetDeviceAddressOffset The WdfDmaTransactionSetDeviceAddressOffset method specifies the offset of the register that the system DMA controller will access when performing the DMA operation. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetImmediateExecution The WdfDmaTransactionSetImmediateExecution method marks the specified DMA transaction so that calls to WdfDmaTransactionExecute and WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources initiate the transaction immediately or fail. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetMaximumLength The WdfDmaTransactionSetMaximumLength method sets the maximum length for the DMA transfers that are associated with a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetSingleTransferRequirement The WdfDmaTransactionSetSingleTransferRequirement method specifies that a DMA transaction must complete in a single transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetTransferCompleteCallback The WdfDmaTransactionSetTransferCompleteCallback method registers a transfer completion event callback function for a system-mode DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionStopSystemTransfer The WdfDmaTransactionStopSystemTransfer method attempts to stop a system-mode DMA transfer after the framework has called EvtProgramDma. |
WdfDmaTransactionWdmGetTransferContext The WdfDmaTransactionWdmGetTransferContext method retrieves the WDM transfer context that is associated with a DMA transaction. |
WdfDpcCancel The WdfDpcCancel method attempts to cancel the execution of a DPC object's scheduled EvtDpcFunc callback function. |
WdfDpcCreate The WdfDpcCreate method creates a framework DPC object and registers an EvtDpcFunc callback function. |
WdfDpcEnqueue The WdfDpcEnqueue method schedules the execution of a DPC object's EvtDpcFunc callback function. |
WdfDpcGetParentObject The WdfDpcGetParentObject method returns the parent object of a specified DPC object. |
WdfDpcWdmGetDpc The WdfDpcWdmGetDpc method returns a pointer to the KDPC structure that is associated with a specified framework DPC object. |
WdfDriverCreate The WdfDriverCreate method creates a framework driver object for the calling driver. |
WdfDriverErrorReportApiMissing Learn more about: WdfDriverErrorReportApiMissing function |
WdfDriverGetRegistryPath The WdfDriverGetRegistryPath method retrieves the path to the driver's registry key in the registry's Services tree. |
WdfDriverIsVersionAvailable The WdfDriverIsVersionAvailable method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the driver is running with a specified version of the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework library. |
WdfDriverMiniportUnload The WdfDriverMiniportUnload method deletes a specified miniport driver's framework driver object. |
WdfDriverOpenParametersRegistryKey The WdfDriverOpenParametersRegistryKey method opens the driver's Parameters registry key and retrieves a handle to a framework registry-key object that represents the key. |
WdfDriverOpenPersistentStateRegistryKey Learn more about: WdfDriverOpenPersistentStateRegistryKey |
WdfDriverRegisterTraceInfo The WdfDriverRegisterTraceInfo method is reserved for internal use only. |
WdfDriverRetrieveDriverDataDirectoryString Learn more about: WdfDriverRetrieveDriverDataDirectoryString function |
WdfDriverRetrieveVersionString The WdfDriverRetrieveVersionString method retrieves a Unicode string that identifies the version of the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework that the driver is running with. |
WdfDriverWdmGetDriverObject The WdfDriverWdmGetDriverObject method retrieves a pointer to the Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver object that is associated with a specified framework driver object. |
WdfFdoAddStaticChild The WdfFdoAddStaticChild method adds a specified device to a function driver's list of child devices that have been identified by static enumeration. |
WdfFdoGetDefaultChildList The WdfFdoGetDefaultChildList method returns a handle to a specified device's default child list. |
WdfFdoInitAllocAndQueryProperty The WdfFdoInitAllocAndQueryProperty method allocates a buffer and retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfFdoInitAllocAndQueryPropertyEx The WdfFdoInitAllocAndQueryPropertyEx method allocates a buffer and retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfFdoInitOpenRegistryKey The WdfFdoInitOpenRegistryKey method opens a device's hardware key or a driver's software key in the registry and creates a framework registry-key object that represents the registry key. |
WdfFdoInitQueryProperty The WdfFdoInitQueryProperty method retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfFdoInitQueryPropertyEx The WdfFdoInitQueryPropertyEx method retrieves a specified device property. |
WdfFdoInitSetDefaultChildListConfig The WdfFdoInitSetDefaultChildListConfig method configures a bus driver's default child list. |
WdfFdoInitSetEventCallbacks The WdfFdoInitSetEventCallbacks method registers a framework-based function driver's event callback functions, for a specified device. |
WdfFdoInitSetFilter The WdfFdoInitSetFilter method identifies the calling driver as an upper-level or lower-level filter driver, for a specified device. |
WdfFdoInitWdmGetPhysicalDevice The WdfFdoInitWdmGetPhysicalDevice method retrieves a device's WDM physical device object (PDO). |
WdfFdoLockStaticChildListForIteration The WdfFdoLockStaticChildListForIteration method prepares the framework for retrieving items from the static child list that belongs to a specified parent device. |
WdfFdoQueryForInterface The WdfFdoQueryForInterface method obtains access to another driver's GUID-identified interface. |
WdfFdoRetrieveNextStaticChild The WdfFdoRetrieveNextStaticChild method retrieves a handle to the next framework device object in a list of child devices. |
WdfFdoUnlockStaticChildListFromIteration The WdfFdoUnlockStaticChildListFromIteration method unlocks the list of child devices for a specified device and processes any changes to the list that the driver made while the list was locked. |
WdfFileObjectGetDevice The WdfFileObjectGetDevice method returns the framework device object that is associated with a specified framework file object. |
WdfFileObjectGetFileName The WdfFileObjectGetFileName method returns the file name that a specified framework file object contains. |
WdfFileObjectGetFlags The WdfFileObjectGetFlags method returns the flags that a specified framework file object contains. |
WdfFileObjectGetInitiatorProcessId The WdfFileObjectGetInitiatorProcessId function retrieves the initiator process ID that is associated with a specified framework file object. |
WdfFileObjectGetRelatedFileObject The WdfFileObjectGetRelatedFileObject method retrieves the related file object to a framework file object. |
WdfFileObjectWdmGetFileObject The WdfFileObjectWdmGetFileObject method returns the Windows Driver Model (WDM) file object that is associated with a specified framework file object. |
WdfGetDriver The WdfGetDriver method returns a handle to the framework driver object that represents the calling driver. |
WdfGetTriageInfo The WdfGetTriageInfo method is reserved for internal use only. |
WdfInterruptAcquireLock The WdfInterruptAcquireLock method begins a code sequence that executes at the device's device interrupt request level (DIRQL) while holding an interrupt object's spin lock. |
WdfInterruptCreate The WdfInterruptCreate method creates a framework interrupt object. |
WdfInterruptDisable The WdfInterruptDisable method disables a specified device interrupt by calling the driver's EvtInterruptDisable callback function. |
WdfInterruptEnable The WdfInterruptEnable method enables a specified device interrupt by calling the driver's EvtInterruptEnable callback function. |
WdfInterruptGetDevice The WdfInterruptGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that is associated with a specified framework interrupt object. |
WdfInterruptGetInfo The WdfInterruptGetInfo method retrieves information about a specified interrupt. |
WdfInterruptQueueDpcForIsr The WdfInterruptQueueDpcForIsr method queues a framework interrupt object's EvtInterruptDpc callback function for execution. |
WdfInterruptQueueWorkItemForIsr The WdfInterruptQueueWorkItemForIsr method queues a framework interrupt object's EvtInterruptWorkItem callback function for execution. |
WdfInterruptReleaseLock The WdfInterruptReleaseLock method ends a code sequence that executes at the device's DIRQL while holding an interrupt object's spin lock. |
WdfInterruptReportActive The WdfInterruptReportActive informs the system that the interrupt is active and the driver is ready to process interrupt requests on the associated lines. |
WdfInterruptReportInactive The WdfInterruptReportInactive method informs the system that the interrupt is no longer active and the driver is not expecting interrupt requests on the associated lines. |
WdfInterruptSetExtendedPolicy The WdfInterruptSetExtendedPolicy method specifies the interrupt priority, processor affinity, affinity policy, and processor group for a specified interrupt. |
WdfInterruptSetPolicy The WdfInterruptSetPolicy method specifies the interrupt priority, processor affinity, and affinity policy for a specified interrupt. |
WdfInterruptSynchronize The WdfInterruptSynchronize method executes a specified callback function at the device's DIRQL while holding an interrupt object's spin lock. |
WdfInterruptTryToAcquireLock The WdfInterruptTryToAcquireLock method attempts to acquire an interrupt object's passive lock. |
WdfInterruptWdmGetInterrupt The WdfInterruptWdmGetInterrupt method returns a pointer to the WDM interrupt object that is associated with a specified framework interrupt object. |
WdfIoQueueAssignForwardProgressPolicy The WdfIoQueueAssignForwardProgressPolicy method enables the framework's ability to guarantee forward progress for a specified I/O queue. |
WdfIoQueueCreate The WdfIoQueueCreate method creates and configures an I/O queue for a specified device. |
WdfIoQueueDrain The WdfIoQueueDrain method causes the framework to stop queuing I/O requests to an I/O queue, while allowing already-queued requests to be delivered and processed. |
WdfIoQueueDrainSynchronously The WdfIoQueueDrainSynchronously method causes the framework to stop queuing I/O requests to an I/O queue, while allowing already-queued requests to be delivered and processed. The method returns after all requests are completed or canceled. |
WdfIoQueueFindRequest The WdfIoQueueFindRequest method locates the next request in an I/O queue, or the next request that matches specified criteria, but does not grant ownership of the request to the driver. |
WdfIoQueueGetDevice The WdfIoQueueGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that a specified I/O queue belongs to. |
WdfIoQueueGetState The WdfIoQueueGetState method returns the status of a specified I/O queue. |
WdfIoQueuePurge The WdfIoQueuePurge method causes the framework to stop queuing I/O requests to an I/O queue and to cancel unprocessed requests. |
WdfIoQueuePurgeSynchronously The WdfIoQueuePurgeSynchronously method causes the framework to stop queuing I/O requests to an I/O queue and to cancel unprocessed requests and driver-owned cancellable requests. |
WdfIoQueueReadyNotify The WdfIoQueueReadyNotify method registers (or deregisters) an event callback function that the framework calls each time a specified I/O queue that was previously empty receives one or more I/O requests. |
WdfIoQueueRetrieveFoundRequest The WdfIoQueueRetrieveFoundRequest method delivers a specified request to the driver, so that the driver can process the request. |
WdfIoQueueRetrieveNextRequest The WdfIoQueueRetrieveNextRequest method retrieves the next available I/O request from a specified I/O queue. |
WdfIoQueueRetrieveRequestByFileObject The WdfIoQueueRetrieveRequestByFileObject method retrieves the next available I/O request, from a specified I/O queue, that is associated with a specified file object. |
WdfIoQueueStart The WdfIoQueueStart method enables an I/O queue to start receiving and delivering new I/O requests. |
WdfIoQueueStop The WdfIoQueueStop method prevents an I/O queue from delivering I/O requests, but the queue receives and stores new requests. |
WdfIoQueueStopAndPurge The WdfIoQueueStopAndPurge method prevents an I/O queue from delivering new requests and cancels existing unprocessed requests and driver-owned cancellable requests, but the queue receives and stores new requests. |
WdfIoQueueStopAndPurgeSynchronously The WdfIoQueueStopAndPurgeSynchronously method prevents an I/O queue from delivering new I/O requests and causes the framework to cancel existing unprocessed requests and driver-owned cancellable requests, but the queue receives and stores new requests. |
WdfIoQueueStopSynchronously The WdfIoQueueStopSynchronously method prevents an I/O queue from delivering I/O requests, but the queue receives and stores new requests. The method returns after all delivered requests have been canceled or completed. |
WdfIoResourceListAppendDescriptor The WdfIoResourceListAppendDescriptor method adds a resource descriptor to the end of a resource requirements list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceListCreate The WdfIoResourceListCreate method creates an empty logical configuration, which can be populated and added to a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceListGetCount The WdfIoResourceListGetCount method returns the number of resource descriptors that are contained in a resource requirements list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceListGetDescriptor The WdfIoResourceListGetDescriptor method returns a pointer to a resource descriptor that is contained in a resource requirements list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceListInsertDescriptor The WdfIoResourceListInsertDescriptor method inserts a resource descriptor into a resource requirements list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceListRemove The WdfIoResourceListRemove method removes a resource descriptor from a resource requirements list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceListRemoveByDescriptor The WdfIoResourceListRemoveByDescriptor method removes a resource descriptor from a resource requirement list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceListUpdateDescriptor The WdfIoResourceListUpdateDescriptor method updates a resource descriptor in a resource requirements list's logical configuration. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListAppendIoResList The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListAppendIoResList method adds a logical configuration to the end of a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListGetCount The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListGetCount method returns the number of logical configurations that are contained in a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListGetIoResList The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListGetIoResList method returns a handle to the framework resource-range-list object that represents a specified logical configuration in a specified resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListInsertIoResList The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListInsertIoResList method inserts a logical configuration into a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListRemove The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListRemove method removes a logical configuration from a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListRemoveByIoResList The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListRemoveByIoResList method removes a logical configuration from a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListSetInterfaceType The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListSetInterfaceType method assigns a bus type to a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoResourceRequirementsListSetSlotNumber The WdfIoResourceRequirementsListSetSlotNumber method assigns a slot number to a resource requirements list. |
WdfIoTargetAllocAndQueryTargetProperty The WdfIoTargetAllocAndQueryTargetProperty method allocates a buffer and retrieves a specified device property for a specified I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetClose The WdfIoTargetClose method closes a specified remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetCloseForQueryRemove The WdfIoTargetCloseForQueryRemove method temporarily closes a specified remote I/O target because the target device might soon be removed. |
WdfIoTargetCreate The WdfIoTargetCreate method creates a remote I/O target for a specified device. |
WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForInternalIoctl The WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForInternalIoctl method builds an internal device control request for an I/O target but does not send the request. |
WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForInternalIoctlOthers The WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForInternalIoctlOthers method builds a non-standard internal device control request for an I/O target but does not send the request. |
WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForIoctl The WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForIoctl method builds a device control request for an I/O target but does not send the request. |
WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForRead The WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForRead method builds a read request for an I/O target but does not send the request. |
WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForWrite The WdfIoTargetFormatRequestForWrite method builds a write request for an I/O target but does not send the request. |
WdfIoTargetGetDevice The WdfIoTargetGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that is the parent of the specified local or remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetGetState The WdfIoTargetGetState method returns state information for a local or remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetOpen The WdfIoTargetOpen method opens a remote I/O target so the driver can send I/O requests to it. |
WdfIoTargetPurge The WdfIoTargetPurge method cancels all I/O requests queued to a local, remote, or specialized I/O target and prevents any new I/O requests from being queued. |
WdfIoTargetQueryForInterface The WdfIoTargetQueryForInterface method obtains access to the GUID-identified, driver-defined interface of a remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetQueryTargetProperty The WdfIoTargetQueryTargetProperty method retrieves a specified device property for a specified I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetSendInternalIoctlOthersSynchronously The WdfIoTargetSendInternalIoctlOthersSynchronously method builds a non-standard internal device control request and sends it synchronously to an I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetSendInternalIoctlSynchronously The WdfIoTargetSendInternalIoctlSynchronously method builds an internal device control request and sends it synchronously to an I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetSendIoctlSynchronously The WdfIoTargetSendIoctlSynchronously method builds a device control request and sends it synchronously to an I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetSendReadSynchronously The WdfIoTargetSendReadSynchronously method builds a read request and sends it synchronously to an I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetSendWriteSynchronously The WdfIoTargetSendWriteSynchronously method builds a write request and sends it synchronously to an I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetStart The WdfIoTargetStart method starts sending queued requests to a local or remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetStop The WdfIoTargetStop method stops sending queued requests to a local or remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetDeviceObject The WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetDeviceObject method returns a pointer to the Windows Driver Model (WDM) device object that is associated with a specified local or remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetFileHandle The WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetFileHandle method returns a handle to the file that is associated with a specified remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetFileObject The WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetFileObject method returns a pointer to the Windows Driver Model (WDM) file object that is associated with a specified remote I/O target. |
WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetPhysicalDevice The WdfIoTargetWdmGetTargetPhysicalDevice method returns a pointer to the Windows Driver Model (WDM) physical device object (PDO) that represents a remote I/O target's device. |
WdfLookasideListCreate The WdfLookasideListCreate method creates a lookaside-list object, from which the driver can obtain memory objects. |
WdfMemoryAssignBuffer The WdfMemoryAssignBuffer method assigns a specified buffer to a memory object that a driver created by calling WdfMemoryCreatePreallocated. |
WdfMemoryCopyFromBuffer The WdfMemoryCopyFromBuffer method copies the contents of a specified source buffer into a specified memory object's buffer. |
WdfMemoryCopyToBuffer The WdfMemoryCopyToBuffer method copies the contents of a specified memory object's buffer into a specified destination buffer. |
WdfMemoryCreate The WdfMemoryCreate method creates a framework memory object and allocates a memory buffer of a specified size. |
WdfMemoryCreateFromLookaside The WdfMemoryCreateFromLookaside method creates a framework memory object and obtains a memory buffer from a specified lookaside list. |
WdfMemoryCreatePreallocated The WdfMemoryCreatePreallocated method creates a framework memory object for a driver-supplied memory buffer. |
WdfMemoryGetBuffer The WdfMemoryGetBuffer method returns a pointer to the buffer that is associated with a specified memory object. |
WdfObjectAcquireLock The WdfObjectAcquireLock method acquires an object's synchronization lock. |
WdfObjectAllocateContext The WdfObjectAllocateContext method allocates context space for a specified framework object. |
WdfObjectContextGetObject The WdfObjectContextGetObject method returns a handle to the framework object that a specified context space belongs to. |
WdfObjectCreate The WdfObjectCreate method creates a general framework object. |
WdfObjectDelete The WdfObjectDelete method deletes a framework object and its child objects. |
WdfObjectDereferenceActual The WdfObjectDereferenceActual method decrements the reference count for a specified framework object and assigns a tag value, line number, and file name to the reference. |
WdfObjectGetTypedContextWorker The WdfObjectGetTypedContextWorker method is reserved for internal use only. Use the WdfObjectGetTypedContext macro instead. |
WdfObjectQuery The WdfObjectQuery method is not implemented. |
WdfObjectReferenceActual The WdfObjectReferenceActual method increments the reference count for a specified framework object and assigns a tag value, line number, and file name to the reference. |
WdfObjectReleaseLock The WdfObjectReleaseLock method releases an object's synchronization lock. |
WdfPdoAddEjectionRelationsPhysicalDevice The WdfPdoAddEjectionRelationsPhysicalDevice method indicates that a specified device is ejected when another specified device is ejected. |
WdfPdoClearEjectionRelationsDevices The WdfPdoClearEjectionRelationsDevices method removes all devices from the list of devices that must be ejected when a specified device is ejected. |
WdfPdoGetParent The WdfPdoGetParent method returns a handle to the framework device object that represents the parent device of a specified device. |
WdfPdoInitAddCompatibleID The WdfPdoInitAddCompatibleID method adds a compatible ID to the list of compatible IDs for a child device. |
WdfPdoInitAddDeviceText The WdfPdoInitAddDeviceText method adds a device description and device location to a device, for a specified locale. |
WdfPdoInitAddHardwareID The WdfPdoInitAddHardwareID method adds a hardware ID to the list of hardware IDs for a child device. |
WdfPdoInitAllocate The WdfPdoInitAllocate method allocates a WDFDEVICE_INIT structure for a framework-based bus driver, which the bus driver uses when reporting a new device. |
WdfPdoInitAllowForwardingRequestToParent The WdfPdoInitAllowForwardingRequestToParent method enables a driver's ability to call WdfRequestForwardToParentDeviceIoQueue. |
WdfPdoInitAssignContainerID The WdfPdoInitAssignContainerID method updates the container ID for a child device. |
WdfPdoInitAssignDeviceID The WdfPdoInitAssignDeviceID method updates the device ID for a child device. |
WdfPdoInitAssignInstanceID The WdfPdoInitAssignInstanceID method updates the instance ID for a child device. |
WdfPdoInitAssignRawDevice The WdfPdoInitAssignRawDevice method indicates that the calling driver can support a specified device in raw mode. |
WdfPdoInitRemovePowerDependencyOnParent Learn more about: WdfPdoInitRemovePowerDependencyOnParent |
WdfPdoInitSetDefaultLocale The WdfPdoInitSetDefaultLocale method sets a device's default locale. |
WdfPdoInitSetEventCallbacks The WdfPdoInitSetEventCallbacks method registers a bus driver's event callback functions. |
WdfPdoMarkMissing The WdfPdoMarkMissing method informs the framework that a device is no longer accessible. |
WdfPdoRemoveEjectionRelationsPhysicalDevice The WdfPdoRemoveEjectionRelationsPhysicalDevice method removes a specified device from the list of devices that must be ejected when another specified device is ejected. |
WdfPdoRequestEject The WdfPdoRequestEject method informs the framework that a specified device is about to be ejected from its docking station. |
WdfPdoRetrieveAddressDescription The WdfPdoRetrieveAddressDescription method retrieves the address description that is associated with a specified framework device object. |
WdfPdoRetrieveIdentificationDescription The WdfPdoRetrieveIdentificationDescription method retrieves the identification description that is associated with a specified framework device object. |
WdfPdoUpdateAddressDescription The WdfPdoUpdateAddressDescription method updates the address description that is associated with a specified framework device object. |
WdfPostDeviceInstall The co-installer's WdfPostDeviceInstall function performs any operations that the co-installer might require after a non-Plug and Play (PnP) driver's installer has created the driver's kernel-mode service. |
WdfPostDeviceRemove The co-installer's WdfPostDeviceRemove function performs any operations that the co-installer might require after a non-Plug and Play (PnP) driver's installer has deleted the driver's kernel-mode service. |
WdfPreDeviceInstall The co-installer's WdfPreDeviceInstall function performs any operations that the co-installer might require before a non-Plug and Play (PnP) driver's installer creates the driver's kernel-mode service. |
WdfPreDeviceInstallEx The co-installer's WdfPreDeviceInstallEx function performs any operations that the co-installer might require before a non-Plug and Play (PnP) driver's installer creates the driver's kernel-mode service. |
WdfPreDeviceRemove The co-installer's WdfPreDeviceRemove function performs any operations that the co-installer might require before a non-Plug and Play (PnP) driver's installer deletes the driver's kernel-mode service. |
WdfRegistryAssignMemory The WdfRegistryAssignMemory method assigns data that is contained in a specified memory buffer to a specified value name in the registry. |
WdfRegistryAssignMultiString The WdfRegistryAssignMultiString method assigns a set of strings to a specified value name in the registry. The strings are contained in a specified collection of framework string objects. |
WdfRegistryAssignString The WdfRegistryAssignString method assigns a string to a specified value name in the registry. The string is contained in a specified framework string object. |
WdfRegistryAssignULong The WdfRegistryAssignULong method assigns a specified unsigned long word value to a specified value name in the registry. |
WdfRegistryAssignUnicodeString The WdfRegistryAssignUnicodeString method assigns a specified Unicode string to a specified value name in the registry. |
WdfRegistryAssignValue The WdfRegistryAssignValue method assigns specified data to a specified value name in the registry. |
WdfRegistryClose The WdfRegistryClose method closes the registry key that is associated with a specified framework registry-key object and then deletes the registry-key object. |
WdfRegistryCreateKey The WdfRegistryCreateKey method creates and opens a specified registry key, or just opens the key if it already exists, and creates a framework registry-key object that represents the registry key. |
WdfRegistryOpenKey The WdfRegistryOpenKey method opens a specified registry key and creates a framework registry-key object that represents the registry key. |
WdfRegistryQueryMemory The WdfRegistryQueryMemory method retrieves the data that is currently assigned to a specified registry value, stores the data in a framework-allocated buffer, and creates a framework memory object to represent the buffer. |
WdfRegistryQueryMultiString The WdfRegistryQueryMultiString method retrieves the strings that are currently assigned to a specified multi-string registry value, creates a framework string object for each string, and adds each string object to a specified object collection. |
WdfRegistryQueryString The WdfRegistryQueryString method retrieves the string data that is currently assigned to a specified registry string value and assigns the string to a specified framework string object. |
WdfRegistryQueryULong The WdfRegistryQueryULong method retrieves the unsigned long word (REG_DWORD) data that is currently assigned to a specified registry value and copies the data to a specified location. |
WdfRegistryQueryUnicodeString The WdfRegistryQueryUnicodeString method retrieves the string data that is currently assigned to a specified registry string value and copies the string to a specified UNICODE_STRING structure. |
WdfRegistryQueryValue The WdfRegistryQueryValue method retrieves the data that is currently assigned to a specified registry value. |
WdfRegistryRemoveKey The WdfRegistryRemoveKey method removes the registry key that is associated with a specified framework registry-key object and then deletes the registry-key object. |
WdfRegistryRemoveValue The WdfRegistryRemoveValue method removes a specified value and its data from a specified registry key. |
WdfRegistryWdmGetHandle The WdfRegistryWdmGetHandle method returns a Windows Driver Model (WDM) handle to the registry key that a specified framework registry-key object represents. |
WdfRequestAllocateTimer The WdfRequestAllocateTimer method allocates a timer for a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestCancelSentRequest The WdfRequestCancelSentRequest method attempts to cancel an I/O request that the caller previously submitted to an I/O target. |
WdfRequestChangeTarget The WdfRequestChangeTarget method verifies that a specified I/O request can be sent to a specified I/O target. |
WdfRequestComplete The WdfRequestComplete method completes a specified I/O request and supplies a completion status. |
WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation The WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation method stores completion information and then completes a specified I/O request with a supplied completion status. |
WdfRequestCompleteWithPriorityBoost The WdfRequestCompleteWithPriorityBoost method completes a specified I/O request and supplies a completion status. It also specifies a value that the system can use to boost the run-time priority of the thread that requested the I/O operation. |
WdfRequestCreate The WdfRequestCreate method creates an empty framework request object. |
WdfRequestCreateFromIrp The WdfRequestCreateFromIrp method creates a framework request object from a specified WDM IRP. |
WdfRequestFormatRequestUsingCurrentType The WdfRequestFormatRequestUsingCurrentType method formats a specified I/O request so that the driver can forward it, unmodified, to the driver's local I/O target. |
WdfRequestForwardToIoQueue The WdfRequestForwardToIoQueue method requeues an I/O request to one of the calling driver's I/O queues. |
WdfRequestForwardToParentDeviceIoQueue The WdfRequestForwardToParentDeviceIoQueue method requeues an I/O request from a child device's I/O queue to a specified I/O queue of the child's parent device. |
WdfRequestGetCompletionParams The WdfRequestGetCompletionParams method retrieves the I/O completion parameters that are associated with a specified framework request object. |
WdfRequestGetEffectiveIoType The WdfRequestGetEffectiveIoType method returns the buffer access method that UMDF is using for the data buffers of the specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestGetFileObject The WdfRequestGetFileObject method retrieves the framework file object that is associated with a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestGetInformation The WdfRequestGetInformation method returns completion status information for a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestGetIoQueue The WdfRequestGetIoQueue method returns a handle to the framework queue object from which a specified I/O request was delivered. |
WdfRequestGetParameters The WdfRequestGetParameters method retrieves the parameters that are associated with a specified framework request object. |
WdfRequestGetRequestorMode The WdfRequestGetRequestorMode method returns the processor access mode of the originator of a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestGetRequestorProcessId The WdfRequestGetRequestorProcessId method retrieves the identifier of the process that sent an I/O request. |
WdfRequestGetStatus The WdfRequestGetStatus method returns the status of an I/O request. |
WdfRequestGetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo The WdfRequestGetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo method determines whether an I/O request is marked as initiated by a UMDF driver. |
WdfRequestImpersonate The WdfRequestImpersonate method registers a driver-supplied event callback function that the framework should call for impersonation. |
WdfRequestIsCanceled The WdfRequestIsCanceled method determines whether the I/O manager has attempted to cancel a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestIsFrom32BitProcess The WdfRequestIsFrom32BitProcess method checks whether the originator of a specified I/O request is a 32-bit user-mode application. |
WdfRequestIsFromUserModeDriver The WdfRequestIsFromUserModeDriver method indicates whether an I/O request came from a user-mode driver or an application. |
WdfRequestIsReserved The WdfRequestIsReserved method determines whether a specified request object is one that the framework reserved to support guaranteed forward progress during low-memory situations. |
WdfRequestMarkCancelable The WdfRequestMarkCancelable method enables cancellation of a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestMarkCancelableEx The WdfRequestMarkCancelableEx method enables cancellation of a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestProbeAndLockUserBufferForRead The WdfRequestProbeAndLockUserBufferForRead method verifies that an I/O request's user-mode buffer is readable, and then it locks the buffer's physical memory pages so drivers in the driver stack can read the buffer. |
WdfRequestProbeAndLockUserBufferForWrite The WdfRequestProbeAndLockUserBufferForWrite method verifies that an I/O request's user-mode buffer is writeable, and then it locks the buffer's physical memory pages so drivers in the driver stack can write into the buffer. |
WdfRequestRequeue The WdfRequestRequeue method returns an I/O request to the head of the I/O queue from which it was delivered to the driver. |
WdfRequestRetrieveActivityId The WdfRequestRetrieveActivityId method retrieves the current activity identifier associated with an I/O request. |
WdfRequestRetrieveInputBuffer The WdfRequestRetrieveInputBuffer method retrieves an I/O request's input buffer. |
WdfRequestRetrieveInputMemory The WdfRequestRetrieveInputMemory method retrieves a handle to a framework memory object that represents an I/O request's input buffer. |
WdfRequestRetrieveInputWdmMdl The WdfRequestRetrieveInputWdmMdl method retrieves a memory descriptor list (MDL) that represents an I/O request's input buffer. |
WdfRequestRetrieveOutputBuffer The WdfRequestRetrieveOutputBuffer method retrieves an I/O request's output buffer. |
WdfRequestRetrieveOutputMemory The WdfRequestRetrieveOutputMemory method retrieves a handle to a framework memory object that represents an I/O request's output buffer. |
WdfRequestRetrieveOutputWdmMdl The WdfRequestRetrieveOutputWdmMdl method retrieves a memory descriptor list (MDL) that represents an I/O request's output buffer. |
WdfRequestRetrieveUnsafeUserInputBuffer The WdfRequestRetrieveUnsafeUserInputBuffer method retrieves an I/O request's input buffer, if the request's technique for accessing data buffers is neither buffered nor direct I/O. |
WdfRequestRetrieveUnsafeUserOutputBuffer The WdfRequestRetrieveUnsafeUserOutputBuffer method retrieves an I/O request's output buffer, if the request's technique for accessing data buffers is neither buffered nor direct I/O. |
WdfRequestReuse The WdfRequestReuse method reinitializes a framework request object so that it can be reused. |
WdfRequestSend The WdfRequestSend method sends a specified I/O request to a specified I/O target. |
WdfRequestSetActivityId The WdfRequestSetActivityId method associates an activity identifier with an I/O request. |
WdfRequestSetCompletionRoutine The WdfRequestSetCompletionRoutine method registers or deregisters a completion routine for the specified framework request object. |
WdfRequestSetInformation The WdfRequestSetInformation method sets completion status information for a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestSetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo The WdfRequestSetUserModeDriverInitiatedIo method indicates to kernel-mode drivers that sit below the UMDF driver in the same device stack that a particular request should be treated as though it came from a UMDF driver. |
WdfRequestStopAcknowledge The WdfRequestStopAcknowledge method informs the framework that the driver has stopped processing a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestUnmarkCancelable The WdfRequestUnmarkCancelable method disables cancellation of a specified I/O request. |
WdfRequestWdmFormatUsingStackLocation The WdfRequestWdmFormatUsingStackLocation method formats an I/O request by copying the contents of a specified WDM I/O stack location structure to the next stack location in the request. |
WdfRequestWdmGetIrp The WdfRequestWdmGetIrp method returns the WDM IRP structure that is associated with a specified framework request object. |
WdfSpinLockAcquire The WdfSpinLockAcquire method acquires a specified spin lock. |
WdfSpinLockCreate The WdfSpinLockCreate method creates a framework spin-lock object. |
WdfSpinLockRelease The WdfSpinLockAcquire method releases a specified spin lock. |
WdfStringCreate The WdfStringCreate method creates a framework string object and optionally assigns a specified Unicode string to the object. |
WdfStringGetUnicodeString The WdfStringGetUnicodeString method retrieves the Unicode string that is assigned to a specified framework string object. |
WdfTimerCreate The WdfTimerCreate method creates a framework timer object. |
WdfTimerGetParentObject The WdfTimerGetParentObject method returns a handle to the parent object of a specified framework timer object. |
WdfTimerStart The WdfTimerStart method starts a timer's clock. |
WdfTimerStop The WdfTimerStop method stops a timer's clock. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetConfiguredPipe The WdfUsbInterfaceGetConfiguredPipe method returns a handle to the framework pipe object that is associated with a specified USB device interface and pipe index. Optionally, the method also returns information about the pipe. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetConfiguredSettingIndex The WdfUsbInterfaceGetConfiguredSettingIndex method returns the alternate setting index that is currently selected for a specified USB device interface. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetDescriptor The WdfUsbInterfaceGetDescriptor method retrieves the USB interface descriptor that is associated with a specified alternate setting of a specified USB interface. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetEndpointInformation The WdfUsbInterfaceGetEndpointInformation method retrieves information about a specified USB device endpoint and its associated pipe. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetInterfaceNumber The WdfUsbInterfaceGetInterfaceNumber method returns the interface number of a specified USB interface object. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetNumConfiguredPipes The WdfUsbInterfaceGetNumConfiguredPipes method returns the number of pipes that are configured for a specified USB device interface. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetNumEndpoints The WdfUsbInterfaceGetNumEndpoints method returns the number of endpoints that are associated with a specified alternate setting of a specified USB interface. |
WdfUsbInterfaceGetNumSettings The WdfUsbInterfaceGetNumSettings method returns the number of alternate settings that a specified USB interface supports. |
WdfUsbInterfaceSelectSetting The WdfUsbInterfaceSelectSetting method selects a specified alternate setting for a specified USB interface. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceAllocAndQueryString The WdfUsbTargetDeviceAllocAndQueryString method allocates a buffer, then it retrieves the Unicode string that is associated with a specified USB device and descriptor index value. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreate The WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreate method creates a framework USB device object for a specified framework device object and opens the USB device for I/O operations. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateIsochUrb The WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateIsochUrb method allocates an isochronous USB request block (URB). |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateUrb The WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateUrb method allocates a USB request block (URB). |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateWithParameters The WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateWithParameters method creates a framework USB device object for a specified framework device object and opens the USB device for I/O operations. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceCyclePortSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetDeviceCyclePortSynchronously method power-cycles the USB port to which a specified device is attached. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForControlTransfer The WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForControlTransfer method builds a USB control transfer request, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForCyclePort The WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForCyclePort method builds a power-cycle request for the port to which a specified device is attached, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForString The WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForString method builds a request for the USB string descriptor that is associated with a USB device's string index value. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForUrb The WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForUrb method builds a USB request for a specified USB device, using request parameters that are described by a URB, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetDeviceDescriptor The WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetDeviceDescriptor method retrieves the USB device descriptor for the USB device that is associated with a specified framework USB device object. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetInterface The WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetInterface method returns a handle to the framework USB interface object that is associated with a specified interface index. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetIoTarget The WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetIoTarget method returns a handle to the I/O target object that is associated with a specified USB device. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetNumInterfaces The WdfUsbTargetDeviceGetNumInterfaces method returns the number of USB device interfaces that are supported by a specified USB device. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceIsConnectedSynchronous The WdfUsbTargetDeviceIsConnectedSynchronous method determines if the specified USB device is connected. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceQueryString The WdfUsbTargetDeviceQueryString method retrieves the Unicode string that is associated with a specified USB device and descriptor index value. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceQueryUsbCapability The WdfUsbTargetDeviceQueryUsbCapability method determines whether the host controller and USB driver stack support a specific capability. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceResetPortSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetDeviceResetPortSynchronously method resets the USB port that is associated with the specified USB device. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceRetrieveConfigDescriptor The WdfUsbTargetDeviceRetrieveConfigDescriptor method retrieves the USB configuration descriptor for the USB device that is associated with a specified framework USB device object. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceRetrieveCurrentFrameNumber The WdfUsbTargetDeviceRetrieveCurrentFrameNumber method retrieves the current USB frame number. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceRetrieveInformation The WdfUsbTargetDeviceRetrieveInformation method retrieves information about the USB device that is associated with a specified framework USB device object. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfig The WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfig method selects a USB configuration for a device, or it deconfigures the device. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceSendControlTransferSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetDeviceSendControlTransferSynchronously method builds a USB control transfer request and sends it synchronously to an I/O target. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceSendUrbSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetDeviceSendUrbSynchronously method sends a USB request synchronously to a specified USB device, using request parameters that are described by a URB. |
WdfUsbTargetDeviceWdmGetConfigurationHandle The WdfUsbTargetDeviceWdmGetConfigurationHandle method returns the USBD_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE-typed handle that is associated with the current configuration of a specified USB device. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeAbortSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetPipeAbortSynchronously method builds an abort request and sends it synchronously to a specified USB pipe. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeConfigContinuousReader The WdfUsbTargetPipeConfigContinuousReader method configures the framework to continuously read from a specified USB pipe. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForAbort The WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForAbort method builds an abort request for a specified USB pipe, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForRead The WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForRead method builds a read request for a USB input pipe, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForReset The WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForReset method builds a reset request for a specified USB pipe, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForUrb The WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForUrb method builds an USB request for a specified USB pipe, using request parameters that a specified URB describes, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForWrite The WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForWrite method builds a write request for a USB output pipe, but it does not send the request. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeGetInformation The WdfUsbTargetPipeGetInformation method retrieves information about a USB pipe and its endpoint. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeGetIoTarget The WdfUsbTargetPipeGetIoTarget method returns a handle to the I/O target object that is associated with a specified USB pipe. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeGetType The WdfUsbTargetPipeGetType method returns the type of a specified USB pipe. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeIsInEndpoint The WdfUsbTargetPipeIsInEndpoint method determines whether a specified USB pipe is connected to an input endpoint. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeIsOutEndpoint The WdfUsbTargetPipeIsOutEndpoint method determines whether a specified USB pipe is connected to an output endpoint. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeReadSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetPipeReadSynchronously method builds a read request and sends it synchronously to a specified USB input pipe. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeResetSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetPipeResetSynchronously method builds a reset request and sends it synchronously to a specified USB pipe. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeSendUrbSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetPipeSendUrbSynchronously method builds an USB request for a specified USB pipe, using request parameters that a specified URB describes. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeSetNoMaximumPacketSizeCheck The WdfUsbTargetPipeSetNoMaximumPacketSizeCheck method disables the framework's test of whether the size of a driver's read buffer is a multiple of a USB pipe's maximum packet size. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeWdmGetPipeHandle The WdfUsbTargetPipeWdmGetPipeHandle method returns the USBD_PIPE_HANDLE-typed handle that is associated with a specified framework pipe object. |
WdfUsbTargetPipeWriteSynchronously The WdfUsbTargetPipeWriteSynchronously method builds a write request and sends it synchronously to a specified USB output pipe. |
WdfVerifierDbgBreakPoint The WdfVerifierDbgBreakPoint function breaks into a kernel debugger, if a debugger is running. |
WdfVerifierKeBugCheck The WdfVerifierKeBugCheck function creates a bug check. |
WdfWaitLockAcquire The WdfWaitLockAcquire method acquires a specified wait lock. |
WdfWaitLockCreate The WdfWaitLockCreate method creates a framework wait-lock object. |
WdfWaitLockRelease The WdfWaitLockRelease method releases a specified wait lock. |
WdfWdmDeviceGetWdfDeviceHandle The WdfWdmDeviceGetWdfDeviceHandle method returns a handle to the framework device object that is associated with a specified WDM device object. |
WdfWdmDriverGetWdfDriverHandle The WdfWdmDriverGetWdfDriverHandle method returns a handle to the framework driver object that is associated with a specified Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver object. |
WdfWmiInstanceCreate The WdfWmiInstanceCreate method creates a WMI instance object that represents an instance of a WMI data provider. |
WdfWmiInstanceDeregister The WdfWmiInstanceDeregister method deregisters a specified instance of a WMI data provider from the system's WMI service. |
WdfWmiInstanceFireEvent The WdfWmiInstanceFireEvent method sends a WMI event to WMI clients that have registered to receive event notification. |
WdfWmiInstanceGetDevice The WdfWmiInstanceGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that is associated with a specified WMI instance object. |
WdfWmiInstanceGetProvider The WdfWmiInstanceGetProvider method returns a handle to the WMI provider object that is the parent object of a specified WMI instance object. |
WdfWmiInstanceRegister The WdfWmiInstanceRegister method registers a specified instance of a WMI data provider with the system's WMI service. |
WdfWmiProviderCreate The WdfWmiProviderCreate method creates a WMI provider object that represents a WMI data block. |
WdfWmiProviderGetDevice The WdfWmiProviderGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that is the parent of a specified WMI provider object. |
WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle The WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle method returns a handle to the event logger of a WPP software tracing session. |
WdfWmiProviderIsEnabled The WdfWmiProviderIsEnabled method determines if either data collection or event notification is enabled for a specified WMI data provider. |
WdfWorkItemCreate The WdfWorkItemCreate method creates a framework work-item object, which can subsequently be added to the system's work-item queue. |
WdfWorkItemEnqueue The WdfWorkItemEnqueue method adds a specified framework work-item object to the system's work-item queue. |
WdfWorkItemFlush The WdfWorkItemFlush method returns after a specified work item has been serviced. |
WdfWorkItemGetParentObject The WdfWorkItemGetParentObject method returns the framework object that a specified work item is associated with. |
WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR The WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR function writes a number of bytes from a buffer to the specified port. |
WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG The WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG function writes a number of ULONG values from a buffer to the specified port address. |
WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT The WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT function writes a number of USHORT values from a buffer to the specified port address. |
WRITE_PORT_UCHAR The WRITE_PORT_UCHAR function writes a byte to the specified port address. |
WRITE_PORT_ULONG The WRITE_PORT_ULONG function writes a ULONG value to the specified port address. |
WRITE_PORT_USHORT The WRITE_PORT_USHORT function writes a USHORT value to the specified port address. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR function writes a number of bytes from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG function writes a number of ULONG values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) writes a number of ULONG64 values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) writes a number of USHORT values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR The WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) writes a byte to the specified register address. |
WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG The WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) writes a ULONG value to the specified register address. |
WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG64 The WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG64 function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) writes a ULONG64 value to the specified register address. |
WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT The WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT function (wudfddi_hwaccess.h) writes a USHORT value to the specified register address. |
WriteToHardware The WriteToHardware method is used internally by the framework. Do not use. |
WUDF_INTERRUPT_DISABLE A driver's OnInterruptDisable event callback function disables a specified hardware interrupt. |
WUDF_INTERRUPT_ENABLE A driver's OnInterruptEnable event callback function enables a specified hardware interrupt. |
WUDF_INTERRUPT_ISR A driver's OnInterruptIsr event callback function services a hardware interrupt. |
WUDF_INTERRUPT_WORKITEM A driver's OnInterruptWorkItem event callback function processes interrupt information that the driver's OnInterruptIsr callback function has stored. |
WUDF_WORKITEM_FUNCTION A driver's OnWorkItem event callback function performs the work that is associated with a specified work item. |
IDriverEntry The IDriverEntry interface exposes the user-mode driver's main entry and exit points. |
IFileCallbackCleanup The framework can notify a driver when the driver should perform a cleanup operation. |
IFileCallbackClose The framework can notify a driver when the driver should perform a close operation. The driver can handle the notification by registering the IFileCallbackClose interface. |
IImpersonateCallback The IImpersonateCallback interface contains a method that handles impersonation. |
IObjectCleanup Any driver that stores a reference-counted COM interface to a WDF object must support the IObjectCleanup interface to prevent interface leakage. Note that drivers, in general, are not required to hold references to WDF objects. |
IPnpCallback The IPnpCallback interface is a Plug and Play (PnP) and power management (PM) interface. |
IPnpCallbackHardware The IPnpCallbackHardware interface is a Plug and Play (PnP) and power management (PM) interface. |
IPnpCallbackHardware2 The IPnpCallbackHardware2 interface exposes callback methods related to hardware. |
IPnpCallbackHardwareInterrupt The IPnpCallbackHardwareInterrupt interface supports interrupt-related Plug and Play and power management callback methods. |
IPnpCallbackRemoteInterfaceNotification A driver's IPnpCallbackRemoteInterfaceNotification interface provides a callback function that the framework calls to notify the driver when a device interface becomes available. |
IPnpCallbackSelfManagedIo The IPnpCallbackSelfManagedIo interface is a Plug and Play (PnP) and power management (PM) interface. |
IPowerPolicyCallbackWakeFromS0 A driver's IPowerPolicyCallbackWakeFromS0 interface provides callback functions that the framework calls to notify the driver about wake events. |
IPowerPolicyCallbackWakeFromSx A driver's IPowerPolicyCallbackWakeFromSx interface provides callback functions that the framework calls to notify the driver about wake events. These events are related to a device's ability to wake both itself and the system from a low-power state. |
IQueueCallbackCreate An I/O queue notifies a driver when an open file request is available for the driver. |
IQueueCallbackDefaultIoHandler The IQueueCallbackDefaultIoHandler interface contains a method that handles I/O requests that no other method is registered to handle. |
IQueueCallbackDeviceIoControl An I/O queue object notifies a driver when a device I/O control request is available for the driver. |
IQueueCallbackIoCanceledOnQueue The IQueueCallbackIoCanceledOnQueue interface is optional. Your driver can provide this interface if you want UMDF to notify the driver when an I/O request is canceled while it is in the driver's I/O queue. |
IQueueCallbackIoResume The IQueueCallbackIoResume interface contains a method that resumes the processing of an I/O request from a queue. |
IQueueCallbackIoStop The IQueueCallbackIoStop interface contains a method that stops the processing of an I/O request from a queue. |
IQueueCallbackRead An I/O queue notifies a driver when a read request is available for the driver. |
IQueueCallbackStateChange An I/O queue object raises an event when it changes state. A driver can consume the event by registering the IQueueCallbackStateChange interface. |
IQueueCallbackWrite An I/O queue object notifies a driver when a write request is available for the driver. |
IRemoteInterfaceCallbackEvent The IRemoteInterfaceCallbackEvent interface provides a callback function that the framework calls to notify the driver about device events that are associated with a device interface. |
IRemoteInterfaceCallbackRemoval The IRemoteInterfaceCallbackRemoval provides a callback function that the framework calls to notify the driver about the removal of a device interface. |
IRemoteTargetCallbackRemoval The IRemoteTargetCallbackRemoval interface provides callback functions that the framework calls to notify the driver about events that are associated with the removal of a remote I/O target. |
IRequestCallbackCancel A driver is notified when an I/O request that the driver is currently processing is to be canceled. |
IRequestCallbackRequestCompletion A driver implements the IRequestCallbackRequestCompletion interface to complete a request object. |
IUsbTargetPipeContinuousReaderCallbackReadComplete IUsbTargetPipeContinuousReaderCallbackReadComplete is a driver-supplied interface. |
IUsbTargetPipeContinuousReaderCallbackReadersFailed IUsbTargetPipeContinuousReaderCallbackReadersFailed is a driver-supplied interface. |
IWDFCmResourceList This interface represents a list of hardware resources for a device. |
IWDFDevice The IWDFDevice interface exposes a device object, which is a representation of a device on the system. |
IWDFDevice2 Drivers obtain the IWDFDevice2 interface by calling IWDFDevice::QueryInterface. |
IWDFDevice3 To obtain the IWDFDevice3 interface, drivers call IWDFDevice::QueryInterface. |
IWDFDeviceInitialize The IWDFDeviceInitialize interface is a helper interface that the framework supplies as an input parameter to the driver's IDriverEntry::OnDeviceAdd method. |
IWDFDeviceInitialize2 The IWDFDeviceInitialize2 interface is a helper interface that allows a driver to specify a preferred buffer retrieval mode and buffer access method. |
IWDFDriver The IWDFDriver interface exposes the framework driver object that represents the driver image that is loaded in the host process. |
IWDFDriverCreatedFile The IWDFDriverCreatedFile interface exposes a UMDF driver-created-file object for the driver to use. |
IWDFFile The IWDFFile interface exposes the file object that represents the HANDLE that is returned by the Microsoft Win32 CreateFile function. |
IWDFFile2 Drivers obtain the IWDFFile2 interface by calling IWDFFile::QueryInterface. |
IWDFFile3 Drivers obtain the IWDFFile3 interface by calling IWDFFile::QueryInterface. |
IWDFFileHandleTargetFactory The IWDFFileHandleTargetFactory interface is a factory interface that is used to create a file-handle-based target device object. |
IWDFInterrupt This interface exposes an interrupt object. |
IWDFIoQueue The IWDFIoQueue interface exposes an I/O queue object. |
IWDFIoRequest The IWDFIoRequest interface exposes an I/O request object. |
IWDFIoRequest2 To obtain the IWDFIoRequest2 interface, drivers call IWDFIoRequest::QueryInterface. |
IWDFIoRequest3 To obtain the IWDFIoRequest3 interface, drivers call IWDFIoRequest::QueryInterface. |
IWDFIoRequestCompletionParams The IWDFIoRequestCompletionParams interface exposes methods that drivers can use to obtain completion information about an I/O request. Drivers can call these methods after a synchronous or asynchronous I/O operation completes. |
IWDFIoTarget The IWDFIoTarget interface exposes the I/O target object that typically represents a lower driver in the stack. |
IWDFIoTarget2 To obtain the IWDFIoTarget2 interface, drivers call IWDFIoTarget::QueryInterface. |
IWDFIoTargetStateManagement The IWDFIoTargetStateManagement interface exposes methods that manage and monitor the state of an I/O target object. |
IWDFMemory The IWDFMemory interface exposes the framework memory object that provides access to a memory block. |
IWDFNamedPropertyStore The IWDFNamedPropertyStore interface exposes a property-store object. |
IWDFNamedPropertyStore2 Drivers obtain the IWDFNamedPropertyStore2 interface by calling IWDFPropertyStoreFactory::RetrieveDevicePropertyStore. |
IWDFObject The IWDFObject interface exposes the framework base object that provides the basic functionality common across all framework object types. All framework objects are derived from this root object. |
IWDFPropertyStoreFactory The IWDFPropertyStoreFactory interface is a factory interface that is used to create a property store interface. |
IWDFRemoteInterface UMDF drivers receive a pointer to this interface by calling the IWDFDevice2::CreateRemoteInterface method. |
IWDFRemoteInterfaceInitialize UMDF-based drivers receive the IWDFRemoteInterfaceInitialize interface as input to an IPnpCallbackRemoteInterfaceNotification::OnRemoteInterfaceArrival callback function. |
IWDFRemoteTarget To obtain the IWDFRemoteTarget interface, drivers call IWDFDevice2::CreateRemoteTarget. |
IWDFRequestCompletionParams The IWDFRequestCompletionParams interface exposes methods that drivers can use to obtain completion information about an I/O request. Drivers can call these methods after a synchronous or an asynchronous I/O operation completes. |
IWDFUnifiedPropertyStore The IWDFUnifiedPropertyStore interface exposes a unified property store. |
IWDFUnifiedPropertyStoreFactory The IWDFUnifiedPropertyStoreFactory interface is a factory interface that is used to create a unified property store interface. |
IWDFUsbInterface The IWDFUsbInterface interface exposes a USB interface that a USB device exposes. |
IWDFUsbRequestCompletionParams The IWDFUsbRequestCompletionParams interface exposes the parameters object for the completion of a USB request object. The parameters object is primarily required for asynchronous I/O and layered drivers. |
IWDFUsbTargetDevice The IWDFUsbTargetDevice interface exposes a USB device I/O target object. |
IWDFUsbTargetFactory The IWDFUsbTargetFactory interface is a factory interface that is used to create a USB target device object. |
IWDFUsbTargetPipe The IWDFUsbTargetPipe interface exposes a USB pipe (endpoint), which is also an I/O target. |
IWDFUsbTargetPipe2 The IWDFUsbTargetPipe2 interface exposes a USB pipe (endpoint), which is also an I/O target. |
IWDFWorkItem This interface exposes a work item object. |
UMDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS The UMDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure contains file-open parameters. |
UMDF_VERSION_DATA The UMDF_VERSION_DATA structure describes a version of the framework. |
WDF_CHILD_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION_HEADER The WDF_CHILD_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION_HEADER structure is a header structure that must be the first member of every address description structure. |
WDF_CHILD_IDENTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION_HEADER The WDF_CHILD_IDENTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION_HEADER structure is a header structure that must be the first member of every identification description structure. |
WDF_CHILD_LIST_CONFIG The WDF_CHILD_LIST_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a list of child devices. |
WDF_CHILD_LIST_ITERATOR The WDF_CHILD_LIST_ITERATOR structure identifies the type of child devices that the framework will retrieve when a driver calls WdfChildListRetrieveNextDevice. |
WDF_CHILD_RETRIEVE_INFO The WDF_CHILD_RETRIEVE_INFO structure contains information about a child device that is obtained by calling WdfChildListRetrieveNextDevice or WdfChildListRetrievePdo. |
WDF_COINSTALLER_INSTALL_OPTIONS The WDF_COINSTALLER_INSTALL_OPTIONS structure contains installation options that a framework-based driver's installer can specify to the framework's co-installer. |
WDF_COMMON_BUFFER_CONFIG The WDF_COMMON_BUFFER_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a common buffer. |
WDF_DEVICE_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DATA The WDF_DEVICE_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DATA structure describes a device interface property. |
WDF_DEVICE_PNP_CAPABILITIES The WDF_DEVICE_PNP_CAPABILITIES structure describes a device's Plug and Play capabilities. |
WDF_DEVICE_PNP_NOTIFICATION_DATA The WDF_DEVICE_PNP_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure describes a state change within a device's Plug and Play state machine. |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_CAPABILITIES The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_CAPABILITIES structure describes a device's power capabilities. |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_NOTIFICATION_DATA The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure describes a state change within a device's power state machine. |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS structure contains driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in the system working state (S0). |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_NOTIFICATION_DATA The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure describes a state change within a device's power policy state machine. |
WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_WAKE_SETTINGS The WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_WAKE_SETTINGS structure contains driver-supplied information about a device's ability to wake itself and the system, when both are in a low-power state. |
WDF_DEVICE_PROPERTY_DATA The WDF_DEVICE_PROPERTY_DATA structure describes a device property. |
WDF_DEVICE_STATE The WDF_DEVICE_STATE structure specifies a device's Plug and Play state. |
WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG The WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG structure supplies characteristics for a DMA enabler object. |
WDF_DMA_SYSTEM_PROFILE_CONFIG The WDF_DMA_SYSTEM_PROFILE_CONFIG structure describes the hardware-specific settings related to a system-mode DMA enabler. |
WDF_DPC_CONFIG The WDF_DPC_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a DPC object. |
WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG The WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG structure is an input parameter to WdfDriverCreate. |
WDF_DRIVER_VERSION_AVAILABLE_PARAMS The WDF_DRIVER_VERSION_AVAILABLE_PARAMS structure specifies major and minor version numbers for the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework's library. |
WDF_FDO_EVENT_CALLBACKS The WDF_FDO_EVENT_CALLBACKS structure contains pointers to a function driver's PnP event callback functions. |
WDF_FILEOBJECT_CONFIG The WDF_FILEOBJECT_CONFIG structure contains configuration information of a driver's framework file objects. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_CONFIG The WDF_INTERRUPT_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a device interrupt. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_EXTENDED_POLICY The WDF_INTERRUPT_EXTENDED_POLICY structure contains information about an interrupt's policy, priority, affinity, and group. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_EXTENDED_POLICY Learn how the WDF_INTERRUPT_EXTENDED_POLICY structure contains information about an interrupt's policy, priority, affinity, and group. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO The WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO structure contains information about a device's interrupt resource. |
WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO Learn how the WDF_INTERRUPT_INFO structure contains information about a device's interrupt resource. |
WDF_IO_FORWARD_PROGRESS_RESERVED_POLICY_SETTINGS The WDF_IO_FORWARD_PROGRESS_RESERVED_POLICY_SETTINGS structure contains information about specific actions that the framework can take when it receives an I/O request for your driver, if a low-memory situation exists. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG The WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a framework queue object. |
WDF_IO_QUEUE_FORWARD_PROGRESS_POLICY The WDF_IO_QUEUE_FORWARD_PROGRESS_POLICY structure contains driver-supplied information that the framework uses to enable guaranteed forward progress for an I/O queue. |
WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS The WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS structure contains parameters that the WdfIoTargetOpen method uses. |
WDF_IO_TYPE_CONFIG The WDF_IO_TYPE_CONFIG structure specifies the driver's preferred buffer access method for read and write requests, and for device I/O control requests. |
WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR The WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a memory buffer. |
WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES The WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure describes attributes that can be associated with any framework object. |
WDF_OBJECT_CONTEXT_TYPE_INFO The WDF_OBJECT_CONTEXT_TYPE_INFO structure describes a framework object's driver-defined context memory. |
WDF_PDO_EVENT_CALLBACKS The WDF_PDO_EVENT_CALLBACKS structure is the dispatch table for a bus driver's event callback functions. |
WDF_PNPPOWER_EVENT_CALLBACKS The WDF_PNPPOWER_EVENT_CALLBACKS structure contains pointers to a driver's Plug and Play and power event callback functions. |
WDF_POWER_FRAMEWORK_SETTINGS The WDF_POWER_FRAMEWORK_SETTINGS structure describes power management framework (PoFx) settings for single-component devices. |
WDF_POWER_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACKS The WDF_POWER_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACKS structure contains pointers to a driver's power policy event callback functions. |
WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_ROOT The WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_ROOT structure contains information that identifies a UMDF property store. |
WDF_QUERY_INTERFACE_CONFIG The WDF_QUERY_INTERFACE_CONFIG structure describes a driver-defined interface. |
WDF_REMOVE_LOCK_OPTIONS The WDF_REMOVE_LOCK_OPTIONS structure specifies options for acquiring a remove lock before delivering an IRP to the driver. |
WDF_REQUEST_COMPLETION_PARAMS The WDF_REQUEST_COMPLETION_PARAMS structure contains parameters that are associated with the completion of an I/O request. |
WDF_REQUEST_FORWARD_OPTIONS The WDF_REQUEST_FORWARD_OPTIONS structure contains options for requeuing an I/O request from a child device's I/O queue to the parent device's I/O queue. |
WDF_REQUEST_PARAMETERS The WDF_REQUEST_PARAMETERS structure receives parameters that are associated with an I/O request. |
WDF_REQUEST_REUSE_PARAMS The WDF_REQUEST_REUSE_PARAMS structure specifies information that is associated with a reused I/O request. |
WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS The WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS structure specifies options that are associated with sending an I/O request to an I/O target. |
WDF_TASK_QUEUE_CONFIG This WDF_TASK_QUEUE_CONFIG article is for internal use only. |
WDF_TASK_SEND_OPTIONS This WDF_TASK_SEND_OPTIONS article is for internal use only. |
WDF_TIMER_CONFIG The WDF_TIMER_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a framework timer object. |
WDF_USB_CONTINUOUS_READER_CONFIG The WDF_USB_CONTINUOUS_READER_CONFIG structure contains information that the framework uses to configure a continuous reader for a USB pipe. |
WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET The WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET structure describes a setup packet for a USB control transfer. |
WDF_USB_DEVICE_CREATE_CONFIG The WDF_USB_DEVICE_CREATE_CONFIG structure contains information that the framework uses to configure a framework USB device object. |
WDF_USB_DEVICE_INFORMATION The WDF_USB_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure contains version and capability information for a USB device. |
WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS The WDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS structure specifies USB device configuration parameters. |
WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS The WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SELECT_SETTING_PARAMS structure contains selection information for a USB interface. |
WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SETTING_PAIR The WDF_USB_INTERFACE_SETTING_PAIR structure specifies an alternate setting for a specified USB interface. |
WDF_USB_PIPE_INFORMATION The WDF_USB_PIPE_INFORMATION structure contains information about a USB pipe and its endpoint. |
WDF_USB_REQUEST_COMPLETION_PARAMS The WDF_USB_REQUEST_COMPLETION_PARAMS structure contains parameters that are associated with the completion of an I/O request for a USB device. |
WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_CONFIG The WDF_WMI_INSTANCE_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for an instance of a WMI data provider. |
WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_CONFIG The WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a driver's WMI data block. |
WDF_WORKITEM_CONFIG The WDF_WORKITEM_CONFIG structure contains information that is associated with a work item. |
WDFMEMORY_OFFSET The WDFMEMORY_OFFSET structure identifies a subsection of a memory object's buffer. |
WDFMEMORY_OFFSET The WDFMEMORY_OFFSET structure describes the location and size of information that is accessed within a memory block. |
WUDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS The WUDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS structure contains driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in the system working state (S0). |
WUDF_INTERRUPT_CONFIG The WUDF_INTERRUPT_CONFIG structure contains configuration information for a device interrupt. |
WUDF_WORKITEM_CONFIG The WUDF_WORKITEM_CONFIG structure contains information that is associated with a work item. |